Really nice interveiw w David Gest

I bought David's autobiography for £1 from the charity shop because he talks about MJ quite a bit. Lots of funny stories - some of which he hints at in this article. And it was from 2007 so to me it seems believable. I like David, he's really funny and doesn't take any crap. I imagine he was good for Michael. Give it a read if you happen to come across a copy.
I like David :yes:

that pancake story is in his book. I love his book- he's had an incredibly interesting life and he is very funny, and seems like a good friend.
great article thanks very much for posting it.

I remember reading the bit about Michael getting slapped a few days back whilst reading David's book, I've had the book for years but lost it :(

Now I've found it i've been enjoying reading it he is a really funny & great guy & seemed like a good & loyal friend to Michael, I've enjoyed reading all the funny stories about David & Michael, If you haven't got the book i'd recommend you do!

it's called simply the gest

a great read for any MJ fan
something about this is just....i dunno.

i mean michael faking his soft voice? you mean he really kept that whole act since the earliest of interviews?
all michael wanted was to just be himself, correct?
i dont see why he would put on a voice, what for so people can make up even more rumours about him?

i have heard him speak at time with a much deeper voice than usual, but not so much that i would second guess his genuinity.
im sure he was a good friend, but im not 100% convinced
sorry guys =(
I guess David Gest was in need of some money. And to get around this problem, use Michael Jackson like he has always done and sell a story about him.

Its funny but Michael's every move used to be recorded by the paparazzi but I never saw him with any of these "Friends" (apart for the usual people like Liz Taylor). And I don't remember Gest talking about this "Friendship" when the trial was going on. He's just a fraud.
I guess David Gest was in need of some money. And to get around this problem, use Michael Jackson like he has always done and sell a story about him.

Its funny but Michael's every move used to be recorded by the paparazzi but I never saw him with any of these "Friends" (apart for the usual people like Liz Taylor). And I don't remember Gest talking about this "Friendship" when the trial was going on. He's just a fraud.

well said!
I guess David Gest was in need of some money. And to get around this problem, use Michael Jackson like he has always done and sell a story about him.

And I don't remember Gest talking about this "Friendship" when the trial was going on. He's just a fraud.

David did support him during the trial. He gave a very good interview to Fox:

Jackson's Long-Time Friend David Gest Speaks Out,2933,103652,00.html
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No one wonders sth like "I hardly see pictures of Michael and Lisa dating,how the hell they got married?".

So far I haven't seen David talk bad about Michael,so why don't we just enjoy the interview and stop saying stuffs we don't know?
David Gest is Tito's friend, and just a friend of Michael's through Tito. I'm sure David Guest knew Michael well, but think David Guest was of more of a very trusted associate than a real close friend of Michael's.
did you read his book???

I bought David's autobiography for £1 from the charity shop because he talks about MJ quite a bit. Lots of funny stories - some of which he hints at in this article. And it was from 2007 so to me it seems believable. I like David, he's really funny and doesn't take any crap. I imagine he was good for Michael. Give it a read if you happen to come across a copy.

great article thanks very much for posting it.

I remember reading the bit about Michael getting slapped a few days back whilst reading David's book, I've had the book for years but lost it :(

Now I've found it i've been enjoying reading it he is a really funny & great guy & seemed like a good & loyal friend to Michael, I've enjoyed reading all the funny stories about David & Michael, If you haven't got the book i'd recommend you do!

it's called simply the gest

a great read for any MJ fan

but the voice!!???

its like calling him a fake!
ok a lil overboard there lol, but as if hed go putting it on...come on now!
Wow, I'm glad to know Michael was interested in Henry VIII too. The wives, gruesome beheadings and stuff are fascinating...
something about this is just....i dunno.

i mean michael faking his soft voice? you mean he really kept that whole act since the earliest of interviews?
all michael wanted was to just be himself, correct?
i dont see why he would put on a voice, what for so people can make up even more rumours about him?

i have heard him speak at time with a much deeper voice than usual, but not so much that i would second guess his genuinity.
im sure he was a good friend, but im not 100% convinced
sorry guys =(
Same here.. I feel the same.

Like I don't believe this bullshit about Michael speaking in a lower tone. Is just silly.