Real Reason For Thriller Re-Re-Release?

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Dangerous Incorporated

Is the real reason Thriller has been re-re-released because MJ wants to solidify Thriller as THE no. 1 album period and keep The Eagles at bay? MJ strives on competition and success and it serves another purpose in having the world remember why MJ is great before hitting them with another ground-breaking album which will show the kids today how its done. Just my 2 cents.
Of course money is the reason for Essentials, No 1s, The Ultimate Collection, Special Editions, but as for T25 I believe it has several purposes and 1 I believe is to outdo The Eagles. MJ wont be satisfied with biggest selling artist, he wants biggest selling album, period.
well,thriller IS the biggest selling album worldiwde... just not in US. And Thriller is always acknowledged as biggest selling album anyway. And probably if you even asked people what biggest selling album in US is, they'd also still say Thriller... for once common misunderstanding is FOR MJ.
It's only in the U.S. that Eagles beat Thriller.

World-wide Thriller in number 1. That should be known by now, especially with MJ fans lol..
It's just a promotion tool for Michael before his new album..

Primarily getting his music out to a younger generation.. Many Akon, Fergie, Kanye West, and fans bought and heard the CD for the first time.. Being introduced to the REAL Michael Jackson. (HIS MUSIC)
It's just a promotion tool for Michael before his new album..

Primarily getting his music out to a younger generation.. Many Akon, Fergie, Kanye West, and fans bought and heard the CD for the first time.. Being introduced to the REAL Michael Jackson. (HIS MUSIC)

thank u........
As I said in my first post that it serves several purposes.

1) Promotional
2) Solidify Thriller
3) Money
WEEEELLLLLLLLL, I hope that this does make MJ number one in the U.S>, because it makes me SOOOOOO MAD when here in the US, the media writes articles and they call "thriller" the no. 2 selling album!!!!!!

I always think: US sells shouldn't count! It should be worldwide sales! It doesn't matter where someone lives if they buy a cd, cause they are still a person, and they bought Michael Jackson's cd!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

PLEASE LET THRILLER BE THE NUMBER ONE ALBUM IN BOTH THE U.S. AND WORLDWIDE!!!! (wait, has it surpassed the Eagles sales yet?)
I would not really think that the drive was money AT ALL..

for these reasons.. (in order)

1) They did not expect it to sell the way it did. Sony sent a press released saying how happy they were that it sold as much it did.

2) Considering they were not expecting it to sell as it did, they STILL SPENT so much money (for a re-release) including making and paying for a 'Thriller' superbowl commercial.

3) There are MANY other MJ compilations they could have made that would have made them much more money

4) It had multiple cover styles, all of which. (especially the zombie collectors) COSTS more money to make the album case then a normal album case. They would not get the most out of each dollar as possible.
It's only in the U.S. that Eagles beat Thriller.

World-wide Thriller in number 1. That should be known by now, especially with MJ fans lol..

what is the point in saying that an album is not number 1 in one country, when it is number 1 in the world? it doesn't make any's a statement reserved for sticks in the mud who want to view MJ as a loser, in some way shape or form, even if it's in vain. if it's number 1 in the world, it's number 1 in the usa, whether it is or 'isn't'. and...why does any MJ album get released or rereleased? first people try to make MJ a guinea pig, then they look for a weakness..then they see that the flow always works in his favor..then they look for where at least THEY can make money off of him,without exerting any faith, if they can't beat him. meanwhile..i listened to that 'money' song from beginning to end. nobody can resist an MJ song from any album...and people buy all his difference does it make what angle people are coming from? most likely, Sony wanted to re re realease thriller. most likely it didn't matter to MJ. His music is poweful...he's gonna win, no matter what focus anyone, yay or nay puts on him, as long as he has that type of talent, and such.
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1) They did not expect it to sell the way it did. Sony sent a press released saying how happy they were that it sold as much it did.

Of course they did. They're not going to say, yeah we knew it was going to sell that many and be egotistical about it.
2) Considering they were not expecting it to sell as it did, they STILL SPENT so much money (for a re-release) including making and paying for a 'Thriller' superbowl commercial.

I dont think it cost Sony as much as you think it did to re-release Thriller. When Michael Jackson makes a new album, it can cost up to US$60m in production to make as we know from Invincible. The only thing Sony had to pay for with T25 is the packing which they could afford to be a little elaborate with this time as they already got there money back from the original sale of Thriller so this was just going to be an additional profit. And they made T25 a little more flashy than T:SE as they wanted to get the kids attention with the new songs on there with top current younger artists the kids identify with. Sony can afford a Superbowl commercial as they made more than their money back with Thrillers original release.
3) There are MANY other MJ compilations they could have made that would have made them much more money

Sony have already sold as many variations of MJs catalogue as possible that T25 was there only option left at this point. Being Thrillers Silver Anniversary it was fitting to release it before MJs new album.
4) It had multiple cover styles, all of which. (especially the zombie collectors) COSTS more money to make the album case then a normal album case. They would not get the most out of each dollar as possible.

As I stated above, it wouldnt cost Sony that much to create elaborate covers seems that Sony doesnt have to pay for production costs like a new album.
1.To celebrate the 25th Anniversary. I would've been insane not to recognize the occasion

2.To bring positive publicity to Michael again
there is no way SONY a company that RUNS a music empire would think for a second that a 25 year album, re-released would make a good amount of money.. It's a multy BILLION dollar company..

What is a few million sales going to do...???

that's why it's not for the money
there is no way SONY a company that RUNS a music empire would think for a second that a 25 year album, re-released would make a good amount of money.. It's a multy BILLION dollar company..

What is a few million sales going to do...???

that's why it's not for the money

That contradicts some of your earlier comments though buy saying that Sony could have released other compliations and made more money from that. Well despite already releasing every variable compilation of MJs, they still would only sell a couple of million which is what ALL albums these days are selling. Albums dont sell that much any more and any new album these days only sells a couple of million. They get there money back also through d/l mostly these days too. They know Thriller would sell as it has done so for the past 25 years. Thriller is the ONLY album Sony knew would make money and they didnt have to and wouldnt spend the amount of money on T25 promotions unless they knew that money would be made back (depsite the fact that Sony made more than there fair share already from Thriller over the past 25 years). You see it was only until a few years before T:SE that Thriller was the only MJ album that was still the full price of a CD because Sony knew that Thriller was MJs No 1 best seller and therefore got the most money out of every purchase. Money is the motivation for ALL Sonys dealings. Thats just business and how they are now part of the ATV catalogue. They know what they're doing and wouldnt do it unless it also benifted them otherwise they wouldnt have distributed it.
I'm not buying the driving force of Thriller 25 was for money.. not by a long shot..

And there is no way you can say that SONY expected Thriller to sell the way it did.. Going to #1 in most of the world.. PLEASE!!!!

They have underestimated Michael for far too long to think that a 25 year old album would get that acceptance, especially after everything..

with Invincible they did not think Michael could sell as well, so they did not provide what MJ asked for because they thought it would be losing money..

If they thought Michael would make them the money MICHAEL could really. They would have been on board for all of the projects Michael had planned.. From releasing Unbreakable as the first single, with a 20 minute short film/movie as planned to all the other stuff that fell through..


that's where the problem was with MJ and SONY..

Michael knew with the financial support towards the projects it would SELL, but they thought it was a financial RISK..

What THRILLER 25 did AFTER it's release was PROVE to SONY he can still sell like crazy.
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I'm not buying the driving force of Thriller 25 was for money.. not by a long shot..

And there is no way you can say that SONY expected Thriller to sell the way it did.. Going to #1 in most of the world.. PLEASE!!!!

They have underestimated Michael for far too long to think that a 25 year old album would get that acceptance, especially after everything..

with Invincible they did not think Michael could sell as well, so they did not provide what MJ asked for because they thought it would be losing money..

If they thought Michael would make them the money MICHAEL could really. They would have been on board for all of the projects Michael had planned.. From releasing Unbreakable as the first single, with a 20 minute short film/movie as planned to all the other stuff that fell through..


that's where the problem was with MJ and SONY..

Michael knew with the financial support towards the projects it would SELL, but they thought it was a financial RISK..

What THRILLER 25 did AFTER it's release was PROVE to SONY he can still sell like crazy.

I have to disagree with you again. The reason Invincible didnt sell was because Tommy Mottola pulled the plug on the albums promotions. Sony as a company knows that ANYTHING Michael Jackson sells hence all the compilations. Sony had no reason to think Invincible wouldnt sell seems HIStory had sold well plus Sony wouldnt have put up the $60m to make Invincible and would want there money back plus profit so they should have wanted to help Invincible sell however Tommy Mottola had another agenda and sabotaged Michaels plans such as not releasing the singles MJ wanted plus canceling the Unbreakable short film as you said.

Sure Sony probably didnt think it would go know 1 again but they knew it would do reasonably well enough to make money otherwise they wouldnt do. Plain and simple. This is why there is soooo much sh!t on the charts these days as its about producing and marketing enough images to make money. And here they have someone in MJ who is universal and ultimately successful thats why the reproduce his catalogues continually. Easy money.

Now Im not saying that money is the sole reason for T25 at all. Its just 1. Because if theres no money in it, its not going to happen.

The other reasons for its re-release is the main one being a promotional tool for further MJ projects. Plus I also believe that somewhere in either MJ or Sony, they want Thriller to be No1 in the US seems it appears the the US media is the only country that still needs to really be put in its place it terms of Thriller and everything MJ related really.
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It was re-released to celebrate an anniversary of a great album. That's basically it... least that's how I look at it and yeah for younger kids to know who Michael really is.
It was re-released to celebrate an anniversary of a great album. That's basically it... least that's how I look at it and yeah for younger kids to know who Michael really is.

exactly. thats the reason it was released. no other reason. when bush asked mike about it on access he said he hadnt thought about it and was focused on creating not RE-creating. when an anniversary like his rolls round you gotta celebrate in some way.
exactly. thats the reason it was released. no other reason. when bush asked mike about it on access he said he hadnt thought about it and was focused on creating not RE-creating. when an anniversary like his rolls round you gotta celebrate in some way.

Of course the actual 25th anniversary its self is a reason but Sony wouldnt pay for packaging and distribution unless they were certain of some sort of cash return. Business dont make products for the hell of it. MJs intentions would have been to celebrate 25 years but also wont mind earning some extra cash for his work he did 25 years earlier. Thats my point to this thread in that there was more than just the celebration of 25 years.
Of course the actual 25th anniversary its self is a reason but Sony wouldnt pay for packaging and distribution unless they were certain of some sort of cash return. Business dont make products for the hell of it. MJs intentions would have been to celebrate 25 years but also wont mind earning some extra cash for his work he did 25 years earlier. Thats my point to this thread in that there was more than just the celebration of 25 years.

Michael Jackson = money

Bottom line, they didn't have to do extra, lol.
Dangerous Incorperated -

Every Business venture has to do with money.. EVERY SINGLE ONE

We can sit here and make every business choice Sony, Michael, or anyone else made about money..

Yes Sony could make a little money re-releasing Thriller.. and?? They would not COME UP with the idea BECAUSE of money.. the MONEY is the result of a good plan..

U think Sony heads were sitting in there office..

"You know, we could really use an extra 20 or so million dollars. How can we do it? Oh I know lets re-release Thriller, and we can get some extra change."

NO!!! lol! THRILLER 25 was NOT released BECAUSE of money..

They don't need to re-release Thriller to make some money.

But yes, we can make ANY business choice about money.. EVERY aspect of it..

If it was not for MONEY, SONY would not exhist.. But they did not come up with the idea of Thriller to make money.. U know how LITTLE Thriller 25 will make them compared to how much they HAVE???
Dangerous Incorperated -

Every Business venture has to do with money.. EVERY SINGLE ONE

We can sit here and make every business choice Sony, Michael, or anyone else made about money..

Yes Sony could make a little money re-releasing Thriller.. and?? They would not COME UP with the idea BECAUSE of money.. the MONEY is the result of a good plan..

U think Sony heads were sitting in there office..

"You know, we could really use an extra 20 or so million dollars. How can we do it? Oh I know lets re-release Thriller, and we can get some extra change."

NO!!! lol! THRILLER 25 was NOT released BECAUSE of money..

They don't need to re-release Thriller to make some money.

But yes, we can make ANY business choice about money.. EVERY aspect of it..

If it was not for MONEY, SONY would not exhist.. But they did not come up with the idea of Thriller to make money.. U know how LITTLE Thriller 25 will make them compared to how much they HAVE???

I never said T25 was released soley because of money. I said it was 1 of 3 reasons all which Ive posted earlier. Of course they wanted to celebrate Thrillers 25th Anniversary but unless they knew they were going to make a profit on T25, it would never have come to fruition.
^^ well ya.. OK then..

they would NEVER release anything if they were going to lose, or no gain...

I was just saying, that's not the 'drive' behind the project..