Randy's Wednesday Night Tweets Regarding the Album...

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A lot of you are contradicting yourselves. I've seen the same people defending the family, rip them to shreds when they said Michael had a drug problem. I've seen the same Jackson family supporters, rag and berate members of the Jackson Family when they said impersonators were used in the TII film, then I've seen those same people praise the family when one of them says "My brother's death is a huge conspiracy". Funny, seems many of you only support the family when what they say coincides with your own belief and opinion. It's widely known that Michael and members of his family didn't always see eye to eye, and had a bunch of legal disputes within each other, now because they say the vocals are fake, their shady history is quickly dismissed by some of you?...Not trying to be rude, just speaking on what I've seen on this forum.

Now, on to the whole fake vocals thing, fact of the matter is, if that is the case, what Sony is doing is a crime, a crime which can be penalized in a court of law. The situation is as simple as this, The family thinks the vocals are fake, they file a lawsuit and they take it to court. Why haven't they done that yet? Do they have doubts that what they're saying may not be true at all? What's the issue?? Answer that Randy.
the whole family including randy annoys me soooooooo much. what do they want? i wont pay any attention to them anymore.
I never believed the family. Sorry. I know too much not to believe them.

Indeed fans are switching sides all the times.
Same goes with their opinion about the entire Michael album. This is just sad.

Some fans think about big controversial conspiracy plans. Please...
If Sony would want the other 50% of the ATV Catalog, they would probably just BUY it?

And saying the family has no gain in saying all this stuff about Sony and the Estate?
Wake up... People with nothing to lose, do whatever they can to survive. With their own royalties? Other opportunities that eventually may rise? They are trying hard to build something for their selves, over Michael and his kids...

Saying Sony has everything to gain for putting FAKE VOCALS ON A SERIOUS MICHAEL JACKSON ALBUM?
So WHAT do they have to gain? BAD publicity? Distrust? Lawsuits? Their name being slandered?

"In 2009, Jackson's U.S. album sales and sales of track-equivalent albums (or TEA, where 10 digital tracks equal an album) totaled 9.5 million units, accounting for 7% of Sony's total sales in 2009 and 41.5% of Epic's sales."
Suuureee Sony hates that artist. Would do everything to destroy his "legacy".

And as a matter of fact, no they aren't facing any lawsuits, because probably, Sony would win them all. With I guess, good reasons too. And about the Jacksons, I personally think it is SO SAD to fight to Sony and the Estate over TWITTER. C'on! Aren't they all grown ups?! GO TO COURT IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY AND PROVE!

"The Jacksons in Barking Dogs don't bite"

The Jacksons ALWAYS claimed SO much about Michael. They should get their own paychecks cashed, instead. And if that's hard for them, then don't slander your brother who (still) DOES make money.
LaToya in 1993: "I know Michael sexually abused that kid". Joe Jackson & family 2009: "This isn't Michael in This Is It, they used a double! They used fake vocals too!"
As a matter of fact, all/most the things they always claimed, came out to be UNTRUE. The ONLY time they openly supported MJ was during the 2005 trial.

Ok I know, this is my opinion. There are people that keep making a lot of fuzz about stuff that ISN'T really there! It is driving me crazy, and that is why I openly give you my two cents, first time since BN got released.

And no, I will not be ashamed if things appear to be different, but I highly doubt it.

I'm not even trying to provoke discussions. I'm just a little bit fed up and HAD to write this.
Hate me or love me, I don't really care :)
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I believe everything Randy said- not everyone has a double motivation, and what he said resonates with how I've seen things going on too. People who speak the truth against big companies get their name smeared.. which seems to be what's happening with 3T and Randy. I support them because they're right- everyone is trying to make $ off Michael and not caring what the quality is... you can see this left and right. You can tell some in the family have Michael's back 100%. For me, I trust 3T the most. Only his own children do I trust more than 3T.

This exactly how i feel, I support this post all the way.
I dont even know what the point of that twitter "conference" was... He didnt say anything we didnt know before, and said a lot of stuff we know to be wrong.
The estate and Sony are in this for the money? REALLY??? Good then, coz thats their jobs, they're not charities.
The contract is for 10 projects, not 10 albums over 7 years...
Michael himself said he had a lot of unfinished songs, b/c he recorded a lot of material for each album ( see anti sony speech in London)
Michael did NOT have good relationships with all members of his family, he didnt see them very often, and didnt work with them. Most of them have been living with Katherine for years, and we all know who paid the bills of the Encino compound.
Again, I find it weird, to use twitter if u have revelations to make. How about a press conference? An official statement? Or if you're really sure about the facts... why no lawsuit? I guess we can wait on that.
They are so outraged about Michael's legacy, but the kids were on O, and KJ signed a contract with H. Mann and Vintage Pop. Irony and contradiction.
People like to point out how Michael's relationship with his family was less than stellar. True. However let me point out that his relationship with Sony, McClain and all (Branca too was fired for a while) has been less than stellar too.....
Dont get me wrong, I'm not believing one side over the other here. So far, I've reached a point where I dont believe anybody anymore, unless they show me proof of what they're saying. They're all guilty until proven different. That's the situation they have all created as far as I'm concerned.
The only one I would trust in this is Janet.
I am so sick and tired of reading posts complaining about Michael's family when they are trying to stand up and do what's right.

Someone criticized Randy and the family for not going to court if the vocals are fake. Do you forget - the attorneys have the final say regarding Michael's music. The family has no rights. The court would rule if it were in the best intrist of the children and that would be that.

Whoevere keeps bringing up past mistakes that anyone in Michael's family made needs to stop and remember that is his family and who are we judge.

As for whatever statements concerning an impersonator being in This Is It- did you ever think that maybe they edited the person out if so it were true? Or is it easier for us to believe it was a lie?

I don't know what all is going on but we all know something is wrong when the fans are divided about the authenticity of Michael's vocals. The family and their thoughts are irrelevant c,oncerning this. It is more than obvious that if it is Michael's voice on BN it's been altered and compressed. Why? Who would wanna change perfection?

Imagine if there were people working for Sony being paid to go to fan sites and convince us to just shutup, sit back and wait for the C.D.

What if the estate needed the amount of money projected to payoff the debt on Sony AtV and Sony is holding the money waiting to claim a huge loss when they print and ship CD's the general public may not accept because of the lukewarm reception of BN.

What if Sony the CD to fail and prevent the family from paying off the debts and simultaneously destroy Michael's name?

What if it's all for money and Sony just neglected to care for the artist, the man Michael Jackson and his legacy?

What if right now today, tonight wherever you are you had the opportunity to make a difference- a change and you let that moment slip by... What then?

Randy spoke up and people ridicule him for possible or not past mistakes. Michael forgave him we need to too.

But no, we are far too busy choosing sides of who and what we want to be right instead of analyzing the big picture. We need to come together, no matter which side we stand, wse need to take a stand and not allow others to influence us not to fight for what is right. If someone working for Sony is here, expect them to do just that, to ridicule the family, to insult things of protest and even try to turn us against eachother.

Some say support CD, some say boycottt it, some say boycott everything Sony but the CD... We need to figure out what Michael would want us to do for him. I don't know how to do that but I know Sony should pay for it's games.

I plan to boycott everything Sony except Michael's CD, but if need be I'm willing to sacrifice that as well because above getting a CD out the artist needs to be respected and if they don't want to respect him- we'll make them.

Please stop trying to tear Michael's family to peices. I know he would not want that.
Randy is wrong and he read some things that he wrote in the tabloids. It is not 10 new albums in 7 years it is 10 projects in 7 years and probably only 3 new albums. There are enough tracks for 3 albums of previously unreleased material but Sony wanted the most recent tracks on the first album, and that tracks are not finished (like RedOne tracks like Cascio tracks..) will.i.am refused to give his tracks that are almost 100% finished for some unknown reason and because of that they had to use Cascio tracks (Michael's demo tapes mixed with James Porte vocal guide). That is the whole story. On the future releases we will get some older tracks from various eras and we will get a duet album (probably RedOne tracks and other most recent tracks) where MJ sings the first verse and the chorus and some big names in music will be singing the second verse and duet with Michael in chorus. Things are not perfect but there is no conspiracy and I think that the Estate are doing a great job keeping Michael's legacy alive. Remember there are only 10-12 Cascio tracks and if they release more than 10-12 then we will react. Remember Sony choose this tracklist and not the Estate! We can be happy that we are getting any MJ new material..
*sigh* Leave it to Randy and his twitter account to try to blow the whole fake songs controversy wide open again...

Look, if they are really so concerned about the vocals on the album or about the way MJ's legacy is being handled by the Estate/Sony then they should put their energy into taking those matters to court instead of tweeting about them all the damned time. Because the fake vocals thing in particular is punishable by law. Am I wrong in thinking that Mrs. Jackson has a say in the decision-making of the Estate? If so, then why haven't we heard anything from her yet? There are only reports on her opinion -- no official statements or (God forbid) social media rants.

So, yeah, I'm not buying it. And with that I mean Randy's self-important I'm-gonna-set-up-a-twitter-chat-and-reveal-the-truth-and-this-story-has-not-ended-things-are-still-unfolding bullshit. I can't wait for the album.
I'm not picking sides anymore on all of this, since no one is even bothering to show any proof on the matter.

I just find it strange that Randy tweets that the family don't see eye to eye with John Mclain as well when Jackie himself tweeted about " Him and his friend John Mclain" while talking about some of the vocals.
I'm sorry but that makes it seem to me that Randy is out of the loop on the matter.
If he doesn't even know that then what does he know?
Or maybe something happened behind the scenes.
Not to mention how he explained a "ten album deal" which is not true.

I am always willing to give the family the benefit of the doubt but when I see them stating things that we know aren't correct then I'm not going to skip over that just because they are family. The truth needs to come out whatever that may be.

I don't think it's fair that they seem so willing to destroy the credibility of the Estate by bringing up things like this but in the mean time forgetting about all of the great projects the estate have started. (The cirque show, Vision, etc.)
Also found it quite interesting that he skipped right past the Oprah interview questions.
Funny how the family never seem to anwser in regards to that but are more than happy to discredit others. Even the nephews ignore that question. Why is that?
Makes me trust them less when they try and ignore things about their own family but are more than happy to discredit other people.

I don't trust anybody on this matter and other matters anymore.
Everybody seems shady in their own right. It sucks that this is the way it's going to have to be from now on.
Seems to me the truth is probably somewhere in the middle of all of this.
Blah! Blah! Blah! At all sides! Had about enough of the infighting! It all a damn shame! I only payed attention to MJ anyways! Since he is not here, I trust only myself to make a decision regarding anything that has to do with he's products that they take out in his name to whether buy it or not and that's that! So over it!
I must say, that i believe Randy.
This remark bothers me the most:

randyjackson8 Randy Jackson
They could care less about why and how he died, or maybe they already know
32 minutes ago

Are we dealing with vampires here and murder that planned all this just to get money off a dead icon?! It seems like it. At least something is very wrong here and Randy knows it!
I didn't need randy or any of the jacksons to tell me that those songs are fake... I trust my ears ,it will be a disaster if those songs added to MJ's music catalogue
Blah, blah, blah and money makes the world go round...
I won't say anything more about Randy because I don't have any respect left for him and for many other members of the family!
I just want Michael, Prince, Paris and Blanket to be in peace and well!
I must say, that i believe Randy.
This remark bothers me the most:

randyjackson8 Randy Jackson
They could care less about why and how he died, or maybe they already know
32 minutes ago

Are we dealing with vampires here and murder that planned all this just to get money off a dead icon?! It seems like it. At least something is very wrong here and Randy knows it!
Or maybe he doesn't know anything. Realistically, anyone can say something like that. A fan could have said something like that and many have, but that doesn't mean they have any proof of it or that they're right. And just because Randy is family, doesn't mean he has any answers.
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I must say, that i believe Randy.
This remark bothers me the most:

randyjackson8 Randy Jackson
They could care less about why and how he died, or maybe they already know
32 minutes ago

Are we dealing with vampires here and murder that planned all this just to get money off a dead icon?! It seems like it. At least something is very wrong here and Randy knows it!

I hate to be blunt but in your case I am going to. It is not the senate's job to care or worry about how Michael died. There said it like it or not that is how it is, It is the job of the estate to make money and do well for the sake of Michael's children and that is exactly what they are doing. It should be the job of Michael's family to care about how he died calling him a drug addict, trying to see belts with his image on it, doing your best to ruin his album, calling saying his movie is done by impostors, doing your best to invalidate his will keeping his will in probate longer by filing these silly stupid petitions to remove the executors is they have been doing they could care less about how Michael died. Michael's legacy is Michael's children and binding to a contract to a porn producer shows me that no one even cares that. And I will say it until it happens if they really fee this way do something about action speak louder then words
Someone criticized Randy and the family for not going to court if the vocals are fake. Do you forget - the attorneys have the final say regarding Michael's music. The family has no rights. The court would rule if it were in the best intrist of the children and that would be that.

Totally wrong

If there's fraud (fake vocals) and forgery (wrong credits, lying experts reports etc) they have every right to sue.

There's not a single court in the world that would say "as you are the executors and as the money goes to the children you can lie and cheat other people". That just not possible. Being an executor doesn't give you a free pass to break the laws.
I am staggered that there are some fans that still think those bogus tracks are sung by Michael Jackson. Staggered. Fans like those deserve to be lied to. As someone pointed out somewhere else, '...not being able to recognise the voice of someone you claim to have loved for decades etc? It defies belief really...'

Defies belief!
PS. they have no right to sue until people have paid for a Michael Jackson product and have not received a Michael Jackson product. Only when the financial transaction takes place does it become 'fraud'.
PS. they have no right to sue until people have paid for a Michael Jackson product and have not received a Michael Jackson product. Only when the financial transaction takes place does it become 'fraud'.

You are talking about a normal consumer - you and I can't sue until we are sold a fake product.

but Katherine and the kids are the beneficiaries of the estate. even 3T are contingent beneficiaries. If the executors are taking part in an illegal action she can sue them and even get them removed. She can also put a stop on (at least a temporary stop) projects as long as she has a valid claim. Estate is still in probate and a judge still oversees the business deals. For example they went to court to speak against the memorabilia tour saying that Michael wouldn't want it. and remember how the judge didn't approve the deals without hearing Katherine's objections.
I read Randy's words and all I see is a man who is STILL upset that he is not in charge of Michael's estate. In my opinion, that's all this is about, and that's all this has been about since day one.

I figured that the new album and the Oprah appearance would be a topic of discussion, but what happened to Randy addressing the issue about the MANN CONTRACT and the fact that Michael's children were basically being "sold" for 25%? Did no one ask him a question about that or did he just ignore any questions regarding the Mann contract, because Sony and the Estate is all he is concerned about? I wonder!

He talks about the Estate making money before HE put his brother in the ground, but didnt' certain members of the Jackson family make money from the British tabloids before Michael was properly buried? I'm just asking.

He also forgot to mention that it was the ESTATE who paid up the mortage on the home his mother (and his children) live in, so now she doesn't have to worry about that any longer.

Randy says that he got SICK when he heard about the Sony deal. Why in the world would that make him sick? I wonder if he got just as sick when he heard about the 25% MANN DEAL, that involves his "beloved" brothers 3 young, innocent children.

Bottomline, Sony/Estate are bad guys and in Randy's mind, HE should be in-charge!
I didn't need randy or any of the jacksons to tell me that those songs are fake...
Neither do I.
And neither do most of us. We knew from second 1 of BN something was wrong. I don't need ANYONE telling me to believe this or that in this case. I trust my hears and yes, my heart (fool as that might be for so many).

Randy should know best before doing this kind of things.
First, these are not 10 ALBUMS, but 10 PROJECTS, which is completely different. We ALL know Michael used to overrecord a lot over the years. He talked about this so many times. And we have already heard some of his real songs (such as "Much too soon") and there is simply NO WAY Randy would get me to reject the song.

He didn't say anything really new. He just go around spreading rumors. Did he say something for real about Oprah? Nothing! And he used that to attrack people to his "conference". What was the point in doing that? Just to get attention.

I know twitter has been used by people under dictatorships to spread the truth, but this is simply so silly. His brother Jacky used Twitter to say the album was great... to then say he and his pal McClain asked to leave out the Cascio songs.


And regarding the armed guards to protect the record and McClain didn't allowing the family any near... well... Jacky was there. And I guess after LaToya took MJ's hard drive with songs back in June 2009 and have to ask for it to be returned, it's easy to see why things are going this way!!

Really... these people.... :ermm:

FACTS AND ACTIONS, Jacksons. that's what's needed!!! No more shadows an innuendo :doh:
You are talking about a normal consumer - you and I can't sue until we are sold a fake product.

but Katherine and the kids are the beneficiaries of the estate. If the executors are taking part in an illegal action she can sue them and even get them removed. She can also put a stop on (at least a temporary stop) projects as long as she has a valid claim. Estate is still in probate and a judge still oversees the business deals. For example they went to court to speak against the memorabilia tour saying that Michael wouldn't want it. and remember how the judge didn't approve the deals without hearing Katherine's objections.

Thanks so much for this explanation, Ivy.
i got one thing to say to randy,

if your that honourable and clean where is my and hundreds of thousands of other fans $50 you took from us for mjjsource.

Until i get my hard earned money back you will not have an ounce of support from me.
^^ this
I got one thing to say to Randy,

If your that honourable and clean where is my and hundreds of thousands of other fans $50 you took from us for MJJSource.

Until I get my hard earned money back you will not have an ounce of support from me.

You rock Gaz, you rock!!!! :punk::punk::punk::punk::punk::punk:
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