Randy Jackson: Money, That's Not What I Want

look at katherine , she is named as a beneficiary but what applies to her does not apply to the kids . she won't eventually inherit anything but the kids will . still she was named a beneficiary of the trust because she will benefit somehow from it . the same goes for anyone else , if any jackson was to get anything at anytime from the trust , he would be then considered a beneficiary and he should have been NAMED by mj as a beneficiary . hope that makes it clear now .

Also my understanding of things
soso , a beneficiary is a beneficiary whether he is gonna end up with the whole trust or will get one dollar from that whole trust .

the beneficiary of the TRUST , should be named in the will , in the sealed trust mj stated how he wanted his estate to be managed , what assests he own , his loans , when the kids inherit the estate, what conditions if any they have to meet in order to inherit ...everything , but the benefiuciaries are known and named in the will .

if he wanted to give his nephews and nieces anything , he would have named them as beneficiaries of his estate . they clearly are not