R. Kelly Tribute Video--It's a Good One

Amazing, thanks so much.

This is a great tribute, it made me cry at the end where it shows Michael as an angel from YANA next to the picture of Paris.. and the words he sings.. "Remember he's still here... Remember daddy's still here."
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AWWWWW.... Amazing... Thanks for share ... And Thank you R. Kelly..
I've listened to this a couple more times now and I totally think that Kellz wrote the song specifically for Michael's children. *sniff*

Don't say goodbye to me
There is no need to
Don't say goodbye to me
Because I'm still with you
Don't say goodbye to me
Don't shed a tear
Because I'm. . .still. . .here

Go light a candle
And say a prayer
Scream out 'Victory'
Because love is still there
Smile at the memories, yeah
All through the years
Because I'm still here

Take all I've given you
Keep it inside
And when you feel lonely
I'm right by your side
And when the storm comes, yeah
Have no fear
Because I'm still here

So walk with your head up
And be strong
Just remember that you're not alone
I'm smiling down on you, my dear
Remember, Daddy's. . .still. . .here
It´s really nice ,but now the tears are coming again
It´s not fair, why wasn´t Michael allowed to do a single this is it show..........
Like someone on youtube just commented 'heartbreakingly beautiful' :cry:

It's even more poignant that they sow the clip of Mike dancing in the car to Ignition and all the crowd at the concert laugh and cheer at him.....and then the tribute...oh lord....
:cry:, Oh god that was so beautiful. I love it when Michael is dancing to ignition, that was funny. And the YANA alone image with paris. :boohoo:
I didnt expect much but this was touching, my hearts starts racing when everyone started screaming when Michael made those moves in the car. I thought I wouldnt cry but I did... Just when I see his beautiful face pictures and videos put together it hits me how much he is missed. Well chosen footage, so beautifully put together.

Its nice to see stars doing their own versions of tributes, R Kelly did his thing and Beyonce sang Halo amazingly to MJ.
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Thank you for sharing and Thank you so much R.kelly.
How beautiful.....:cry: I started crying..
Thanx for posting Cherubim. I don't watch many tribute videos cuz I know I'll end up crying, but I had to watch this. I'm crying.

R.Kelly did the tribute with his previous songs all through this summer while performing in Africa and ever since he started the US tour, he's been doing this special segment at every single show. He was born in 1967 and grew up with Michael's music, looking up to him as he grew up in Chicago's Southside ghetto. I believe Michael helped him to believe in himself and follow his dreams, esp. as a fellow black man doing it big.

Thank you Robert.

P.S. I hope the tribute song will be released in the near future.
the tears came back .. miss you , Michael :( oh geez, i´m so sad right now..
:cry:, Oh god that was so beautiful. I love it when Michael is dancing to ignition, that was funny. And the YANA alone image with paris. :boohoo:

I loved the cheers of the crowd at the ignition part. Only Michael could make a crowd scream in uproar when all he's doing is moving in the car, not even dancing really.

I feel ya on the YANA part:better:, that was a sweet touch
I've listened to this a couple more times now and I totally think that Kellz wrote the song specifically for Michael's children. *sniff*

Don't say goodbye to me
There is no need to
Don't say goodbye to me
Because I'm still with you
Don't say goodbye to me
Don't shed a tear
Because I'm. . .still. . .here

Go light a candle
And say a prayer
Scream out 'Victory'
Because love is still there
Smile at the memories, yeah
All through the years
Because I'm still here

Take all I've given you
Keep it inside
And when you feel lonely
I'm right by your side
And when the storm comes, yeah
Have no fear
Because I'm still here

So walk with your head up
And be strong
Just remember that you're not alone
I'm smiling down on you, my dear
Remember, Daddy's. . .still. . .here

I agree....seems like it is talking directly to the children. I just hope he releases it.