R. Kelly Speaks - On BET


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey people. *sigh* I said that I was never going to do another thread on R. Kelly after that laughable verdict back in June. I lied... sort of. I was listening to the radio this morniing and they mentioned that R. Kelly is doing this big interview with BET that will air tonight at 10PM EST. Toure, (you know that fool that has SideShow Bob's hair-do) will do the interview. Here is the link to the special:


More information:


Posted Sept. 12, 2008 - For the first time since his trial ended, R. Kelly sits down one-on-one with BET News. Get the answers to the questions you’ve been asking for years.

Don’t miss this one-on-one exclusive Tuesday at 10 p.m. (ET/PT).

R. Kelly, the multi-platinum Grammy Award-winning artist and producer is a man of many talents. He’s topped the charts with No. 1 hits and albums and penned songs for the likes of Celine Dion. Kelly is the go-to guy for remixes and has maintained prolific output and success since he first hit the scene in the early 1990s

On the flip side and since 2002, the crooner has been embroiled with allegations of child pornography after the Chicago Sun-Times received a videotape that allegedly showed Kelly engaged in graphic sexual acts with a young, teenage girl. Kelly was arrested and charged with multiple counts of child pornography-related offenses. Both Kelly and the alleged victim maintained they were not the ones on the tape. Complicating matters further for the hit-maker were past allegations that Kelly had a history of sexual relationships with under-aged women and had also settled civil suits covering these up.

This spring and over six years after first being charged, R. Kelly’s case went to trial where he faced 14 charges of child pornography and up to 15 years in prison if convicted. The month-long trial centered on whether Kelly was the man on the videotape and whether a female who also appears on it was underage. After less than a day of deliberations, the jury found the R & B star not guilty on all charges.

Despite his legal woes over the years and setbacks, R. Kelly has maintained a massive following of fans and support. In short, it’s been business as usual. Since the charges first surfaced in 2002, he has sold more than 12 million records. His musical output hasn’t slowed and his popularity has arguably grown. To set the record straight, Kells sits down with BET’s Toure to talk about the trial, his life and future.

So, Toure talked about the interview when he was promoting it and he stated that if you are an R. Kelly fan you should watch the interview. He said that he asked R. Kelly a question, a yes or no question really that went like this: "Do you like teenage girls?" Toure said that R. Kelly did not say "no" to that answer. "Wow" is really all I can say.

Since this is another R. Kelly thread (again) I have some rules, because I know that we MJ fans get very angry and emotional when it comes to this R. guy and things of that nature.

1. Please try to watch the special. Don't react until you watched the special.

2. Don't mentioned MJ unless it has to do with how the media covered both of their trials.

3. No matter what we think of the situation, it is out of our hands. The man was found not guilty. Just try to keep that in mind when discussing this.
He said that he asked R. Kelly a question, a yes or no question really that went like this: "Do you like teenage girls?" Toure said that R. Kelly did not say "no" to that answer. "Wow" is really all I can say.
Bee, if you went 'round and asked the male population this question, what results and percentages do you frankly expect to get?

this discussion is getting tired.

"Gettin pi**ed on was the least of my worries at 15." Negro you ain't lying :rofl:

Anyway, all jokes aside, yes. I WILL watch this special. :yes:
Hey people. *sigh* I said that I was never going to do another thread on R. Kelly after that laughable verdict back in June. I lied... sort of.

Well, regardless of how innocent or guilty Kelly is, the whole case was pretty much ruined in that both Kelly and the alleged victim said that they were not the ones in the tape. The big key witness had no proof, the family of the alleged victim could not come to an agreement....

There has to be no reasonable doubt, and I think there was.
Bee, if you went 'round and asked the male population this question, what results and percentages do you frankly expect to get?

this discussion is getting tired.

LOL. I do not know if that was a joke or a for real comment so I will say this - what grown man would admit that they like teenage girls to begin with? You know what I mean?

Well, regardless of how innocent or guilty Kelly is, the whole case was pretty much ruined in that both Kelly and the alleged victim said that they were not the ones in the tape. The big key witness had no proof, the family of the alleged victim could not come to an agreement

True but I still feel the way I feel. You have to admit, his "obsession" with teenage girls is very distrubing.

Well, let's see what happens tonight.
Bee, if you went 'round and asked the male population this question, what results and percentages do you frankly expect to get?

this discussion is getting tired.

lol aint that the truth ? most of the hardcore porn material features 18 and 19 year old girls.
real pedos like children (under the age of 13) and not teens.
r.kelly prefers young girls over mature experienced women. so what ? lots of men do. doesnt make them pedos for God's sake. child molestation is a very very serious issue and we should not throw it out there like that like its nothing. i'm very sensitive about this issue and i hate it that ppl get obsessed over stupid cases like this when the real child molesters are out there laughing at us. r.kelly is not a pedo even if he has slept with teen girls under the age of 18. he broke the law ? sure he did. but is he a pedo ? hell NO!

btw im glad that he got acquitted.

"When you say teenage, how old are we talkin'?"

really, Arruh? REALLY?

*drops mic and walks out*
I don't get the big deal.

Yeah, he's lying, but he's saying "Yeah, I like legal teenage girls". I don't get what the big deal is over the interview. I actually thought he handled himself pretty well. He made valid points. Like when he said "The people who said those things about me were fired". He mentioned how those people will run with the first thing they hear. If R. Kelly was accused of shoplifting tomorrow, five former employees would find a way to come up with stories of how he shoplifted from gas stations while with them.

So yeah, I believe Kelly is guilty, but I still think he handled himself well and I don't get what was so damning about the interview.

"When you say teenage, how old are we talkin'?"
LMFAO. "I have some 19 year old friends."

In all seriousness, I think he handled himself well. I really don't think he's changed opinions with this one, but he did better than expected, lol.
Bee, if you went 'round and asked the male population this question, what results and percentages do you frankly expect to get?

this discussion is getting tired.

Man, that was ****ing golden. I miss Dave.

Also, I'm turning 20 next month, and for some reason I don't think I'm going to magically stop being attracted to teenage girls. Not 13/14, but many girls are already there physically at 15 to attract adult males. Many of them could pass for a few years older and dress like they already are. Physical maturity is tricky that way. That's CERTAINLY not to say it's okay for a grown man to engage with someone that age, but as far as the "I see a hot girl" human attraction goes, it's normal.

I can see R. Kelly not totally distancing himself from being into teenagers because it would come off as disingenuous. Most fellas watching the interview at home would likely think, "Man, shut the **** up." Hopefully, he also specified that he would never do anything like that with someone underage lol.

That's all. I haven't been following his scandal closely enough to really have an educated opinion, honestly.

EDIT: LOL, my post reminds me of the lecture my bus driver gave us in high school for calling him creepy for always commenting on how hot girls passing by were. I still say it was creepy of him to flippantly talk about it like that, but whatev. That guy was old, too. I miss him. Good times.
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just sad all the way around. must of been a harrowing ordeal...i mean it's not lik ehe worked while out on bail and did concerts and went on tour....wait....scratch that.
Toure: They said that they're concerned that you like underage girls.
Kelly: Let me put it to you this way, man. It's unfortunate that people who don't work for me says that the people that do work for me don't say that, and the people who don't work for me were fired. If you have someone work for you and they're mad ’cause they're not working for you anymore and used to getting a certain amount of money or a certain amount of fame because they work for you, because you're famous, and all of a sudden they mess you around and you let them go — anything that comes up about you, they're gonna run and say, "Yeah, he did that to me! I knew this, too, about him." But you really can't, you know — I don't want you, I want my fans: Do not list to the people that was fired. Don't even listen to the people that was hired. Listen to the facts, and get into what you think and make your own opinion. If you're gonna have an opinion about me, have your own opinion of what you think about me. What you definitely don't do is go by somebody that was fired and mad and pissed off about you because they were fired.

Toure: But your brother Carey was not fired. He's your brother

Kelly: He was fired

Toure: But he's still your brother.

Kelly: Doesn't matter. He's still my brother, but if he's so my brother [then] why'd he get fired?

Toure: Why did he get fired?

Kelly: I can't get into that. … Unfortunately, it's like this: When you're me, when you're R. Kelly, everybody wants a piece of you, and if you don't give 'em a piece they'll find a way to get a piece of you one way or the other. I've been blackmailed a billion times in my career — before the trial, during the trial, after the trial — I've been sued for stuff that … ridiculous things. At one point in my life, I was an ATM machine. People would come up and push whatever, and if it don't come out they'll go tell somebody this or they'll go run and say this, run and say that. I'm used to that. I'm, you know — you don't get used to it. Let me take that back. I'm not used to it, but I'm used to the fact I know people will do this, sometimes even your own family members. I don't hate no one of 'em, but I know a lot of people will be out to get me ’cause I'm very vulnerable, man, especially during a seven-year trial.

funny haha....the same brother woh got pissed cuz r(ah) said that he didn't know of any tape..then confronted w/ the tape cuz he had screen caps from it on a laptop said that it was hi sbrother....hmmmmmmmm so brother speaks out and gets fire...i mean, he can't divulge y carey was fired
just sad all the way around. must of been a harrowing ordeal...i mean it's not lik ehe worked while out on bail and did concerts and went on tour....wait....scratch that.

So him doing shows and making music is proof that it wasn't harrowing for him?
LOL. I do not know if that was a joke or a for real comment so I will say this - what grown man would admit that they like teenage girls to begin with? You know what I mean?

True but I still feel the way I feel. You have to admit, his "obsession" with teenage girls is very
Well, let's see what happens tonight.

does this also ring true for you ??
your statement remined me of many that stated the same thing in another case

True but I still feel the way I feel. You have to admit, his "obsession" with young boys is very
what a waste of time...what have we learned Robert Kelly is a pedophile.....we already knew that though....was he "setting the record straight" I guess he figures everyones stupid....
I dont think Kelly handled the interview well.
His responses were blundered which tells me he was trying too hard
to make his answers "sound good." The only thing he said that I would have
said "BRAVO" to was, "I'm guilty of being innocent" or something like that.
and that's only cuz he made it "sound good."
There was one other thing but I cant think of it right now.:mello:
I dunno. It's kinda hard NOT to pass some judgement.
what a waste of time...what have we learned Robert Kelly is a pedophile.....we already knew that though....was he "setting the record straight" I guess he figures everyones stupid....
I think it is so sad that we throw the word Pedophile around and make it so easily accessible. Pedophiles used to be people who desires children under the age of 12., not teenagers. Children under 12 are easily suggestible and are easily preyed upon. These children needs protection and when we use the word inaccurately, we leave these children vulnerable and the preditors get protected to carryon with their crimes.
RKelly is not a pedophile. he was never charged with pedophilia. He was charged with having unlawful sex.
The law is a real problem as it stands. The teenage girl can have sex with a teenage boy, and can be sexually active with him, but if she prefers to have an older man he is doomed even when she desires him.
The case with RK, if we are to believe that the girl on the tape was underage, ie, under 18, would suggest to me that the girl was very comfortable with being with RK and therefore had no desire to testify againt him, cause she didn't feel that she was being violated.
Teenage girls have always been attracted to older men throughtout history. Wasn't the virgin Mary bethroyed to adult Joseph, her cousin.
The world is full of teenage girls going with, having baby's with or marrying adult men. I know many teenage girls who fell in love and married adult men., Some in my own family. All are still living happily ever after. And yes, they were under 18, but there was no law telling them that it couldn't happen. Here in britain, the age of concent is 16, so it isn't illegal for a grown man to go with a 16 year old.

In my view, the RKelly case should have never gone past the preliminary stage. That R.Kelly was on the tape, was not illegal. The problem that the prosecution had was they couldn't prove that the girl on the tape with him was under age. They needed to know who the girl was and they didn't know. They tried to prove one woman who denied it. The moment she said it wasn't her, that had reasonable doubt written all over it. Case dismissed.
TYhe jury did the right thing. The moment we start arguing with the courts decision and put pressure on them to convict, be careful that you don't get the same justice when your time comes up in court.
I think it is so sad that we throw the word Pedophile around and make it so easily accessible. Pedophiles used to be people who desires children under the age of 12., not teenagers. Children under 12 are easily suggestible and are easily preyed upon. These children needs protection and when we use the word inaccurately, we leave these children vulnerable and the preditors get protected to carryon with their crimes.
RKelly is not a pedophile. he was never charged with pedophilia. He was charged with having unlawful sex.
The law is a real problem as it stands. The teenage girl can have sex with a teenage boy, and can be sexually active with him, but if she prefers to have an older man he is doomed even when she desires him.
The case with RK, if we are to believe that the girl on the tape was underage, ie, under 18, would suggest to me that the girl was very comfortable with being with RK and therefore had no desire to testify againt him, cause she didn't feel that she was being violated.
Teenage girls have always been attracted to older men throughtout history. Wasn't the virgin Mary bethroyed to adult Joseph, her cousin.
The world is full of teenage girls going with, having baby's with or marrying adult men. I know many teenage girls who fell in love and married adult men., Some in my own family. All are still living happily ever after. And yes, they were under 18, but there was no law telling them that it couldn't happen. Here in britain, the age of concent is 16, so it isn't illegal for a grown man to go with a 16 year old.

In my view, the RKelly case should have never gone past the preliminary stage. That R.Kelly was on the tape, was not illegal. The problem that the prosecution had was they couldn't prove that the girl on the tape with him was under age. They needed to know who the girl was and they didn't know. They tried to prove one woman who denied it. The moment she said it wasn't her, that had reasonable doubt written all over it. Case dismissed.
TYhe jury did the right thing. The moment we start arguing with the courts decision and put pressure on them to convict, be careful that you don't get the same justice when your time comes up in court.

one of the best posts i've ever read. period.

in my view people under 18 should not have sex because they're not ready physically and psychologically. but here it comes: many of the underage teens DO have sex.it happens everyday. if those individuals are not going to have sex with an adult then they're going to with some other teen. the real problem is that their parents have not taught them the right way and they begin having sex, smoking and drinking in a young age. its parents duty to teach their young teens sons and daughters these important things and lead them to the right way. if they dont then their kids end up doing things that they're not supposed to be doing yet. if its not with an adult its going to be with someone their age. that doesnt matter. what matters is the action itself. the society seems to have gotten it all wrong. they go nuts when they hear their kid had sex with an adult but they think its all good when they hear their kid had sex with someone his/her age ? thats just plain crazy and wrong. they miss the point and they seem to have missed where the real problem lies.
The 'problem' is that an adult is just that..
An adult is, (I hope), aware of actions and their consequences, while a teen is still developing mentally and still have a lot to learn about life.
A teen may not mind having sex, as it's happening, but they may come to regret it later.. feeling violated.

Also.. R. Kelly isn't the guy next door; He's famous, which just adds to the fascination.
He's in a position of power. Something he should not exploit.

There is a Huge difference, between a teen having an experience with a peer, and having it with a much older person.
The peer is more likely on the same level. The Adult has seen more, done more, wants more.

The 'problem' is seduction, luring, the possibility of exploiting innocence.
Teens should be able to develop and experience things in their own time.
Not to say that peer pressure doesn't exist, but growing up is difficult enough, without adding the desires of adults to the mix.

Just because a body has the equipment to perform an act, doesn't mean that the mind is ready.
It doesn't mean, the mind understands the emotional and psychical consequences that follow.
Hey people. *sigh* I said that I was never going to do another thread on R. Kelly after that laughable verdict back in June. I lied... sort of. I was listening to the radio this morniing and they mentioned that R. Kelly is doing this big interview with BET that will air tonight at 10PM EST. Toure, (you know that fool that has SideShow Bob's hair-do) will do the interview. Here is the link to the special:


More information:


So, Toure talked about the interview when he was promoting it and he stated that if you are an R. Kelly fan you should watch the interview. He said that he asked R. Kelly a question, a yes or no question really that went like this: "Do you like teenage girls?" Toure said that R. Kelly did not say "no" to that answer. "Wow" is really all I can say.

Since this is another R. Kelly thread (again) I have some rules, because I know that we MJ fans get very angry and emotional when it comes to this R. guy and things of that nature.

1. Please try to watch the special. Don't react until you watched the special.

2. Don't mentioned MJ unless it has to do with how the media covered both of their trials.

3. No matter what we think of the situation, it is out of our hands. The man was found not guilty. Just try to keep that in mind when discussing this.

You can request, but you can't set rules. As long as folk are following the rules set by the forum, all comments are welcomed. If folk are violating the rules of this forum, hit the 'report post' button.
lol aint that the truth ? most of the hardcore porn material features 18 and 19 year old girls.
real pedos like children (under the age of 13) and not teens.
r.kelly prefers young girls over mature experienced women. so what ? lots of men do. doesnt make them pedos for God's sake. child molestation is a very very serious issue and we should not throw it out there like that like its nothing. i'm very sensitive about this issue and i hate it that ppl get obsessed over stupid cases like this when the real child molesters are out there laughing at us. r.kelly is not a pedo even if he has slept with teen girls under the age of 18. he broke the law ? sure he did. but is he a pedo ? hell NO!

btw im glad that he got acquitted.

I think it depends on your point of view.

And the laws of the land.

Personally speaking, I find it disturbing when older men prey on teenagers, regardless of the law. It speaks to a lack of maturity on their part -- among other things.

Not sure why you are sensitive about this, unless of course, you are a teenager who is sexually involved with a 35 year old...
and superstition, whatever.....this dude is a straight up pedo. went from a smut artist, to inspiration, backto smut...he'll get his. the interview only made it worse....

I wouldn't call R. Kelly's early work "smut". His live shows weren't any worse than someone like Madonna or someone else risque. I don't see what his artistic style of music have to do with the allegations.

Just to be clear here, I'm not on R. Kelly's side. The guy obviously has an attraction to young girls, I'm more or less just defending his interview. I don't think he answered anything poorly or whatnot. He said he likes young girls of legal age and when asked about it, he made sure he clarified. He didn't lie.
his interview was a mess. hell, even folks who were down for him said he messed itup by asking for clarification of teenager...lol

it's like he was thumbing his nose at everything. r(ah) doesn't care about anyone but himself. not his wife, his kids, or his family. the fact thta he'd be willing to blame his brother when it's HE who has the track record of settling cases w/minors is disgusting...

and to stop a response in thebud to post above....the difference is no one knew his ass settled cases so he didn't have a target on his back like others beforehim.
Okay, and on the flipside, others have said he handled himself just fine. It's R. Kelly, opinion is going to be split right down the middle. The guy said he likes teenagers who are legal. He could've just said "No, I don't like teens". he was being honest and said yeah, he likes young girls who are of age. I certainly don't think it helped him, but at least he's being somewhat honest. He likes 18 and 19 year olds.
Not sure why you are sensitive about this, unless of course, you are a teenager who is sexually involved with a 35 year old...

i meant i am sensitive about the child molestation issue.

And the laws of the land.

Personally speaking, I find it disturbing when older men prey on teenagers, regardless of the law. It speaks to a lack of maturity on their part -- among other things.
each to their own i guess. others might find it disturbing when they find out that a 25 year old is sexually involved with a 24 year old instead of a 25. others again might find all the sexual relationships before marriage disturbing.
all he had to say is that he doesn't have sex w/ people that are underage...it's that simple. so what if he's attracted to the 18-20 age bracket? a lot o fmen are and he could've pointed out that both hustler and playboy have marketed very successful mag franchises from 'barely legal' to 'finally legal' so it' snot just him out there that find that attractive.

but him pointing out the question and trying to disect it made him look suspect.
and asking Toure what does he mean by "underage"?

That's not what he said. I see what you're saying, but I think that's a poor part of the interview to focus on. "Do you like teenagegirls?" "What do you mean when you say teenage girls?". Underage and young are two different things. R. Kelly admitted he likes young girls, but made it clear he does not like underage girls.

Yes, we know that's not true. I probably come off like I'm holding up for him in here when I'm actually not, I just don't think this particular interview really did anything one way or the other for him.
BEE,i already got on that poster about the mj comment so follow ur own rules...no mj! lmao

actually, i went to sev sites where people were defending his ass and the interview just made it assdamn worse forhim.

sorry but friends are one things, jump offs are quite another an dhe knows this.....

wow, sorry but lusting over an 18yr old is just as disgusting as lusting over a 16 yr old...only difference is one is stat rape and the other is robbing the cradle.

the man slept w/ his damn goddaughter.....his wife is only w/ him for the money...she don't even be w/ his ass and funny how his kids aren't on blast since the dad's been accused.

he's foul. he knew it was him and the interview made him look shady. just like him claiming in prior interviews he knew nothing of the tape and blaming his brother. shady as hell