Quincy speaks to Michael on the phone.

Quincy also did the background music for Bad along with helping Michael with the concept of the video

Alright. But majority wise, Quincy has nothing to do with Michael's visual artistry. I know "Bad" was based off of a true story, with some modefications.
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Makes me depressed thinking about how times have changed.
You shouldn't be depressed. savour the memories and consider how much MJ achieved. He achieved the impossible dream. He is at a good place and his music is being revived as we speak. He is going to bring it one more time and this time he will wake up the dead just like Thriller did.
right agree.

I also love watching videos like this because it has shown that MJ HASN'T changed NEARLY as much as people say. :D

I agree...I've always regarded him as a very sweet person.. and .. being as I am a female....seeing him taking care of that snake .. makes my mind
wonder... thinking .. he must be a great lover...........


back on topic...

yes, it was nice seeing the video,.. thanks for posting...
This was really nice to watch. It just made me think, "Yep! Things are going to be A-OK!"

The person that brought this vision to life has just put out the anniversary album to this and it's doing very well. And right now, at this present moment in time, he is quietly working on something else. The same man in this video is at work again and he has gone completely underground!! Just gone!!

I am lovin' this sooooo much!! This is SO exciting!!

I love it when you get like this, Michael! :lol: :flowers:
MJ has such a dry sense of humour and he keeps a straight face so that if you are not alert you could miss it. I thought it was funny when MJ tell how people got out if their car to come and see his llamas. As if they would come out just to see his animals and not him. AND he tell it with such a straight face, that you almost think he really believes that.
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I agree...I've always regarded him as a very sweet person.. and .. being as I am a female....seeing him taking care of that snake .. makes my mind
wonder... thinking .. he must be a great lover...........


back on topic...

yes, it was nice seeing the video,.. thanks for posting...

Michael just comes across as the nicest person ever. That's what everyone who know's him says too. He's just genuinely nice, and a lot of people can't really say that about themselves, lol.
I agree...I've always regarded him as a very sweet person.. and .. being as I am a female....seeing him taking care of that snake .. makes my mind
wonder... thinking .. he must be a great lover...........


back on topic...

yes, it was nice seeing the video,.. thanks for posting...

Oh my Rasta.....your blood is beating to fasta! HOT DOG!! LOL...:D

O.k., :unsure: -_- what I just said was kinda lame but....I can see what you mean as many of us other women can. :wub:
never knew there was another making of to thriller than the released one.
thanks for posting!
If it wasn't for Quincy, Off The Wall, Thriller, and Bad would've sounded quite different. Quincy's influence is VERY obvious on those albums. His input on those albums is very important.

Quincy may be the past, but he's still just as relevant as Michael, because talent is timeless:cool:

I see your point but it is obvious that Quincy does not feel the same way that he did about MJ these days. When he talks about the days of Thriller, he barely gives credit to MJ and then he sounds bitter when he talk about it. He has some issues that he has not resolve with MJ and I have an issue with that. Like whisper stated so well, Q said that he did not know MJ the man. How can you work on three cds with a man you knew since he was a kid and not know the man? I mean, please. Also, MJ created the magic that was OTW, Thriller and Bad with the help of Qunicy. That is a fact. Without MJ, those CDs would have flopped. Yeah, I believe that Q bought out the best of MJ but MJ would have bought the best of himself with just about any producer who is talented.