Quincy Jones to hold tribute to Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' in Bermuda, stars to participate

Had Quincy not said all the crazy azz junk he said about MJs kids after MJ died - ack. I dunno.

I LOVE QUINCY. But he put out some very harsh judgment out there on MJs kids, when a few of his kids are just as "white" as his own.

What exactly did Q say about MJ's kids? Was it that Michael didn't want black kids?

When are people going to realize that all interracial kids do not look the same?

i watched a chinese TV station which interviewd Quincy,he said MJ didn't want to be blanck man.his words were:"But he obviously didn't want to be black" and he didn't believe mj had disease which changed his skin colour.

I believe he did say the same thing to DETAILS magazine; that Michael didn't want to be black and that he had bleached his skin. :smilerolleyes:

Ok, found it. Ummm. . . I don't know what to say.

Here it is in Spanish-->

Q: Did competition exist between you two?

A: (I am paraphrasing since I am not a native speaker) Obviously not. I have worked with Louis Armstrong, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Billie Holiday, Aretha Franklin, and Ray Charles. You think I could have felt jealous of Michael Jackson? Michael did not have much talent. He was great, but he is not in the league of those that I mentioned.

So if this article is true, then EPIC FAIL to Quincy Jones. Still talking smack about Michael. What the heck is wrong with this man?????? He has a HUGE ego, IMO. What is Quincy's problem with Michael?

IMO, Michael IS of that caliber (Armstrong, Sinatra, Holiday, Charles, etc) but of Michael's genre which pop/R&B/rock. Quincy was comparing Michael to all jazz and soul artists. Two different genres of music. Plus, obviously jazz is Quincy's first love, not pop and R&B. So Quincy's comment is sort of misleading and doesn't make sense.

He did say that Michael had called him after his concerts had sold out in London and that he was doing it for his children. He did also say that all the ideas from 'Off the Wall' were Michael's.

If the article is correct, I really don't understand why Quincy can't keep Michael's name out of his mouth. What is the purpose of badmouthing and insulting a dead man? Michael has never said anything bad about Quincy.

Mike said in his interview to VIBE when asked if he had anything to say to anyone that he loves Quincy Jones. I assume this was after the DETAILS interview. Mike must have been very hurt by what Q said, but despite that he still said 'I love Quincy Jones.' I didn't know that he had called him after the TII concerts sold out. Yet Quincy keeps talking smack; even after he went on MSNBC and said Mike was like a little brother to him.

Quincy Jones=Harvey Dent.
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is there a way to get this information to his family, eben Karen Faye. Cuz i really dont thin they know about this, especially since he was invited to the funeral and Jermaine invited him to the tribute. Thsi is getting out of hand.
is there a way to get this information to his family, eben Karen Faye. Cuz i really dont thin they know about this, especially since he was invited to the funeral and Jermaine invited him to the tribute. Thsi is getting out of hand.

it was all over the news here in America, because I heard of that latest interview the day after MJ died. But it might have come out a few days earlier.

Q has been badmouthing MJ for a while now. Why are MJ's fans surprised about this particular ones? It is NOT HIS FIRST TIME slandering MJ. I have seen him in one LIVE interview..saying the same ignorant things.

I have read and have seen/heard ONE past interview (when it was cool to hate on MJ) referred to MJ not wanting to be black.

The only thing new in that Details interview, is him bringing up MJ's children. He had not done that before.

REAL TALK: MJ & Q haven't been close since Bad..and Q wasn't happy with MJ picking Teddy Riley over him.