Question:Something I noticed; MJ Not a 'Prankster'?

Is it me? but I noticed that MJ wasn't as "playful" or "fun" / the prankster he once was.

I noticed while I was watching This is It tonight, compare MJ to perhaps, younger MJ- on the set of Black & White video, at the end him and Mac had a pie fight which looked like so much fun.
-On the Thriller shoot, the same director was tickeling MJ's feet LOL and MJ was being a prankster then too...

Tonight as I watched, I know he was older but did anyone else notice that MJ wasn't the prankster he once was??? It kinnda seemed like MJ was just showing up to work no playtime.
yeah i agree, sadly, only a few moments one can see the playful MJ...Its not cause he was older to me, it was something else, he was a bit not confortable with using the ear monitors and other stuff we may not never know, like what may be happen between Michael and Randy Phillips...., and idn, something was rare inside... yes.
I think the trial hurt him but I don't think it changed his work ethic. I did see Michael being cute and funny but mostly all business. He was a professional and a perfectionist. I think showing that during this is it has given him the respect by people who may not have liked him. A lot of people are commenting how they admire his work ethic and professionalism. I am glad people are seeing him in that way. This was suppose to show us a side of Michael we haven't seen before. They also said they could see how kind he was and funny too. Maybe the dvd will have more off stage moments which probably were different.
so what were you guys noticing? I am curious. to me, he was pretty much the same as in the Dangerous rehearsals. only more intense and serious. but he was also joking around at times.

he's 50, not 20 or 30. you have to realize, a lot more was at stake here for him. he had a LOT to prove to all kinds of people. this wasn't the time to play around. and, either way, the playtime would have come later, a time that never came.

he didnt have anything to prove lol,there were times when mike just wasnt mike. iim not going to get into anything but ive discuseed this with other fans and we have all pointed out the same things. its not about him not joking around.
I think he was pretty much the same as he usually was during other tours. He is always serious about tours.
^ I agree completely. As much as we all love to see fun goofball MJ, I can also appreciate his more serious, professional side when rehearsing for concerts. For me, it was nice to see a side of him that we have not really been introduced to before.
Well considering the fact they had roughly 4 months to get the whole tour together, Michael had to work hard, plus he was a perfectionist to he concentrated & worked harder because of that. He wanted this to be the biggest show ever (& Oh boy, wouldnt it have been!) so i guess more work less play. However, i still think you get to see Michaels playful side in the film, i.e. cheerypicker scene etc. (hehe)
I think we saw both in this film, obviously mostly him working but it was nice we saw Michaels sense of humour. I do hope we get to see more of his playful side with the DVD extras though!

Err also, Michael eating a lollipop whilst working!! :) How cute was that!
I agree with all 110% - but I guess the younger MJ was more aggressive playful. I'm only giving 2 examples: Thriller shoot and B&W shoot. Plus, they were video shoots not concerts. Thanks all. =) :yes:
for some fans he should have been always the Punch with whom they want to have fun even if he was hundred.

I had to smile, even to laugh several times in the movie, and with me other viewers too.

Err also, Michael eating a lollipop whilst working!! :) How cute was that!
I love this part, very cute.
Kenny Ortega said in an interview that everything related to Michael always get analysed and ascribed with meanings that are not necessarily intended.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

And perhaps this is a simple case that footage of Michael goofing around was not included in the movie because of its focus (the PROCESS of creating the work).
Kenny Ortega said in an interview that everything related to Michael always get analysed and ascribed with meanings that are not necessarily intended.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

And perhaps this is a simple case that footage of Michael goofing around was not included in the movie because of its focus (the PROCESS of creating the work).

Agreed but it just kinnda made me sad a little that perhaps - I know the trial hurt him and changed him for good - maybe he wasn't as "happy" / 'playful' as before or something.... if that makes any sense.
Well on Black Or White, they had already finished recording the film when the pie scene happened?

Plus, with This Is It he was working to a deadline and Michael was deadly deadly serious about it all.

I agree. Just watch the Dangerous rehearsal and you'll see MJ serious and focused just like This Is It footage. There is a time and a place for joking around and when you're still trying to prepare for your show, you aren't thinking about playing around.