Question:Something I noticed; MJ Not a 'Prankster'?


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
Is it me? but I noticed that MJ wasn't as "playful" or "fun" / the prankster he once was.

I noticed while I was watching This is It tonight, compare MJ to perhaps, younger MJ- on the set of Black & White video, at the end him and Mac had a pie fight which looked like so much fun.
-On the Thriller shoot, the same director was tickeling MJ's feet LOL and MJ was being a prankster then too...

Tonight as I watched, I know he was older but did anyone else notice that MJ wasn't the prankster he once was??? It kinnda seemed like MJ was just showing up to work no playtime.
i agree,i noticed tons of things that didnt sit well with me that some other fans and i discussed,but whatever
When it comes to rehearsals, MJ was always pretty serious from everything I've seen. Look at the "Dangerous" rehearsals for example, he was pretty focused and a little stern there too. I really don't see any difference.
When it comes to rehearsals, MJ was always pretty serious from everything I've seen. Look at the "Dangerous" rehearsals for example, he was pretty focused and a little stern there too. I really don't see any difference.

ok. I didnt see any footage from there but I guess afterwards, everything was finisihed was when playtime was around..
When it comes to rehearsals, MJ was always pretty serious from everything I've seen. Look at the "Dangerous" rehearsals for example, he was pretty focused and a little stern there too. I really don't see any difference.

even then he was loose with it and still had fun. in some parts of the film its not hard to notice somethings
When it comes to rehearsals, MJ was always pretty serious from everything I've seen. Look at the "Dangerous" rehearsals for example, he was pretty focused and a little stern there too. I really don't see any difference.

I agree. He was a perfectionist and wanted everything to be perfect for his fans. TII was also for his children, so I think the show meant even more to him because of that.
do you think he "grew out" of it??? I wouldn't imagine so since he has 3 young kids but ... some ppl do
do you think he "grew out" of it??? I wouldn't imagine so since he has 3 young kids but ... some ppl do

Michael loves performing... It used to be his safe haven...

But then again, after his kids, the stage definitely took a second seat...

Nontheless, we all know how passionate Mike is about music, his artistry...

He was still joking around right? Still the same old Mike. He was probably just stressed out...

I remember a Bad rehearsal where Michael was reprimanding his crew for a mistake they did, man he is serious when it comes to his work. I still find it adorable though.
I don't know about all that, on the Dangerous rehearsal clips I watch on youtube he was not prankstering around either. Also I don't expect a 50 year old man, who had been to hell and back to be the same as he was 20 years before. *shrugs*

Shoot I am 22 and when it comes to my business I don't play. Even though I do recall he sort of seemed to want to have a bit of fun on the cherry picker, but Kenny told him to please hold on etc.
seems natural to me to tone down the pranks with age - or maybe do them in other ways. also he had been a dad for many years now - not like in the earlier days - and i know i myself since becoming a parent find i use up most of my playfulness with my children & tend to be more serious in the outer world! especially work related.
I think it's either maturity (although I always saw Michael as being a kid forever) or really wanting to make THIS IS IT the show to end all shows.

I think it's the second one. Because this was his return to the world. And like Will.I.Am said, either his comeback was going to fail miserably or become the greatest in history. Michael knew how important it all was. And in a situation like that, he had to be serious at those rehearsals. Michael knew what was up. After the trials, and with all the false stories coming out, he knew the way many people saw him.

Also, not only was he was going to perform live for his children for the very first time, but this would be the FINAL farewell to his fans. That's some serious stuff, especially for him.
It's difficult to judge based just on a 2 hour movie since most of it was performing. Maybe he was different off stage. I don't know. I wasn't there.
Stop reading too much into it. Even, Akon said when he was in the studio with MJ they didn't play around alot; this was before the TII projected started. Also on the Black & white set, there was only pranks afetr the work was over. Waiting for the TINI members.
Well on Black Or White, they had already finished recording the film when the pie scene happened?

Plus, with This Is It he was working to a deadline and Michael was deadly deadly serious about it all. The pranking would have come in England im sure :) haha
When it comes to rehearsals, MJ was always pretty serious from everything I've seen. Look at the "Dangerous" rehearsals for example, he was pretty focused and a little stern there too. I really don't see any difference.

Are those video rehearsals? Where can I find them, please?
can hardly judge him by one bit of footage.prob would have seen stuff he he had reached the end of the rehearsals
Well, rehearsing for a big concert, and recording a music video are two very different things - he can afford to be playful and make mistakes in music video footage...cause you just do another take! But with a concert, you have to make sure you get it right every time...Michael was such a perfectionist. I could still see a bit of playfulness in the movie...but I think overall this was just such an IMPORTANT and serious project for him...he really wanted to focus and get it right.
This project had to be the most important for obvious reasons. He so wanted to do this for his Fans and most of all his children. He had to be serious and concentrate as he was doing others things as well, like Music Album. He was working way to hard. How can anyone sleep with all this going on in the brain?
I would not read too much into to it. I have seen the Dangerous Rehearsals and others and MJ is very centered when working. If they have free times or at the end of projects is when he seemed to Joke around. So much was going to be happening in TII he prob wanted to pin it down and get it done right. And was joking a lil even when correcting people! lol!

"It's all for Love. L.O.V.E" hehe..
I just remembered- Black or White and Thriller both were video shoots; The concerts were more serious to take IMO. That could be a difference.
and also remember there are hours and hours of footage that's not even in the film... I'm sure there will be some "extra" unseen stuff included on the DVD when it comes out... maybe we'll see a more playful Mike.
yea maybe but now that I think about it theres a big difference between a video shoot & a concert
Is it me? but I noticed that MJ wasn't as "playful" or "fun" / the prankster he once was.

I noticed while I was watching This is It tonight, compare MJ to perhaps, younger MJ- on the set of Black & White video, at the end him and Mac had a pie fight which looked like so much fun.
-On the Thriller shoot, the same director was tickeling MJ's feet LOL and MJ was being a prankster then too...

Tonight as I watched, I know he was older but did anyone else notice that MJ wasn't the prankster he once was??? It kinnda seemed like MJ was just showing up to work no playtime.

Michael didn't get to be the greatest entertainer on earth by joking around at rehersals. He has always taken his work very seriously and has been focused and intense while working. He was perfection and expected everyone working with him to be too. And he has always realized that he was the man, he set the example. No fooling around when it was work time...
Not to say that he wouldn't have joked around before or after rehersal, but that wasn't what this movie was all about.
I don't think he was any different in during TII rehersals than at any other concert rehersals.
I guess it's because Landis is cool. And they both had great time together.
Ortega doesn't seem to be that fun...
Havent really seen any concert footage where Michael was a prankster
Can you tell us what you are comparing this too _ to think that
plus thiis is only 2 hours our over 100 hours - the focus was on his ART
and creativity _ im sure we will see more as kenney said they will be
releasing more footage

There are scenes when he shot his short films
where they also filmed some pranks and playfull moments
but I havent seen any concert rehearsals with that

Michael seems playful and very funny at times in the movie
people were laughing at these playful moments -
When it came to his work he was serious and was focused. However there were times when someone said something like the musician about adding "more booty" he made Michael laugh. Also during the rehearsals of the songs at times Michael would start smiling happy with it.

I am reading his moonwalk book and he was talking about the wiz movie he did and how he was doing an important scene and somebody was making weird faces at him to laugh and he didn't like that. He didn't think it was professional. I think off the stage he probably did things but once on that stage he was all business. It has been something that has stayed with him when he rehearsed with his brothers all those years ago. There is a time to joke around and then there isn't.
i agree,i noticed tons of things that didnt sit well with me that some other fans and i discussed,but whatever

so what were you guys noticing? I am curious. to me, he was pretty much the same as in the Dangerous rehearsals. only more intense and serious. but he was also joking around at times.

he's 50, not 20 or 30. you have to realize, a lot more was at stake here for him. he had a LOT to prove to all kinds of people. this wasn't the time to play around. and, either way, the playtime would have come later, a time that never came.