Question for the girls: What type of guy do you prefer?

What type of guy do you prefer

  • The shy type

    Votes: 31 75.6%
  • The out going type

    Votes: 10 24.4%

  • Total voters
Sore point this was growing up for me :( Being the shy hard-working type at school i was always picked on by the "cooler" guys :(

*slouches off*
I picked "shy", but...really...*sighs*...just Michael. That's the type of guy I want. =/ I'm so picky. I've been alone for two years now (!) because I honestly just want Michael. Friends and guys just can't understand why I won't date, but everyone else pales in comparison and I do not want to settle. But I'm afraid my ridiculousness is going to ruin my life and I'm going to end up alone. =(
I picked "shy", but...really...*sighs*...just Michael. That's the type of guy I want. =/ I'm so picky. I've been alone for two years now (!) because I honestly just want Michael. Friends and guys just can't understand why I won't date, but everyone else pales in comparison and I do not want to settle. But I'm afraid my ridiculousness is going to ruin my life and I'm going to end up alone. =(

I felt this way for a long time. But keep the faith! Almost two years ago, I met someone who was simply amazing and who I fell head over heels for. He is so different from Michael but, so alike, in many ways.

I didn't even care if he liked Michael or not (because I wasnt set on just dating fans) but, he always appreciated his music and loved him as an artist. As we've gotten closer, he's learned and grown to love Michael, especially after June. We went to see THIS IS IT 2x together in the theatres.. pretty impressive for someone who wasn't even interested in watching the Number Ones DVD the whole way thru when we first started dating.

So yes, keep the faith! There is someone out there for you and maybe he will share, or simply understand and respect your love and passion for Michael. :yes:
I don't like guys who are too mushy and put you on a pedestal, and worship you. I find it really annoying. I like guys who are sweet/romantic at times but have a bit of aggressiveness to them at other times. Think HIStory Michael :p Mainly they have to make me laugh! :)
A little bit of both. I don't want the guy to be too shy so you would have to pull the word out of him or then too out-going and he would not know when to shut up :lol:
Outgoing, sorry.
I'm kinda shy-ish myself, so shy+shy=boring. I like someone who's confident and assertive. ;)

I don't like guys who are too mushy and put you on a pedestal, and worship you. I find it really annoying. I like guys who are sweet/romantic at times but have a bit of aggressiveness to them at other times. Think HIStory Michael :p Mainly they have to make me laugh! :)

Girls like guys who can make them laugh ?

All hope is gone :(

Almost any man can make a girl laugh - you just got to understand who they are as a person, and their sense of humour.
It's deeper than to just crack some jokes, you've got to understand what makes a girl tick, and be confident enough in your way of "entertaining" her.

You know, humour is a very personal thing - everyone has their own sense of humour, and what's funny for some is not so funny for others.

That's why making a girl laugh is much deeper for her than to "just" make her laugh - it's about connecting with her.

Any idiot can learn and crack a few jokes - but you've got to go under her skin and listen to her to understand what makes her tick.

Y'all can say what you want - but I know this shit is true.

And I mean, if that don't work out for you - then you can just be the "strong silent type" :rolleyes:

BTW, a friend of mine had just been working out and he was feeling his chest muscles :)lol:) and jokingly told his girlfriend that his chest were bigger than hers - she went Chris Brown on his ass - true story!
I think I have an Internet crush on Bruce hahaha. But I like guys who are laid back, just go with the flow. I'm a chatty person and love conversation so I can't stand being the only one talking if the guy is too shy. I can't stand cocky guys, it just gets annoying. But someone who is confident is a good thing. Plus I have to have things in common with him.
I was joking about Bruce :lol: and Nirvana no not all girls like the confident laid back type who can make them laugh, I like the dorks who make lame jokes lol because they're so cute and they try so hard! and guys like that make best friends in general
Almost any man can make a girl laugh - you just got to understand who they are as a person, and their sense of humour.
It's deeper than to just crack some jokes, you've got to understand what makes a girl tick, and be confident enough in your way of "entertaining" her.

You know, humour is a very personal thing - everyone has their own sense of humour, and what's funny for some is not so funny for others.

That's why making a girl laugh is much deeper for her than to "just" make her laugh - it's about connecting with her.

Any idiot can learn and crack a few jokes - but you've got to go under her skin and listen to her to understand what makes her tick.

Y'all can say what you want - but I know this shit is true.

And I mean, if that don't work out for you - then you can just be the "strong silent type" :rolleyes:

BTW, a friend of mine had just been working out and he was feeling his chest muscles :)lol:) and jokingly told his girlfriend that his chest were bigger than hers - she went Chris Brown on his ass - true story!
Some hope has came back ;)
Bad times for that guy
BTW, a friend of mine had just been working out and he was feeling his chest muscles :)lol:) and jokingly told his girlfriend that his chest were bigger than hers - she went Chris Brown on his ass - true story!
LMFAO! Good for him! Oh and very true about that sense of humour thing.

I picked "shy", but...really...*sighs*...just Michael. That's the type of guy I want. =/ I'm so picky. I've been alone for two years now (!) because I honestly just want Michael. Friends and guys just can't understand why I won't date, but everyone else pales in comparison and I do not want to settle. But I'm afraid my ridiculousness is going to ruin my life and I'm going to end up alone. =(
Girllll, two years is nothing! *Cough* I'm really picky too. Guess we'll never find an exact one like Michael though....:scratch:
Ah well...there must be guys out there who do fit in, it's just hard picking out the right one between all the bad ones! And then you have the bad ones who screw up your trust in men anyway. Ugh.

No one ever said it was easy though. It'll always stay a journey with a good or a bad end, I think I might never even be able to have a relationship without having fear of how things will work out, but I guess that's just the way....the only person you can trust 100% is yourself, but it's not keeping me away from having a relationship.
Love is too beautiful to let it pass you by! :wub:

On topic; I dunnow which one I prefer...I can be both so I would love to have a similar guy on my side. I voted shy though - just because there are more bad ones out there being outgoing than shy. :lol:
Shy guys.Besides being soooo sweet,especially when they blush,they can be sooooooooo amazing and suprising.
Boring is for sure a word they don't know at all.:wub:
not shy and not the opposite.....
A bit of both....
Not too shy, cause i,m a dominant person myself.
So i think i would walk all over him, lmao.

i can be shy myself, but that,s very rare, lol
I think shyness is an endearing quality so I prefer a bit of that in someone. Of course, someone with a multi-faceted personality is optimal. But I can't be with an outgoing person since I am very shy and quiet. They would just force me to go out and party and do stuff when I really just want to stay home!
I think I have an Internet crush on Bruce hahaha.

Some hope has came back ;)
Bad times for that guy

Haha really bad times for that guy - BTW, they're not together anymore, not so strange when you don't value what you have. -_-

At the end of the day, just be yourself man - and be proud to be yourself.
That way she's know instantly what she get and don't end up falling for someone you're not - because that isn't gonna end well.

On topic; I dunnow which one I prefer...I can be both so I would love to have a similar guy on my side. I voted shy though - just because there are more bad ones out there being outgoing than shy. :lol:

Haha, that is true - But the same time, some people that are shy is like that because they have so many skeletons in their closet that they're afraid to let any of them just slip out :lol:

Some of the most shy people that I've get to know have been into the most non-shy type of stuff like drugs and having a passion to mess up other people's marriages.

It's really confusing :lol:
Haha, that is true - But the same time, some people that are shy is like that because they have so many skeletons in their closet that they're afraid to let any of them just slip out :lol:

Some of the most shy people that I've get to know have been into the most non-shy type of stuff like drugs and having a passion to mess up other people's marriages.

It's really confusing :lol:
Oh yeah you're right about that actually...didn't even think of that! I had my 1st boyfriend when I was 13, but damn...he had such a sick mind...beating me up etc., and he was a shy guy too.:mello:

Hmm...shit...ok...I choose nothing in this poll. :lol:
I voted for shy thinking of Mike's shyness:wub: You know the shyness that comes from a caring, sweet, polite personality. The kind of shyness that hides some prankster&flirt side behind it:D The kind of shyness that does not mean weakness in general-we all know he was tough. I could go on and on.
Plus, I myself am shy and can see myself with the type of guy and we can get rid of our shyness when we're just the two of us:yes::D
From what I've understood, most girls want a man they feel safe and comfortable with - if you're shy without being a weakling then it's most likely not a problem. (that's right, I've figured y'all out :p)
I've recognized also that it's like magnetism - if you're shy, then you're most likely gonna attract these really out going she wolf (awwuuu) girls that will tare you into pieces if you don't fight back :lol:
(I only have old cougars after me though :hysterical:)

I think that's why girls think it's OK that Michael was "shy" - because he still had his shit together, being that calibre he was.
I mean, in the 80's there weren't a pair of dry panties whenever Michael was around - no matter if you were a fan or not.

But what do I know, I'm just a boy :rolleyes:

And as usual, I love to hear your thoughts - and take my posts semi-lightly ;)
Haha you're funny. I love the part in bold, so true. He was a super-successful, strong, sexy man with that sweet, shy, warm vibe. And some people wonder why we (all of the female fans) love him. I don't get it. He's the kinda guy you can rarely find.

I know this thread is not about Michael, but I can't help but think and talk about him.
hey don't give a bad name to us shy people, I'm shy and I never broke any marriages or had anything to do with drugs lol
what people don't say is that shy introverted people can be incredibly intelligent and full of surprises - in a good way, and very loyal. and that in general is much better than the outgoing, laid back, know-it-all type of guy
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Someone like Michael :heart:
Michael is my dream guy..perfect!

Shy, funny, happy and gentlemen :wub:
Oh yeah you're right about that actually...didn't even think of that! I had my 1st boyfriend when I was 13, but damn...he had such a sick mind...beating me up etc., and he was a shy guy too.:mello:

Hmm...shit...ok...I choose nothing in this poll. :lol:

I'm so sorry to hear that :(

I can only imagine what that does to a person - I hope that haven't completely killed your faith in men. :/

hey don't give a bad name to us shy people, I'm shy and I never broke any marriages or had anything to do with drugs lol
what people don't say is that shy introverted people can be incredibly intelligent and full of surprises - in a good way, and very loyal. and that in general is much better than the outgoing, laid back, know-it-all type of guy

LOL, I'm semi-shy myself so the last thing I wanna do is give "us" a bad name - I'm just being real, and think that being shy or outgoing isn't necessarily a reflection of who you are in your heart.
Some of the most outgoing, "confident", super chit chatty girls that I've met have been the absolutely most wonderful people you can imagine - and so has the most shy and innocent girls that I've met also been.

Personally I don't care if a girl is shy or not, as long as we have something to talk and laugh about.
If both people are super-shy and have nothing to talk about, then we're just gonna end up in awkward silence.

That's why I also like girls that are kind of the opposite of me, because I have much to learn/gain from them.

Anyway this thread is about what girls like so I'm gonna fall back now and let y'all speak :)
I'm so sorry to hear that :(

I can only imagine what that does to a person - I hope that haven't completely killed your faith in men. :/
Nah, not completely but having a first 'boyfriend' (I've actually banned it out as it didn't feel like a bf) on that young age and it's one like that doesn't bring you much self-confidence after that, unfortunately.
So that one was the first and last I've had....must be a good man to make me able to give my trust again. :ermm:
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now hooold up! :stop: I don't prefer one or the other! I like em all!:girl_happy: