Psychic predicted Michael's death!?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London, UK
Did Bucks psychic predict Jackson’s death?

Posted in News on Friday, June 26th, 2009 at 11:59 am by James McGinnis

Did the “Spiritman” of Bucks County predict doom for the “King of Pop”?
Radio show host and psychic Joseph Tittel says he predicted the demise of Michael Jackson as one of his prophecies for 2009.
Judge for yourself….

During a January 1, 2009 radio show, Tittel said:
Michael Jackson is not looking good. He’s going to suffer a major downfall, leaving him hospitalized. It could even be a near death experience. Something will seriously go wrong with his lungs. Michael may even have a lung collapse. He will relocate back to the United States to be closer to his family. By the year’s end, he’s not going to look like good at all. He’s basically going to look like death warmed over.”
Look for the full story online and in-print Sunday.
didnt say anything daid his lungs and didnt say he would actually die. every yearfor the last 20 these ppl make claims so one day one will be right
I believe in the spirit world. Well, no psychic can be 100% accurate. They only get what they can. But it's the first time i heard of a medium and MJ death in the same sentence. I still find it spooky. The lungs thing could also be relevant as the major drug effect of Demerol is that it causes difficulty in breathing (lungs) leading to heart attack.
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Please, let's keep this thread for the people who believe in psychic phenomena. As we ARE going to need some spiritual support in the coming days, and not ridicule. :(
Also, they real ones aren't allowed to give bad news, like news of death. So this could have some truth in it. I know it doesn't really matter anymore, but it's interesting, thanks. (I can't help wondering though if this is where the BS rumour about his lung replacement came about.
I'm sorry but this is sick and disgusting to read.
Why on earth should someone have the right to predict the end of another person's life?

No one has the right to do that appart from The Almighty.
I'm sorry but this is sick and disgusting to read.
Why on earth should someone have the right to predict the end of another person's life?

No one has the right to do that appart from The Almighty.
Maybe because God gave him the gift to predict upcoming events? That's what psychics do. A prediction does not mean he CAUSED someone's death. Also I have the feeling he didn't disclose the full extent of the prediction (which as you said real psychics do, they don't deliver very bad news, only warnings).
This does not contradict the Bible by the way... in fact the Bible is full of such events. I'm also a Christian.
I believe certain individuals are more sensitive to things that science maybe hasn't been able to explain YET, but there are always people throwing random predictions out there every day and odds are that some are going to hit close to home. It would be quite an achievement if none of them did come true. And this particular one isn't even that close.. lungs? look pretty worn down by the END of the year? -- which let's be honest, isn't that far-fetched since he was planning a massive tour at quite a ripe age after a long time of no performing. And now all he's doing is using Michael's death as a way to draw attention and business to himself. So what's with this need to believe that some random pseudopsychic was right in predicting a death which was by all means a nothing short of a tragedy. How this is helping anyone cope with Michael's passing is beyond me.
Yeah, in the beginning of the year while in Dubai, I saw an Arab psychic from Jordan on TV discuss his predictions for 2009.

He said in the middle of the year, a major celebrity will die and it will cause a shock all around the world.
Who knew that someone would be Michael Jackson... :(
i don't know if this specific prediction was true or not, but that's how i coped after my dad's death, so yeah it works...
Maybe because God gave him the gift to predict upcoming events? That's what psychics do. A prediction does not mean he CAUSED someone's death. Also I have the feeling he didn't disclose the full extent of the prediction (which as you said real psychics do, they don't deliver very bad news, only warnings).
This does not contradict the Bible by the way... in fact the Bible is full of such events. I'm also a Christian.

I don't believe in "psychics", sorry to sound harsh but they're not true.They're fake and a disgrace to humanity.
I don't believe in "psychics", sorry to sound harsh but they're not true.They're fake and a disgrace to humanity.
As I said this thread is for those who believe in psychic phenomena. And no you're not harsh, that's just your opinion, which i respect.
I don't believe in "psychics but I believe in prophets. If I go by psychics, Michael should have been dead in the 80's. But there is a part of me that wonder if Michael did not see his own death. I still wondered why did he name his tour "this is it, the final curtain". When he said this, I even said it on this board, I started praying saying I hope Michael is not going to leave it. Now, I am sitting here stunned that it happen. That is very ironic.
I don't believe in "psychics but I believe in prophets. If I go by psychics, Michael should have been dead in the 80's. But there is a part of me that wonder if Michael did not see his own death. I still wondered why did he name his tour "this is it, the final curtain". When he said this, I even said it on this board, I started praying saying I hope Michael is not going to leave it. Now, I am sitting here stunned that it happen. That is very ironic.
Very true.

From the very beginning, I hated the name for this new tour. It made no sense to me. He was so sure "this is it" and I used to ask myself what made him so confident that it was. Very ironic... almost prophetic.
And then he said "See you in July" :(
It breaks my heart every time I see that clip...
There are real phychics out-there but they all say something about MJ every year!

bullshit. they've been saying these things foryrs. remember sylvia brown? mj was gonna die then gonna be convicted then he was gonna die again.

if u say it enough, it's bound to happen
:fortuneteller:Although I don't believe in fortuntellers, I do recall several years ago, when Michael was "with" Diana Ross, one predicted that Michael would marry a divorcee with two kids. They thought he would marry her but he eventually ended up marrying Lisa Marie Pressley who was a divorcee with 2 kids.
:fortuneteller:Although I don't believe in fortuntellers, I do recall several years ago, when Michael was "with" Diana Ross, one predicted that Michael would marry a divorcee with two kids. They thought he would marry her but he eventually ended up marrying Lisa Marie Pressley who was a divorcee with 2 kids.
That is common nowadays.
bullshit. they've been saying these things foryrs. remember sylvia brown? mj was gonna die then gonna be convicted then he was gonna die again.

if u say it enough, it's bound to happen
I agree.
I do believe in psychics. But some are good and some are not. And Michael was probably the best one of them! ;)
Don't people here want to have an open mind and believe that there is indeed an afterlife? We're trying to find some hope here. :(
I don't believe in "psychics but I believe in prophets. If I go by psychics, Michael should have been dead in the 80's. But there is a part of me that wonder if Michael did not see his own death. I still wondered why did he name his tour "this is it, the final curtain". When he said this, I even said it on this board, I started praying saying I hope Michael is not going to leave it. Now, I am sitting here stunned that it happen. That is very ironic.

At the press conference, when he started talking he put his hand up like he wanted the crowd to be quiet, to listen to him. He said "these willl be my final show performances in London. . . this is it, & when I say this is it I mean this is it, because. . ."
Then the crowd starts screaming & he didn't finish.
I always wondered "Because what?" What was he going to say, was he trying to tell us something. . .
At the press conference, when he started talking he put his hand up like he wanted the crowd to be quiet, to listen to him. He said "these willl be my final show performances in London. . . this is it, & when I say this is it I mean this is it, because. . ."
Then the crowd starts screaming & he didn't finish.
I always wondered "Because what?" What was he going to say, was he trying to tell us something. . .

Yes same here, you kept stressing that 'this is it' and that it was his 'final curtain' call and I always wondered what he was going to say next but he didn't finish. It just makes you wonder if you knew something, if maybe he knew time was running out, I don't know.
Don't people here want to have an open mind and believe that there is indeed an afterlife? We're trying to find some hope here. :(

Michael's fans are very open-minded, but we can't push things like belief on anyone. (Likewise, no one should criticise what other's believe.) The thing is, MJ's fans are somewhat psychic and sensitive, even if they don't realise it.

I know what you're trying to get at hun, you're trying to help people by giving us peace of mind, about the bigger picture. It's ok. :) People will deal with it in their own way, some aren't prepared to think this way yet. xx
Yes same here, you kept stressing that 'this is it' and that it was his 'final curtain' call and I always wondered what he was going to say next but he didn't finish. It just makes you wonder if you knew something, if maybe he knew time was running out, I don't know.
He did say I will see you in July but it is just like alot of dead stars who say things but it turn out to be just that even if it was said out of innocence.
BigDaddy, thanks! Really appreciated. :)

Anyway, I will keep posting any strange coincidences here, so here's another one; this one I got from an actual article:

All of which, a little inevitably, brings me to Michael Jackson. Rather endearingly, it has emerged that he never swore. This revelation came from Jonathan Margolis who, as his biographer and friend, knew him as well as anyone, which is not very well at all. The two had been walking into a room together when Margolis hit his head on the door frame and said a well-known word beginning with s. Jackson, to his surprise, was appalled and chastised him.
Another interesting fact about Jackson is that he had a Mother Teresa complex, often comparing himself to the latter-day saint of Calcutta. And what do Mother Teresa, Aldous Huxley, and Farrah Fawcett have in common? That's right, their deaths were overshadowed by those of people who died within a few hours or days of them, people who were even more famous: Princess Diana, JFK and Michael Jackson, respectively.
When you see those three names grouped together, doesn't it make you appreciate the capricious nature of fame?