Proof of Michael's humanitary work?

He gave more than just his money.

You know, for me its not even about ALL that money - over 300million - that he donated.. and the generous percentage of his estate that he left in his will. And that he is in the Guinness World Records for 'Popstar Who Supports The Most Charity Organisations' Its not even about the money from We Are The World..Heal The World, Man In The Mirror... or about the Heal The World Foundation. Or even the Nobel Peace Price Nominations..

What impressed me most is his charity work on a PERSONAL LEVEL, how he gave his time, his heart and his home to disabled, ill and disadvantaged kids. How he visited hospitals and orphanages in practically every city he visited and left them in a better state than when he arrived. How he met with very gravely ill people and helped them anyway he could. How he brightened peoples lives and made kids forget they had cancer whilst he was with them. And those trips to toy shops weren't just for him - they were to fill trucks with toys to go and give away to kids. And Neverland - that was for kids. Charities would ask for buses of ill, disabled, poor kids to be able to go to Neverland - to experience the fairground, the animals, the grounds.

Also - a cute story - after reading a letter from a young girl who wanted to go to a Victory tour concert but couldn't afford it, he made organisers change the price of tickets and gave her and her family free tickets. (on a side note - he gave concert tickets free to those in poor communities who wouldn't have been able to go otherwise)

And how can we forget the guy 'Dave Dave' that was at his funeral - whose dad had doused him in kerosene when he was 6/7 yrs old and set him on fire. Michael heard about it, got in contact and helped him, and became a life long friend. And what about Farkus - the young boy MJ and Lisa Marie Presley met at a hospital/orphanage on one of his visits? He needed a liver and MJ got his organisation to look for one all over the world and never gave up, that boy is alive now because of Michael.

He has been honoured by presidents and primeministers. An African village made him their 'king' because of what he had done for them. There is a Michael Jackson Scholarship - which enables young people to go to college/university when they wouldn't have been able to afford to otherwise. He gave money from his tours to charity - all his money from Victory tour and some from the Dangerous tour. He could have sued Pepsi and ruined them after his head was burned.. instead he asked Pepsi to give money he got to a burn centre. He establised The Michael Jackson Burn Centre for Children.

He supported lots of causes to do with - AIDS, Cancer, Abuse, At-Risk/Disadvantaged Youths, Hunger, Family/Parent Support, Children, Hospitals, Burn Victims, Orphanages, Education, Environment, Animals, Physical Challenges, Mental Challenges..

His charity efforts were also spontaneous.. if he heard about an event he'd call to see how he could help - here's a story of that

I could type a lot more about MJ and charity..but there is too much. TOO much.

Some causes listed here -

Some information here -

Theres a big long list here and it still probably doesn't cover it all -

It was his openness and willingness to help people who asked him for help that led people to take advantage of him and then try to ruin him to get more.


.... turns out I did have a few words..
miss crisstti, how about a 'thank you' to the posters who've helped you with your question? :)

Anyway, MJ is in the Guiness Book of World Record for being the artist who had supported the most charities: 39 organizations and he's the MOST charitable individual with over US300million donated. And his monetary donations has not stopped along with his death as he left 20% of his legacy to charity. okay, I'm just repeating what the other posters have posted. lol

If he doesn't deserve a place in heaven, I don't know who will honestly.

OK, I'm sorry if I seemed rude or something.

I was going to thank people here, but then I couldn't acces this site again yesterday.

So, thank you all :).

About that another forum, well, they just say those are fan sites so the information it's not reliable (at least that's what they said yerterday, I haven't checked again). So they're asking for charity filings or tax records...
well that other forum is dumb. the proof is the people he has personally helped - dave dave, farkus, the ill kids at neverland and concerts, in hospitals and orphanages, in africa - there is video footage of all that. how about the charity singles and the charity concerts..they happened. how about his charity. how about the burn centre.. u know the photo of mj in the chamber - that was him posing in one of the machines he was giving to burns hospitals.. the whole 'michael jackson sleeps in a hyperbaric chamber' was a crazy story released by mj himself. how about the Michael Jackson Scholarship. how about the how about the guinness book of world records and how about the humanitarian awards..

... jesus christ, if they don't believe it its because they don't want to.


Did you even read my post?
Charity filings or tax records? why dont they go to the Bloody tax office. who are these Idiots any thing they will want to know is what were his house bills? why are they suddenly interested in this? Sounds like the FBI. lol!
There are many videos on Youtube that showed Michael's money gift to charities..
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MJ's religious beliefs prohibit blowing one's own horn about doing charity work, but there are vids out there that make no mistake about his charity work, including the kid who was healed from cancer and the other kid who got a donor organ after MJ donated hundreds of thousands of dollars toward the donor organ. if you look, you will find the evidence. we all know in our hearts when someone is the genuine article when it comes to charity. MJ is the genuine article. there's no need to show us, in order for us to know.
There are some people who are determined to close their minds to the truth and if after you have presented them with the FACTS and they still persist in having doubts, may I suggest that you not waste any more of your time.

Allow them to wallow in their ignorance. Those who want to know the truth will find their way to it and it those people that I embrace and try to 'educate'. LOL.

Choose your battles carefully or you will find yourself exhausted, frustrated and sometimes even doubtful.
There are some people who are determined to close their minds to the truth and if after you have presented them with the FACTS and they still persist in having doubts, may I suggest that you not waste any more of your time.

Allow them to wallow in their ignorance. Those who want to know the truth will find their way to it and it those people that I embrace and try to 'educate'. LOL.

Choose your battles carefully or you will find yourself exhausted, frustrated and sometimes even doubtful.

Oh, I think you're right.

Plus, there's a limit on how much insults should one take from that kind of people who aren't capable of having an argument without half their language being disqualifications.
One tries to wash it off (if that makes sense in English), but is never 100% successful...
If you want videos of some charity visits to prove he actually did go, here are two.. they only show him spending time with the kids.

This video is a news report of him visiting a childrens hospital.. it talks all about it

in one part a girl asks him what its like to be a superstar - he says ' i duno, i cant remember a time i wasn't performing. i just want to make people happy'

another from an orphanage just spending time with the kids after giving money to make it a better place

this is when he opened Neverland to some ppl

it talks about how he regularly opens the ranch to organisations.
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came across this

Ortega Speaks Of Michael’s Work For Children

Friday, August 7th 2009
Kenny Ortega, who was involved on Michael’s ‘This Is It’ concerts has spoken again about his personal experience of Michael’s charitable work, especially with children in orphanages. He accompanied Michael to an orphanage in Romania while he was on tour, and watched him pass through each room interacting with the children. He whispered to staff as he passed by and Ortega said that he was promising better conditions for the children, in the form of such things as beds and sheets and more staff to care for them within twenty-four hours, or he would refuse to go on stage to perform.
He said the Michael had such a big heart and he really cared.
To see this item on video please click here.