Proof of Michael's humanitary work?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

I was having some argument in another forum about Michael's humanitary work. Some people were saying that he never gave any money to charity, that it was a lie, and were demanding proof of what he had done for charity. So I was wondering if anyone here could tell me what would be proof of it?.
Some people don't know what they say... give them that websites above and tell them to keep their mouth shut when they don't what they're talking about!

Ignorance is worst than hate...
That about his work with Make A Wish Foundation and all the kids he invited to Neverland who very very ill.

I was having some argument in another forum about Michael's humanitary work. Some people were saying that he never gave any money to charity, that it was a lie, and were demanding proof of what he had done for charity. So I was wondering if anyone here could tell me what would be proof of it?.

:doh: I made a video a couple of years back with video PROOF of Michael Jackson's charity work. Tell these idiots to watch it

Are they really THAT stupid?! :scratch: Haters... if only I knew what went on in their heads :doh:
some people are just born cold hearted, Michael even state on his will that 20% of his money must be given to charity.

i wouldn even bother in explaining anything to that kind of people, they will deny it no matter what you say (which would be you explaining those narrow minded people all the money and work and time and energy Michael gave to help the children of the world and to heal the planet), they just want to throw Michael down, dont even waste your time explaining, they are IGNORANTS, that kind of people exist just to bother the world, what have they give or done for the world, let me guess, oh! i know: NOTHING
Long live the KING
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Oy...people this ignorant bug the crap out of me. The other day some guy tried arguing on one of my Michael Jackson artworks that Michael "didn't really do anything extraordinary except express his love for children". I'm like WTF...does NOBODY do research?! Seriously.

Thanks for all the links here...this will be great to have when faced with any other clueless people in the future.
Charity biography​
Michael Jackson wrote “We Are The World” with Lionel Richie in 1985 and performed it as part of an all-star single to raise money for Africa in 1985.

The Millennium-Issue of the “Guinness Book Of Records” names Michael as the “Pop Star who supports the most charity organizations”, according to, which has an extensive timeline of Jackson’s charity work.

In 1984, Jackson equiped a 19-bed-unit at Mount Senai New York Medical Center. This center is part of the T.J. Martell-Foundation for leukemia and cancer research. Later in the year, he visited the Brotman Memorial Hospital, where he had been treated when he was burned very badly during the producing of a Pepsi commercial. He donated all the money he received from Pepsi, $1.5 million, to the Michael Jackson Burn Center for Children.

In 1986, he set up the “Michael Jackson United Negro College Fund Endowed Scholarship Fund”. This $1.5 million fund is aimed towards students majoring in performance art and communications, with money given each year to students attending a UNCF member college or university.

He donated the proceeds from the sales of The Man In The Mirror to Camp Ronald McDonald for Good Times, a camp for children who suffer from cancer.

Jackson donated tickets to shows in is 1989 Bad Tour to underprivileged children. The proceeds from one of his shows in Los Angeles were donated to Childhelp USA, the biggest charity-organization against child-abuse. Childhelp of Southern California then established the “Michael Jackson International Institute for Research On Child Abuse”.

In 1992, he established the Heal The World Foundation, whose work has included airlifting 6 tons of supplies to Sarajevo, instituting drug and alcohol abuse education
and donating millions of dollars to less fortunate children.
Michael Jackson And Greenpeace Honored At Save The World Awards​

The 2009 Save The World Awards were held in Austria on July 24, and honored Michael Jackson for his charity work.

Held at the Zwentendorf Nuclear Power Plant in Lower Austria, the evening was filled with many moving moments, emotional highlights and important messages with the motto “Heal The World”.

The first global honors presented to exceptional individuals and organizations working toward a peaceful, sustainable and livable future was hosted by Hollywood star and fashion icon, Andie MacDowell. 2,500 guests at the grand event, and millions of people around the world, followed a pioneering TV gala dealing with important issues accompanied by numerous music and show highlights. Michael Jackson posthumously received a 2009 SAVE THE WORD AWARD for his many humanitarian contributions. His brother Jermaine, who performed the songs “Smile” and “I’ll be there,” accepted this special award in Michael’s honor.

The Awards also honored Carl Lewis for his charity work “to empower youth, adults and families through Track & Field activities, and to enhance their life condition through wellness and education.” Several non-profit agencies were also honored, including Greenpeace.

“[Greenpeace is] unbelievably persistent, to the point of irritation,“ said the organizers. "However, they have been undoubtedly successful regardless of their methods. We have their perseverance to thank that the world has taken notice and for increasing environmental awareness, as well as for initiating the Kyoto agreements.
“Their engineers developed the “Greenfreeze” technology for the first climate and ozone-friendly refrigerator that, in the meantime, has become the industry standard, significantly reducing greenhouse gases.

“Their campaign for “greener electronics” forced an entire industry to produce environmental-friendly appliances. Energy saving has evolved into one of the most important sales arguments for everything from the computer to the car industry.

“Energy responsibility is an ongoing process. There is much going on and now it is the time to act – and Greenpeace is acting in all our best interests.“

Thomas Henningsen, coordinator of Greenpeace’s international climate work and who collected the award, stressed, ”Climate change is by far the most serious and urgent threat facing the world. It’s not too late, we can still avert climate catastrophe, but we need to see urgent action, now. If world leaders fail to act then our future will be characterized by poverty, resource wars, mass migration, mass starvation and mass extinction.“

“We can use new technology, and start making the changes that obviously need to be made. There are better ways and it does cost money, but we are going to have to do it,” said Andie MacDowell.

Jermaine Jackson, who accepted a posthumous award for his brother, said, “What Greenpeace is doing is definitely representative of what Michael’s messages have been in his music. It’s up to all of us, together, to make a change. World leaders should take a look at what we’re trying to say with music: Heal the world, make this a better place!”
Michael Jackson was a singer, songwriter, dancer, composer, producer, writer and philantropist, one of the world’s most persevering, yet poorly recognized, exponents of world peace, pursuing activities benefiting people around the Globe for decades, as well as addressing animal rescue issues and raising ecology protection concerns. He was a supporter of general welfare and tolerance for people(s) of all colors, races, characters and social statuses, and was an active ambassador for children worldwide and their rights.

Looking beyond the artistic status, unique persona or the hectic controversies surrounding him throughout the years, the singer’s unwavering social priority had remained that of coming in aid of the less advantaged by means of his influential entertainment work and its recompenses being shared with people in need: "I’ve always believed that the real measure of celebrity success was not just how famous he becomes, but what he does with that fame and fortune". […], he declares on occasion of being honored with a prestigious Bollywood Award in 2000.

Jackson’s altruistic commitments began manifesting since his early childhood, when he, according to himself and his family, would purchase sweets for the children in his neighborhood. His endeavors had expanded throughout the decades across many parts of the Globe, by means of visits he had paid to children’s hospitals, children’s homes, education centers and the like, on halts during each of his concerts, by means of donations made to organizations, individual parties, and via personal tending to children and families in need. He was certified as the celebrity pop star with the most supported organizations, having also established one of the most significant ones, "Heal The World", for the betterment of children’s lives and their families’, with significant donations on its part and in partnership with other non-profit companies. Jackson opened the gates of his Neverland Ranch (now a part of a joint venture for future projects since the end of 2008) to numerous such people, as well as to admirers of his for 17 years, devoting time and effort to offer them moral support, a temporary place to spend their time in, play at the Ranch’s amusement park, or visit the entertainer’s menagerie. He participated in charity events, helped raise money via musical projects and bids of his personal items, issued statements and speeches supporting his beliefs in and concrete tenets for creating a better world, wrote inspirational peace-oriented compositions and also dedicated time and financial support to charitable works outside the public eye, as attested both by the singer and some of the assisted parties; he was engaged in other affiliated forms of aid, as it is to be presented in following sections of the website.

The late singer was less visible in the humanitarian field over the past few years, as well as in the public eye, although he was due to reappear with various new projects, among which the imminent "This Is It" London tour, also dedicated to promoting a more urgent call to salvage an increasingly endangered Earth. The pop star’s benevolent intentions and concrete activities had often been demonstrated to be wrongly mistaken for felonies or innuendos throughout the years, and his celebrity status had been exploited by certain advantaged parties for personal benefits, irrespective of the means and of Jackson’s committed hospitality and personal endeavors in favor of parties suchlike.

In spite of having been honored with awards for his charitable committments on a number of associated events, including with two distinctive Nobel Peace Prize nominations (in 1998 and 2003), Michael Jackson remains poorly portrayed as a significant advocate for peace, and faintly known in the philantropy sphere. Due to scarce media coverage, the preference for one-sided, judgemental journalistic approaches, and the focus upon often dismissed, distorted or purely fictitious tabloid stories, misrepresentations and injurious comments made against the singer, his lifestyle, physical appearance, mental health or personal beliefs over the past 25 years, as well as a result of other numerous battles, his charitable achievements have been surrounded by a mist of neglect and lack of sheer interest.

Consequently, we will be further unveiling and/or remembering some of the achievements creating the dedicated humanitarian life of late Michael Jackson as it was.


So much info on the site.
It's ridiculous, really. There is evidence of Michael Jackson's charity work. It is documented in both written and visual form. He has won awards for his humanitarian work. And yet, these haters don't believe he did anything for charity?! Let me get this straight: They'll believe that Michael Jackson is a child molester, when there was absolutely no evidence to suggest that he did anything, but they won't believe he gave money to charity when there is videos showing him doing it. I don't understand their logic. Someone hear needs to right a book explaining the psychology of the haters because there must be something wrong with them... no one could possibly be that stupid.
It's ridiculous, really. There is evidence of Michael Jackson's charity work. It is documented in both written and visual form. He has won awards for his humanitarian work. And yet, these haters don't believe he did anything for charity?! Let me get this straight: They'll believe that Michael Jackson is a child molester, when there was absolutely no evidence to suggest that he did anything, but they won't believe he gave money to charity when there is videos showing him doing it. I don't understand their logic. Someone hear needs to right a book explaining the psychology of the haters because there must be something wrong with them... no one could possibly be that stupid.

Unbelievable isn't it?:doh:.

Most of them are hopeless i've found because most are determined to believe that MJ was this "Evil monster" who harmed kids and refuse to acknowledge any of the good he did. It's really sad, but it's worth a try anyway. Just show these links and articles to them, they have the information and can read it if they want. If they choose to continue to be ignorant, there's not much anyone can do, but the information and facts are there.
Hi Newbie

This is very discuraging. You could have found it on the web easily just googling for a minute......
You shouldn't have posted this... don't you think so?
Some of the hardcore haters will use the excuse of him just donating just to get a tax write off. I have heard this excuse before on some non Michael boards sadly. And It gets me a so mad. I don't even try to bother arguing about it.
Some of the hardcore haters will use the excuse of him just donating just to get a tax write off. I have heard this excuse before on some non Michael boards sadly. And It gets me a so mad. I don't even try to bother arguing about it.

Yeah but like myself and others have said, he wouldn't leave 20% of his earning to charities in his will if he didn't truly care. That's all the proof really that's needed to show Michael did care very much about causes he believed in and was genuine about his charitable work. When I read that part in his will, it really touched me though. Not many would leave a substantial amount to charities in their will. He was a good man!
Hi Newbie

This is very discuraging. You could have found it on the web easily just googling for a minute......
You shouldn't have posted this... don't you think so?

Mmm... no, I don't.

What is the problem you have with me having posted this?. "Discouraging"?, how?.

I don't see your logic.
The rest of the posters don't seem to have a problem with it.
miss crisstti, how about a 'thank you' to the posters who've helped you with your question? :)

Anyway, MJ is in the Guiness Book of World Record for being the artist who had supported the most charities: 39 organizations and he's the MOST charitable individual with over US300million donated. And his monetary donations has not stopped along with his death as he left 20% of his legacy to charity. okay, I'm just repeating what the other posters have posted. lol

If he doesn't deserve a place in heaven, I don't know who will honestly.
It's not just donating to charities - it's paying for kid's operations when he met a devastated family, paying for burns victims to get fixed, paying for people's funerals etc etc. It's like somebody else said - how sad that someone would want to believe he acted inappropriately with children without proof, yet they want to deny charity work - sheesh, whatever.
haha.. well this would be funny if it wasn't so hurtful

these people obviously have no idea

i have no words
He gave more than just his money.

You know, for me its not even about ALL that money - over 300million - that he donated.. and the generous percentage of his estate that he left in his will. And that he is in the Guinness World Records for 'Popstar Who Supports The Most Charity Organisations' Its not even about the money from We Are The World..Heal The World, Man In The Mirror... or about the Heal The World Foundation. Or even the Nobel Peace Price Nominations..

What impressed me most is his charity work on a PERSONAL LEVEL, how he gave his time, his heart and his home to disabled, ill and disadvantaged kids. How he visited hospitals and orphanages in practically every city he visited and left them in a better state than when he arrived. How he met with very gravely ill people and helped them anyway he could. How he brightened peoples lives and made kids forget they had cancer whilst he was with them. And those trips to toy shops weren't just for him - they were to fill trucks with toys to go and give away to kids. And Neverland - that was for kids. Charities would ask for buses of ill, disabled, poor kids to be able to go to Neverland - to experience the fairground, the animals, the grounds.

Also - a cute story - after reading a letter from a young girl who wanted to go to a Victory tour concert but couldn't afford it, he made organisers change the price of tickets and gave her and her family free tickets. (on a side note - he gave concert tickets free to those in poor communities who wouldn't have been able to go otherwise)

And how can we forget the guy 'Dave Dave' that was at his funeral - whose dad had doused him in kerosene when he was 6/7 yrs old and set him on fire. Michael heard about it, got in contact and helped him, and became a life long friend. And what about Farkus - the young boy MJ and Lisa Marie Presley met at a hospital/orphanage on one of his visits? He needed a liver and MJ got his organisation to look for one all over the world and never gave up, that boy is alive now because of Michael.

He has been honoured by presidents and primeministers. An African village made him their 'king' because of what he had done for them. There is a Michael Jackson Scholarship - which enables young people to go to college/university when they wouldn't have been able to afford to otherwise. He gave money from his tours to charity - all his money from Victory tour and some from the Dangerous tour. He could have sued Pepsi and ruined them after his head was burned.. instead he asked Pepsi to give money he got to a burn centre. He establised The Michael Jackson Burn Centre for Children.

He supported lots of causes to do with - AIDS, Cancer, Abuse, At-Risk/Disadvantaged Youths, Hunger, Family/Parent Support, Children, Hospitals, Burn Victims, Orphanages, Education, Environment, Animals, Physical Challenges, Mental Challenges..

His charity efforts were also spontaneous.. if he heard about an event he'd call to see how he could help - here's a story of that

I could type a lot more about MJ and charity..but there is too much. TOO much.

Some causes listed here -

Some information here -

Theres a big long list here and it still probably doesn't cover it all -

It was his openness and willingness to help people who asked him for help that led people to take advantage of him and then try to ruin him to get more.


.... turns out I did have a few words..
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some people are just born cold hearted, Michael even state on his will that 20% of his money must be given to charity.

i wouldn even bother in explaining anything to that kind of people, they will deny it no matter what you say (which would be you explaining those narrow minded people all the money and work and time and energy Michael gave to help the children of the world and to heal the planet), they just want to throw Michael down, dont even waste your time explaining, they are IGNORANTS, that kind of people exist just to bother the world, what have they give or done for the world, let me guess, oh! i know: NOTHING
Long live the KING
SO true :yes: