Producer for MJ's new album? If you could only select 1 producer who would it be

Michael Jackson main producer.
Who ever he wants co producing.

and not the contrary.
Michael Jackson, without a doubt!!!

Uhm....Thriller and Bad were produced by Quincy Jones....who always was thought to be more of a JAZZ producer...And he's older than Michael. And look at where those albums went!!! Michael doesn't need some "young punk" to tell him what to do. He can work with some and do some songs together, but I think when it comes to MUSIC...Michael is smarter than any young artist there is and has been and he'll know what to do. I mean, when it comes down to' s GREAT MUSIC that sells... Besides, most producer's today make all the songs sound the same. And that can get REALLY boring. ´

I just want Michael to listen to his heart and his EARS and his instincts and do what ever he thinks is right. When it comes to music, I trust him 100%.

I get your point, but keep in mind MJ will have to make music that relates to the Urban audience and Radio stations to be popular in the USA. Many Pop radio stations in the USA refuse to play Michael's music, but Urban radio stations will play it as long as its hot.

My point is can MJ write Urban tracks that are hot in this era? He has not wrote a hot r&b jam since Remember The Time. I mean a track that he actually wrote that's r&b.

If the album is more pop sounding then he could end up rarely getting played at all in the USA because Urban stations wont play it because its to pop and pop stations wont play it because they refuse to play his music in the USA. Not all pop stations, but many of them.
Yeah, you're right Dangerous. Since 2001, Pharrell & Chad have dominated music with their unique sound and style. It's a damn shame Michael has chose to ignore them, instead of give them a chance. Ne-Yo is an awesome choice, Akon's okay, stinks (IMO), and Timbaland has a great sound, but just doesn't mesh well with MJ's sound. So that pretty much leaves Pharrell.
Dissing him is poor judgment, if you ask me.
Polow da Don is pretty cool too.


Ne-yo, good choice, I like, like his sound as long as its kept simple, Akon's ok, agree on that an to be honest I think Timberland can be a LITTLE re-petative, but saying that, he does make catchy beats an hooks an I do have his work, lol

But, with MJ, I think he always try's a different direction with an album, personally I think working with The Neptunes would broaden Michaels musical Genre, Im not saying they have to lay down 7-10 tracks on his new album, but, if any two people can work on what they know works, getting MJ an Pharrell/Neptunes together I really think they could produce and make music, not jus sound wise, but lyrically something completely different, THEY JUST NEED TO GET TOGETHER, or at least try it.
teddy.. dont know of other producers enough to make judgement and mj and teddy have pretty much always made great music together.the blend and teddys sound isnt like other producers who songs all sound the same. it allows mjs touch to come through
I would say Michael himself. Michael is a fantastic producer and I would love to see him write and produce a whole album on his own, I think it would be really interesting to see the results. Bill Botrell and Michael as well is something that would excite me.
WHAT A BRILLIANT IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What amazing music the two could make. MJ and Royksoop! Haven't thought or heard them in years. I used to be crazy about their MELODY AM album. So good! I wish Michael would go into a more experimental, crazy, electro-pop-glam-edgy direction...even though I have no idea of what's coming...

Royksopp would be great:

And a couple of songs produced with Koop wouldn't be so bad either:


I think they could be a perfect mix;)
Glad you thin the same!
I like Debra Killings and think she would work well. Wendy & Lisa would be good also.
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ne-yo is much better, have you heard his music, its like a 21st century mj

Ne-Yo is an okay songwriter, but in the role of producer, I'm not sure how he would do, and it's the very fact that his sound is SO heavily influenced by Michael that makes me think he wouldn't be the best person to have in any kind of leadership role like that. Why would Michael use someone who imitates him to produce his album when he could simply do far better himself with the same sound?

Oh and Royksoop WOULD be great! As for Koop, I don't know who the heck that is, and by the looks of it....meh.
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Oh and Royksoop WOULD be great! As for Koop, I don't know who the heck that is, and by the looks of it....meh.

I meant the sound, not the look of the video. Can you imagine such a track with Michael's beats and vocals? Orgamisc!

Hmm this is a good one.. I would have to say.. Michael himself.. but if that doesnt count then my second choice would have to be Teddy Riley
No one said he would. They just wish he would. And because he could if he really wanted to.
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I really would like a work with Timbaland!!!!
He's the prducer of the year and his tunes are powerful!!!!
Why is it for some reason that Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis pop into my mind?
I'm not even gonna get started on how UN-TALENTED and FAKE Timbaland is.. lol!

But I would pick Quincy Jones.. Simply because of his ear.. It's always good to have a second ear to the songs, even if Michael is the driving force and the album..

I would like to see the credits to be:

Executive Producer: Michael Jackson
Co Producer: Quincy Jones

I would want a majority of the album written BY Michael.. Yet I would always want to keep the window open if any other writters have something good to participate..