Princess Diana

Do you think Lady Diana would have climed trees with him? I doubt. LOL. Point is it's easier to admire somebody from the distance than to live with him/her. Nobody knows if Michael and Diana would have been good together.

Anyway, did they keep contact? Because in the Home Movies Michael mentioned they often "cried on each other's shoulders" over the phone. They understood each other well because of how the media handled them.

respect I think Diana might just have. she was pretty athletic and Mike might have brought the child out in her even more so than there was already! yeah, I think she might just have climbed trees with him lol!

in fact, they're probably doing it right now! :love:
love this thread I was getting sick of the "we love Lisa" thread or what ever the hell its called
anyway lots of great posts here
I have to say I agree with oldmoon and mjjfan4ever
I think a woman like lady Diana would have been perfect for him she was kind caring and humble and was amazingly beautiful inside and out just like MJ
when I heard the tapes of him talking about his ideal woman it was like he was talking about her and it was far from LMP
I think Micheal was was too good for Lisa she was too negative,stuck-up and selfish for him
he looked very happy when he and Lisa would visit children's hospitals but she looked like she wasnt even trying
when ever I see pix of them together Micheal would always look happy and smiling but she rarely did I cant help but think "b*tch your married to MICHEAL JACKSON the least you can do is smile,hell I'd smile till my jaw snapped"
and the thing that makes me the most angry is the horrible things she said about him in many interviews I really cant just forget about them Micheal would have never said things like that about her or anyone for that matter
anyway I don't want to turn this into a "bash Lisa" thread thats just my take on the whole thing

I love your post!!
The first sentence you made was one of the main reasons I started this thread. I was sick and tired of hearing about LMP.

I believe Princess Diana would have loved climbing trees with Michael. They probably would have had plenty of water balloon fights with not only themselves but with her children. Whenever Michael wanted to go help someone across the world or go visit a orphanage Princess Diana probably would have been completely excited. I can imagine the smile on Michael's face almost all the time he was with her. It would probably be like the smile he had on that ride he was on with LMP and his smile was from ear to ear as they say lol.

About Michael being a prince. I know he wouldn't have been I was just wondering if there had ever been a time when he could have been prince what would he have done, what kind of world would this be?

EDIT: I removed what I said about LMP because it wasn't right for me to say it I just needed to vent. Sorry to anyone I afended
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So do you think they would have been bashed more if they had gotten together or do you think somehow the bashing would have minimized to an extent?

I think they would have been bashed even more esp from the English tabloids
I think no matter who MJ dated it would still look weird to them they think of him as an alien or something just coz they cant get it through there head that someone could be as pure and kind as him the same thing goes for lady Diana
now if MJ was known as ladies man or Junkie the tabs would have loved him and would have written nice things about him
I guess thats the way it works
I think the thing that hurts us fans the most is the fact that MJ never found that woman that he talked about in those tapes its heartbreaking he deserved someone to care about him for who he was not what he was someone that has the guts to tell him when something is wrong
I think if MJ would have found that person he would have been still with us today
I think they would have been bashed even more esp from the English tabloids
I think no matter who MJ dated it would still look weird to them they think of him as an alien or something just coz they cant get it through there head that someone could be as pure and kind as him the same thing goes for lady Diana
now if MJ was known as ladies man or Junkie the tabs would have loved him and would have written nice things about him
I guess thats the way it works
I think the thing that hurts us fans the most is the fact that MJ never found that woman that he talked about in those tapes its heartbreaking he deserved someone to care about him for who he was not what he was someone that has the guts to tell him when something is wrong
I think if MJ would have found that person he would have been still with us today

:( me too
I can just imagine him being with his soul mate and their children and him being able to retire from performing like he wanted to so he could fulfill another dream of his. I really felt bad for him when he was with Debbie Rowe, I could see the pain in his eyes and you could tell from his body language. In pictures of him and LMP he's always wanting to hold her hand and be close to her but with Debbie Rowe he didn't even really want to hold her hand it looked like. I saw pictures of them when they were in Paris and they didn't even look like a couple.
Do you think Lady Diana would have climed trees with him? I doubt. LOL. Point is it's easier to admire somebody from the distance than to live with him/her. Nobody knows if Michael and Diana would have been good together.

Anyway, did they keep contact? Because in the Home Movies Michael mentioned they often "cried on each other's shoulders" over the phone. They understood each other well because of how the media handled them.
Agreed. He did admire her caring personality and could relate to her about being hounded by paparrazzi, being a public figure and criticized, but other than that, we never know.

After reading the excerpts about his kinda girl (him saying he didn't like the kind of girls who care too much about gettin manicure and pedicure done. He found a girl who is a lil tomboy-ish sexier)...
As his girl, I picture a healthy country girl who got pure soul and loves kids and is intelligent. Of course, she gotta have that "kickin' in the back" and those "come-get-me thighs" and all the other sexy qualities, but she never show off her sexiness around other men. She's the kind of girl who saves all her lovin for him and is eager to give it only to him:) Except for the 1st sentence, the rest can apply to the dream girl so many men dream of lol
Found a nice raw video of that first meeting btw Princess Di and Michael:

I think Michael could relate very much to Princess Di because the tabloids targeted her mercilessly, tried to break her character, and followed her everywhere. But she was all about her charity work and was a very loving and compassionate person.

It really is such a tragedy that she had to die at the hands of paparazzi chasing her.

Michael should have went for it and asked her out! It seems like they were already friends and not just acquaintances. He even referenced her in 'Privacy'.

It seems like Michael was into princesses. . .;)
Found a nice raw video of that first meeting btw Princess Di and Michael:

I think Michael could relate very much to Princess Di because the tabloids targeted her mercilessly, tried to break her character, and followed her everywhere. But she was all about her charity work and was a very loving and compassionate person.

It really is such a tragedy that she had to die at the hands of paparazzi chasing her.

Michael should have went for it and asked her out! It seems like they were already friends and not just acquaintances. He even referenced her in 'Privacy'.

It seems like Michael was into princesses. . .;)

It is very sad that she had to die like that.
He's so cute when he's shy!!
I wouldn't be jealous either becuase for being such a famous Lady, Di is to me, one of the most genuine, kind, brave and beautiful woman that ever existed.
Michael needed to find a lady with those qualities, Princess Diana (she's still to me) is the right one.
I don't think it'd be possible becuase of the scrutiny of filthy media, they'd had been even more harrased (spell) an chased.
So do you think they would have been bashed more if they had gotten together or do you think somehow the bashing would have minimized to an extent?

i think the media bashing would have been even worst.

but at least they would have been together, happy, with a nest of beautiful children....

i think she definitely would have climb tree's. i mean who wouldn't:bugeyed??? LOL! :D

they both had a sense of humor and loved laughing so .... i mean i think they had too much or would have had too much in common than differences.
love this thread I was getting sick of the "we love Lisa" thread or what ever the hell its called:hysterical:
anyway lots of great posts here
I have to say I agree with oldmoon and mjjfan4ever
I think a woman like lady Diana would have been perfect for him she was kind caring and humble and was amazingly beautiful inside and out just like MJ
when I heard the tapes of him talking about his ideal woman it was like he was talking about her and it was far from LMP
I think Micheal was was too good for Lisa she was too negative,stuck-up and selfish for him
he looked very happy when he and Lisa would visit children's hospitals but she looked like she wasnt even trying
when ever I see pix of them together Micheal would always look happy and smiling but she rarely did I cant help but think "b*tch your married to MICHEAL JACKSON the least you can do is smile,hell I'd smile till my jaw snapped"
and the thing that makes me the most angry is the horrible things she said about him in many interviews I really cant just forget about them Micheal would have never said things like that about her or anyone for that matter
anyway I don't want to turn this into a "bash Lisa" thread thats just my take on the whole thing
yeah me too. I bet they would have been super happy, and I also bet they would have a big family by now, both of their own kids and kids they would have adopted all over the world! :D 'Michael and Diana Jackson'... it sounds right to me.
I love this thread! I think Michael and Diana would have been awesome together I really do. No one else on Earth knew what it was like to be as famous or as hunted as the two of them. And beyond that they had so many other things in common. Having said that here is a video I made in Tribute to them both to show just that...

The only other person I would have loved to see Diana with was JFK Jr. What a stunning couple they would make huh? Again they have so much in common and would be a great match!

Well it's comforting to think that they are all together now and Happy!
I would have loved it if Michael and Diana had gotten together.
I wouldn't have minded to see Michael and Tatiana or however you spell her name, from the video TWYMMF. She seems very sweet and they seemed to have strong chemistry.
A very beautiful clip, Mugsysam. All that remains now is for us to try and think that they are all happy together now in heaven. But as an nonreligious person its hard for me to thikn that. Theirs are two of the world's biggest losses. I mean, if they would have been still with us, and together, millions of children would have been saved.
I wouldn't have minded to see Michael and Tatiana or however you spell her name, from the video TWYMMF. She seems very sweet and they seemed to have strong chemistry.
did you see some of the things she said about him in interviews and in her book(which she later admitted that she made some stuff up)?
I mean yea she does look beautiful but from what I'v heard about her she likes the spot light and she always pretended to be Micheal's one and only love or something lol
but thats just my opinion about her though :)
did you see some of the things she said about him in interviews and in her book(which she later admitted that she made some stuff up)?
I mean yea she does look beautiful but from what I'v heard about her she likes the spot light and she always pretended to be Micheal's one and only love or something lol
but thats just my opinion about her though :)

hmmm...didn't know that
Than I guess not lol, I was jealous of her in the video and when she got to kiss him but I could stand seeing her kissing him rather than you know who lol
I bet they're dancing together somewhere right now :)

They were taken from earth because they belong to heaven... they were too good for this world..too much suffering, too beautiful, too pure, too humanitarians... too perfect, that's the exact word. They are finally happy now.
i dont want to be rude.. but i've read an account where some princess was supposed to b bes friends with the lady diana, and she said that diana always brushd her off when she called, and people have said tha she did that to michael sometimes too. i think that the way michael fel about diana was the same with diana ross. he idolized both those women,and i think it's because he was always drawn to warm mother figures. he was attracted to lisa bc she was all defensive of him in th begginging like a momma.