Prince's Birthday... sending flowers to him :) [ Donate button added on first post ]

i like the other cookie bouquet site for Blankets but that one we can decide after this one!
come on womanly!
in that case no boys should get flowers cuz they are all girlish.
sunflowers are symbol of peace, friendship and love. so fit Prince's personality.

flowers ain't boyish or girlish, they r simply flowers, only the age matters.

I'm talking about the presentation and the design of the vase too. By womanly I am also talking about age. I wouldn't get that for a young girl either.

But whatever you decide, doesn't matter, I'll go with the majority.

I liked the original sunflower idea.. though those don't look like sunflowers..

I thought these were sunflowers -

Thank you to everyone that has donated and for all the great ideas! We're already at $100!!!
What a lovely idea, I just donated $10.00. Thanks for putting this together. I will leave it up to you guys to decides what to buy.
I think we're going to order from they have the cheapest delivery and are actually cheaper than most of the others. Here's some to chose from.
This one is, $59.99

This one is $65.44
Hey count me in too! :) I'm a bit broke at the moment but I'll donate on Wednesday.
I think flowers and balloons would be great, but candy is fine too, maybe not too much candy though..?

I liked the original sunflower idea.. though those don't look like sunflowers..

I thought these were sunflowers -


Me too loved the original sunflower idea, the amount of them would just have to be right if they're very pricey ;)
But those ^^^ are really sunflowers and they are very beautiful and bring a smile to your face regardless of your age and sex (I think), that yellow vase thing is rather something for a 50+ auntie..sorry...

Anyway, big thanks to everyone who's been busy organizing this, and - of course - I'll be very happy to participate whatever the final decision will be :yes:
i like the other cookie bouquet site for Blankets but that one we can decide after this one!

i personally love the other site more. does it have baloon too.
cause i think ordering ht both gift from same site is better, so they arrive together. but ordering baloon from this and candy from the other is not cool.

u know? :)
ordering b

Maybe for flowers, this? It's the only one I have found that isn't girlyish. For the smallest one it is $48.44, the medium is $$56.94 and the largest is $65.44
Guys we can't go back and forth with the flowers forever :D IMO that ^^ what ElleBella posted looks nice, not too girlish.
I agree go with what Ellebella suggested and call it a day when it comes to picking something out. If we keep bringing other sites up etc we will never decide.
Like Theone said, we can't go back and forth all day long's a few that we can chose from, that way we know what our goal for donations will be reached.
This one is $48.44, $56.94, or $65.44

This one is $35.69, $44.19, or $52.69

more to is messing up
As of this minute we have $100. I've been PM by many others saying they will donate later, if we don't which I'm sure we will, reach our goal I'll meet it. I think earlier some said they wanted the flowers and balloons, but they also have really cute candy buckets that aren't that expensive.

Thats another sunflower one

Regular $66.99 $56.94 Deluxe $76.99 $65.44
Premium $86.99 $73.94

Sunny or not, these sunflowers make anyone feel warm and happy. Blazingly beautiful and shamelessly abundant, it's a sure-fire, feel-good bouquet.
  • A clear glass vase filled with large sunflowers and yellow Viking chrysanthemums, accented with pittosporum.
how about these flowers? it seems this is the number 1 choice in that florist.
As of this minute we have $100. I've been PM by many others saying they will donate later, if we don't which I'm sure we will, reach our goal I'll meet it. I think earlier some said they wanted the flowers and balloons, but they also have really cute candy buckets that aren't that expensive.

OK. Do we have a goal? If we don't reach it I can chip in some more too.

Yeh perhaps flowers and a candy bucket would be good.