Previously unseen pictures of Michael Jackson by KAREN FAYE & others

My favorite:



I love this one too. He is so beautiful :wub:
Beautiful pics but I can't help but think how much money she got for selling these pics to ABC, the channel that aired that Bashir doc. Karen has sold him out so many times since his death. There must have been some reason why Michael fired Karen in 2005, but of course she never talks of that or about what happened to that fansite a few years ago.

I would have enjoyed these pictures have they been released by someone else. Sorry, that's just me.
Beautiful pics but I can't help but think how much money she got for selling these pics to ABC, the channel that aired that Bashir doc. Karen has sold him out so many times since his death. There must have been some reason why Michael fired Karen in 2005, but of course she never talks of that or about what happened to that fansite a few years ago.

I would have enjoyed these pictures have they been released by someone else. Sorry, that's just me.

You should enjoy the pictures as they are...why people on this board always have to worry about how much money who is getting out of anything. There also must have been a reason for Michael to hire Karen again, don't you think?
Karen looked pretty sexy when younger. Hot I would say. Now she's old just like anyone else.
Thanks for posting the pics, I'd seen some before but not all, they were all beautiful. I like the ones in China too
^V :lol: Very true. A long time ago. Myself being one of the first! Lol!
LMAO at the trading places pics. Nice lil collection.
Whatchu mean? :scratch:
Cooooooool............nice pictures!!!!!!!!!

Say what you want about Karen.......but she stood by Michael through all his bad times and she still protects him (and his legacy)!!!!!!!
All those memories. I love them all... I wish he was still here so Ms. K can continue to make him look so good.... Thanks for sharing and Thank you Turkle....( did I get the nick right ?)

Yes Ruchie; it's Turkle.

And thank goodness for the memories! :)
I love them all too.
I think that's one of the worst. So made up and artificial. But the 80s ones are awesome. Thanks for posting.
True. Not really one his best but I do like it still. *shrugs*

Thanks so much for posting the pics!
Thanks for posting the youtube video, I love seeing him smiling and laughing. I also like the pics from China he looks so peaceful and content.