Previously unseen pictures of Michael Jackson by KAREN FAYE & others

Although they have claimed to be good friends, when I see some photos I can't help but think that Karen was Michael's girlfriend or wife. Nice pictures anyway ;-)
Although they have claimed to be good friends, when I see some photos I can't help but think that Karen was Michael's girlfriend or wife. Nice pictures anyway ;-)

she said she wishes she had been
Michael is so beautiful in these pics but I have seen a number of them before so no idea why ABC are saying they've never been seen. Thanks for posting.
they say picture 9 it's from 1984 and i don't think so...

Yup 100% NOT from 1984. It is likely from 87 or 88 earliest. Its funny how sometimes MJ fans can tell so much more about pictures than "experts" :)

Although they have claimed to be good friends, when I see some photos I can't help but think that Karen was Michael's girlfriend or wife. Nice pictures anyway ;-)

Yes I got that feeling too. Like picture 12 and especially picture no 22.

there is something unique about the very last one too picture 23.
I truly love the pictures of
Michael Jackson in China. :wub:




they say picture 9 it's from 1984 and i don't think so...

You are right. They got that totally wrong. That is most probably from 88/89 and it looks like it is for a Pepsi shoot that had 3 or four segments and was premiered during the 88 or 89 Grammy's. How did they miss that? :doh:
Cooooooool............nice pictures!!!!!!!!!

Say what you want about Karen.......but she stood by Michael through all his bad times and she still protects him (and his legacy)!!!!!!!
All those memories. I love them all... I wish he was still here so Ms. K can continue to make him look so good.... Thanks for sharing and Thank you Turkle....( did I get the nick right ?)
Yes ruchie, i think u did get the nickname right.
My favorite:



I love that shot, Elephants, etc. I always wondered why some of the other one's from that day were so blurry. I guess they were private photos.
I love that one. Very angelic and timeless, you could look at that picture 20 years from now. Beautiful man, very ethereal. That is not an ordinary human being, it comes out strong there.
I am sure that in MJ Discussion section there is a thread with these pics.
They were released a few weeks ago.
Cooooooool............nice pictures!!!!!!!!!

Say what you want about Karen.......but she stood by Michael through all his bad times and she still protects him (and his legacy)!!!!!!!

I agree! Michael thought enough of her to have her by his side all of those years. She stood by him through it all. She never once sold a story about him or betrayed him. She is a lucky woman to have had a relationship with him like that!