Previously unseen full Debbie Rowe interview (take 2 special)


Proud Member
Mar 6, 2008
The Netherlands
I don't know if I put this in the right forum but I just came across this video link.
It shows Debbie Rowe's full interview from the special after the Bashir interview (the footage you were never meant to see)

I have never seen it in full before. It's like 45 min long. She seems very sincere in it I think.

Edit: I'm watching it right now and this interview really sheds some light on several things about the two of them. It's a very good interview and she seems like a good person.
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Thank you for posting this! :flowers: I had never seen this interview in its entirety.
I think Debbie is good with handling the stalking media. :thumbs_up:
thanks. good to see this interview without the super cheesy background music as in the "take 2" special.
thank you. I will always respect Debbie, because she never ever said a bad thing about Michael.
thanks for posting...ive never seen it in full before.
I like Debbie...still extremely jealous of her like, but she seems nice, and she never had a bad word to say about Michael. i love how she stands up for him, and doesn't take no crap from anyone. :p
She seems kind but very obsessed and possessive.
She seems more hit by michael's happiness than the baby's birth...strange.
I believe Debbie loved MJ dearly and it shows. The reason she had Prince and Paris was to give MJ the children he wanted. That made her happy and it made him happy. She is a smart lady, and she will always be special because of the children. I've said this before and that is that the moment she and MJ married, she went from being a surrogate to being a wife and mother. I don't feel that she is possessive....MJ was her husband and Prince and Paris are her children even though she took only visitation and MJ had custody. I just truly feel that she wanted MJ to be happy. Love is strange sometimes.
I really like Debbie, I don't understand why some fans seem to have a problem with her. She has always stood up for Michael and defended him even though the media tried hard to get her to say sensational stuff about him. I respect her for that. It can't be easy being in her shoes, but I do believe she truly loved him.
I don't recall Debbie ever saying one negative thing towards Michael, people can say what they want about her parenting, but she's always been respectful and defensive on Michael. I've seen on more than one occasion where a interviewer tries to pressure her to say something that put's a negative light on Michael, and she always stand's up for herself and Michael...Few people can genuinely say they've done that.
DEBBIE was always crazy in love with MJ. I don't think she realised how painful it would be to give up her kids. MJ broke DEBBIE'S heart. She yearned for a happy married life with MJ. The official photo of their wedding day shows a beaming DEBBIE ROWE the happiest woman in the world, and standing next to her MJ'S body language spoke volumes. Can't figure out why MJ bothered releasing the damn photo.
This was shown in Australia last year on Fox8.

I have no idea why Debbie is hanging around that creep Marc Schaffel.
She seems kind but very obsessed and possessive.
She seems more hit by michael's happiness than the baby's birth...strange.

You'd be surprised how many women feel right after giving birth, especially if it was a difficult birth. Judgement is uncalled for. The fact that Michael's happiness meant so much to her speaks volumes and is 20times more meaningful than any happily grinning couple on any red carpet.
so, that dick of a woman, who is on, prior to Debbie...sophie vanderdick, or whatever her name is, is saying that all that Debbie said in that video was PROVEN false?

where's the proof?

all i could hear, as Debbie was wonderully protective, was when that guy asked questions, his questions represented folk who don't believe in marriage in the traditional sense, but believe in it, if their lives are not considered traditional. and folks who don't believe in 'traditional' families, themselves, with their own different arrangements, yet they attack Michael for his. the interviewer is a hyporcrite representing many hypocrites in the media, and around the world. he asked if Michael got married by a preacher, and the interviewer probably isn't religious, i bet. that's how hypocritical all of MJ's naysayers always have been, always are, and always will be.

negative people just wanted to say something vainly negative about Michael, just to be saying it, because they are forever envious of him.
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The interviewer asked if michael was married by a preacher?? ....PFFTTTT!!! like that is any of his business! :rant:
The reason Debbie hasn't & doesn't say anything bad about Michael is because she signed a non-disclosure agreement, essentially not allowing her to disclose any information about her time with Michael. If she broke that agreement, the gravy train she received in the divorce settlement of '99 would've gone bye-bye. Under their divorce settlement, Jackson agreed to pay Rowe over a million dollars per year for the first three years, and then over 750,000 dollars for the following six years. She also received a house in Beverly Hills. Michael also paid her legal bills. In July '09 she received well over 4 million to go away for good. In Feb. 2010 - her & the bottom-feeder M. Schaffel sued TMZ over airing this same interview posted here - 'mo money for the grifters. If you think her intentions are pure and love-driven, ask her why she's still hangin' with Schaffel....still not convinced - do some research on Schaffel and the damage he tried to inflict.

Call me cynical but she has done nothing to disprove the simple fact that Ms. Rowe has a undying love affair for the cash-ola and no love-ola for honoring signed contracts.:punk:
Can anyone please upload this to some server or something? I can't see it, it's sooo slow :(
The reason Debbie hasn't & doesn't say anything bad about Michael is because she signed a non-disclosure agreement, essentially not allowing her to disclose any information about her time with Michael. If she broke that agreement, the gravy train she received in the divorce settlement of '99 would've gone bye-bye. Under their divorce settlement, Jackson agreed to pay Rowe over a million dollars per year for the first three years, and then over 750,000 dollars for the following six years. She also received a house in Beverly Hills. Michael also paid her legal bills. In July '09 she received well over 4 million to go away for good. In Feb. 2010 - her & the bottom-feeder M. Schaffel sued TMZ over airing this same interview posted here - 'mo money for the grifters. If you think her intentions are pure and love-driven, ask her why she's still hangin' with Schaffel....still not convinced - do some research on Schaffel and the damage he tried to inflict.

Call me cynical but she has done nothing to disprove the simple fact that Ms. Rowe has a undying love affair for the cash-ola and no love-ola for honoring signed contracts.:punk:
Well said. I can not imagine a benign reason for Debbie and Schaffel to pal around. Anyone who hasn't should read about Schaffel's suit against MJ--veiled refrences to the same horrors and lies he'd just endured in the Arviso trial, just one year prior. I believe the phrase used to describe someone like DR & MS is "piece of work". I will refrain from replacing "work" with what I'm really thinking.....
The reason Debbie hasn't & doesn't say anything bad about Michael is because she signed a non-disclosure agreement, essentially not allowing her to disclose any information about her time with Michael. If she broke that agreement, the gravy train she received in the divorce settlement of '99 would've gone bye-bye. Under their divorce settlement, Jackson agreed to pay Rowe over a million dollars per year for the first three years, and then over 750,000 dollars for the following six years. She also received a house in Beverly Hills. Michael also paid her legal bills. In July '09 she received well over 4 million to go away for good. In Feb. 2010 - her & the bottom-feeder M. Schaffel sued TMZ over airing this same interview posted here - 'mo money for the grifters. If you think her intentions are pure and love-driven, ask her why she's still hangin' with Schaffel....still not convinced - do some research on Schaffel and the damage he tried to inflict.

Call me cynical but she has done nothing to disprove the simple fact that Ms. Rowe has a undying love affair for the cash-ola and no love-ola for honoring signed contracts.:punk:

I find DEBBIE ROWE to be quite authentic. Lost count of people around MJ who broke non-disclosure agreement without penalty. Guess how many millions DEBBIE could have gotten from the media to toss MJ over board.?? DEBBIE could have cashed in on MJ anytime during their many years of friendship before any one knew who the hell she was, and doubly so after they were married. And the media would have protected her to the utmost. We could also ask MJ'S mom KATHERINE why she hangs with SCHAFFEL.