Post pictures of your home/room!

I'll post some pics after I clean up too lol its a lil messy
Hey you guys! Since I've now moved and am settling down in my new home, here's some pics! Please tell me what you think:






^ I love it Dutchie! All those colours and the whole feeling you got there (except the couches - that's just not my style :)) I would gladly live in a place like that.
Everyone is asleep in the bedrooms, but here's my living room. Nothing too great, but I love it, it's cozy.

Those sofas look unbelievably comfy and cosy!!

Love that.

I'm not going to post pictures of my room, because it looks like an earthquake just took place. I gotta clean up first. xD

So I'm gonna post some pics from home decorations/rooms I like, maybe you like them too! :)









OMG! I thought this was your house first, I was about to have serious house envy :lol: So beautiful.

Please tell me what you think:



Are you going to put pictures on the walls? I like having a low light above a table and I love the dark wood chairs.

I like the bed cover, I'd need more pillows though :lol: At least 2.

Is that a wallpapered wall opposite the bed, I can't really see but it looks nice.

Pretty shower curtain and I love that cabinet in your kitchen, and the work surface around the sink looks cool. Is it ribbed steel or is it a striped surface?

This just makes me want to have my own place so I can decorate. I can't wait to move out!
^ I love it Dutchie! All those colours and the whole feeling you got there (except the couches - that's just not my style :)) I would gladly live in a place like that.

Aww.....I love my couch :) It's bright and gives color to my room :) The good thing about it is that I can change the cover anytime I want! I wanted a brown couch but since I'm young I decided to go with the colored cover first, and then in a few years I can change to brown :) haha

Dutchie it looks very cold in there :cold: but I like all the colors and it's very neat :cheeky:

Cold? It's nice and warm in my house! :yes: I do need some pictures on the walls and stuff, if that's what you mean. Only been here for a few days so that's coming up :) room has bright green wallpaper, a dark yellow ceiling and still has a kiddy border but I don't want to go through the hassle of (getting my dad to) redecorate it.

It's pretty damn messy even when I tidy it up because I have to have ghastly looking wires all over the place due to internet, TV, Xbox 360, etc. :(

So nooo pics, lol. :lol:
dutchie, i love your house i'm jealous lol
i love how it's so neat and uncluttered, classy :D
Dutchie I love your place! You've done a great job with it so far, good on ya! Gotta love the independant women! :D
i love all your rooms everybody :D :waving: but snorlaaax i love you room that is kind of design i love :D

i have to clean my room too :giggle: i haven't been clean when i got sick know i'm butter very butter :yes: :sun: