Post pictures of your home/room!


Hey everyone!

2010 is going to be the start of a new life for me in many ways. Apart from being sad that it's going to be a new life without Michael trips and sightings, I'm happy because I'm finally moving out :dancin:

Since I'm curious and am looking for some ideas as far as decorating and painting....I would love to see some pictures of your homes or your (favorite) rooms! Do you have any areas you are proud of? Colors you love? :)
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My studio flat back in Uni....

^ now thats called a studio :lol:

I can't post pictures since my bt usb stick is broke since a loooong time ago.
I can't wait to move out from my parent's house :smilerolleyes: Maybe I'll post a pic of my room someday.
^Please post the new pics , I hope you will put up some MJ posters too in your new room.
Congrats on your new place! It's exciting, isn't it? I'm 46 and I just purchased my own apartment a year ago. Don't look to me for decorating advice though. I'm terrible with it. I have no vision and I'm indecisive. Most of my walls are still bare. I just hung 2 cheapo framed mirrors in my living room over the sofa ($8.99 each) because I am afraid to nail holes in the walls, lol. My sister helped me purchase furniture from Craig's List before I moved which was a Godsend. Most everything I have in my apartment is something I brought over from my old apartment or got second hand from friends or purchased from Craigs List. I didn't have a lot of money to spend on new furniture.
Everyone is asleep in the bedrooms, but here's my living room. Nothing too great, but I love it, it's cozy.
This is part of my living room. I just hung those two mirrors almost a month ago (well, my brother-in-law did it actually). Took me an entire year to decide what to put there. I think they could have been hung a little lower but it's done. I am not moving them! I spend most of my time in my bedroom, anyway...that's where the computer is. :)

This is part of my living room. I just hung those two mirrors almost a month ago (well, my brother-in-law did it actually). Took me an entire year to decide what to put there. I think they could have been hung a little lower but it's done. I am not moving them! I spend most of my time in my bedroom, anyway...that's where the computer is. :)

That looks nice :)
Hey everyone!

2010 is going to be the start of a new life for me in many ways. Apart from being sad that it's going to be a new life without Michael trips and sightings, I'm happy because I'm finally moving out :dancin:

Since I'm curious and am looking for some ideas as far as decorating and painting....I would love to see some pictures of your homes or your (favorite) rooms! Do you have any areas you are proud of? Colors you love? :)

First , Congratulations for the moving !!!

My favourite part of my house is my room :) , since I have always been interested in decoration , I took my room as a personal project , I think it turned out pretty good ...Here some pictures , hope you like it !

The mirror is one of my favourite objects , As you can see my friends have written a lot in it :lol: I love it !!! , It brings something fun and different to the room :)
First , Congratulations for the moving !!!

My favourite part of my house is my room :) , since I have always been interested in decoration , I took my room as a personal project , I think it turned out pretty good ...Here some pictures , hope you like it !

The mirror is one of my favourite objects , As you can see my friends have written a lot in it :lol: I love it !!! , It brings something fun and different to the room :)

Thats cool! I went shopping today and even though I thought I was going to get myself a dark brown couch, I decided on a very colorful one! :lol: The cover can be replaced if I ever get tired of it ;)


Cool, huh? It looks much better in real life though. The picture doesn't do it justice.
So cool you are going to get your own place! :D

I'm not going to post pictures of my room, because it looks like an earthquake just took place. I gotta clean up first. xD

So I'm gonna post some pics from home decorations/rooms I like, maybe you like them too! :)








So cool you are going to get your own place! :D

I'm not going to post pictures of my room, because it looks like an earthquake just took place. I gotta clean up first. xD

So I'm gonna post some pics from home decorations/rooms I like, maybe you like them too! :)









love it!
so vintage!!
Thats cool! I went shopping today and even though I thought I was going to get myself a dark brown couch, I decided on a very colorful one! :lol: The cover can be replaced if I ever get tired of it ;)


Cool, huh? It looks much better in real life though. The picture doesn't do it justice.

Great choice!! Love the colours :)

So cool you are going to get your own place! :D

I'm not going to post pictures of my room, because it looks like an earthquake just took place. I gotta clean up first. xD

So I'm gonna post some pics from home decorations/rooms I like, maybe you like them too! :)


Wow, I want that wardrobe :wub:
Snorlaaax! Thanks for the inspiration! :)
My floor will be some sort of wood (in Dutch: laminaat) and as you saw my couch will be all colorful and stuff. My walls will be a light color and my cupboards and coffeetable & stuff will be dark brown/black. It will look nice :) My dinner table will be white with dark brown chairs. It will be a bit of everything. Will post pics when it's all done :yes:
I moved to a new place in June 09. Its a simple one bedroom apartment. I can't paint the walls so Im always looking for new ways to decorate and change things up.

Living Room


I moved to a new place in June 09. Its a simple one bedroom apartment. I can't paint the walls so Im always looking for new ways to decorate and change things up.

Living Room


Aw! that looks nice :yes: Good job on the decorating! :yes:
Thanks, Im a flea market fan.. I buy almost everything at flea markets. I hate buying things at furniture shops because everyone ends up with the same stuff, nothing is original. With flea markets of course not everything is going to be in the best of shape, but you can always make it look better.
So cool you are going to get your own place! :D

I'm not going to post pictures of my room, because it looks like an earthquake just took place. I gotta clean up first. xD

So I'm gonna post some pics from home decorations/rooms I like, maybe you like them too! :)









Holy crap on a crap cracker, snorlaaax! Your place looks like something out of an Architectural Digest magazine.
Damn snorlaaax, you have an amazing place! Beautifully decorated...artistic and colorful. Love the little tree table!!

Dutchie - super cute couch! I am aaall about bright colors and lots of them.

I'll hopefully be moving to a new place this spring...I'm already planning out how I want to's going to kick some serious ass. I'll have to come back here and share pics when I'm done!
LOOOL, thats not my place y'all! :p Those are just pictures I like and use as an inspiration for my own room. My mom went for this sort of country club style in our house, which I just find utterly boring, so my room is just full of colour. :p

I'm am going to post pictures when it's cleaned up, because now it just looks like a some sort of bomb went off, there's clothes, shoes and handbags all OVER the floor lol. :p
LOOOL, thats not my place y'all! :p Those are just pictures I like and use as an inspiration for my own room. My mom went for this sort of country club style in our house, which I just find utterly boring, so my room is just full of colour. :p
Ohh...dude, I need to take time to read things better. :lol: You have great taste, anyway!