Politics of Michael Jackson Fans

where do you sit

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I don't give a DAMN about politics. I'd rather just be uneducated about it (I'm not though, I know alot).

What has politics done for the world? Nothing. All it's ever done is stir more trouble and create worries. It has no heart. DISGUSTING.

Well then it sounds like you're on the side that is anti-government and believes government does more harm than good, like me. As Ayn Rand said, "I am interested in politics so that one day I will not have to be interested in politics". That's exactly my feelings about it. Not caring much for government, disliking the idea of politics at all, is a political position in itself.
I'm mostly conservative.

I'm socially right-wing conservative and fiscally moderate.

What does that mean? It means I believe in reinforcing family values within society (such as not destroying innocent human life which I'm sure Mike agreed with) and I also believe in maintaining a safety net for those in need.

Wonderful post! I agree wholeheartedly with you.
Right/left wing doesn't really refer to political parties. It refers to ideology. And everyone has a political ideology even if they don't realise it. For example, a lot of you have said you aren't affiliated with any particular party you just vote for who you think can do the best job. Well what do you base that on?

Say there are two main candidates in an election. Candidate A is proposing cutting the income tax and introducing a school voucher system to give students who perform well access to private schools. Candidate B is proposing raising the income tax on the highest income earners so the government can spend more money on public schools. Who do you vote for based on those policies? If you say candidate A you are likely right-leaning, if you say candidate B you are likely left-leaning.

Now that is just an example using just some policies that right and left wing politicians in the modern world may support. So don't go just based on that. But basically what I'm trying to say is that everyone has political opinions based on a general political ideology that is either represented by the right, the left or the center.
i don't see myself at all with democrats, and republicans at the end of the day its all the same...... my views of the world however are leaning more to far left as i tend to have some anticapitalist views
Neutral Democrat...

I grew up in a Democrat household...

Growing up in a middle of the road working class;

My pops taught us...no political party is perfect...but...at least the Democrats throw the little guy a few crumps..!

:angel:Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~