please,sombody! can ANYONE meet me in LA?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I've just booked my flight from norway to LA. I'll be arriving there 18.50!

I'VE NEVER been to LA! or america!!!
I don't know where to stay. where is Michael's house?
where could I live near his house? anything cheap, anywhere?

I just need someone's help :( I don't know where to go or who to be with!
I'm gonna be all alone :no:

I need to be there.
I arrive tomorrow(monday) at 18.50 and will be staying from onday-tuesday on Best Western airport Plaza.
no idea how far that is from Mj's house..I'll be only staying there ONE night..from there I wanna stay closest possible to where the fans are gonna be

I'll be there to the funeral is over. whenever that is :(
this is rhe address ofMJ's house 100 N.Carol wood Dr, LA 90077

and I think "This is the address of Jackson family I think:16255 Ventura Blvd,#600,Encino,CA

I dont live in LA but if you need help give me a call.
I can't reply to your message cause it said you've chosen not to receive Pm's :(

thank u angel though, it means alot!!

I am so scared!! I don't know where to go over there..or anything..makes me cry.
everything makes me cry.this whole situation..this will be the worst trip ever.. my Mj :( I need to be there though. that's the only thing I do know..right now
Wud be good if some1 who's going 2 la and has been before cud help arrange an affordable place for us all 2 try and stay. Cos a lot of us will be going on our own.

Will have 2 be somewhere in easy travel of places, 2 make it easier to get arround.

I really don't know where 2 start

I'm in the same position, and it's what has stopped me going so far. If somebody was willing to meet me over there and help me out I would go for sure...maybe we can all arrange something? I dunno...make it easier for each other?
You can visit Hollywood Hall of Fame first I guess
When I was traveling in LA that was the first place I went to.

I failed to take a photo of his because of a movie shooting thing but like 5 months later I could. I think there would be some fans.....

I wish I could help but I'm not even sure what day I am going over there - I'm concerned if I go too soon I won't have enough money to keep me there til the funeral so I'm just holding out for a little bit at the moment. Are you renting a car? As it is VERY difficult to get around without one as everything is seperated far out from each other... I hope you get something sorted and I'm sorry I can't help you out... Might see you out there when I finally do get over though!
Used to live in LA, anyone tell me if u need help

I advice you to stay at Days Inn, the one at Sunset Boulevard. Its in hollywood and therefore near Michaels home and Hollywood Star.

Rent a car if possible, public transport in LA is horrible!

if anyone has any other questions, please let me know I want to help as much as possible..

Hope I can make it to LA myself..
if u stay at days inn in 5410 Hollywood Blvd. its $632.76 bout £383 for 7 nights. Just looked it up. Is that 2 far? cos its cheaper than the sunset one.

I don't drive, and if public transport is bad, how will i get around?
if u stay at days inn in 5410 Hollywood Blvd. its $632.76 bout £383 for 7 nights. Just looked it up. Is that 2 far? cos its cheaper than the sunset one.

I don't drive, and if public transport is bad, how will i get around?

Hollywoodboulevard is even better. There are also some hostels around the area.

Public transport is horrible. Busses come once in half a hour, or dont show up at all.
Take a cab. Yellow Cab is the most reliable, this is their number: 18887293556

Another thing I used to do was often go into hotels and ask if they have their own cab service. most of the time its just someone with a gps system and not an official taxi chain, but they charge you cheaper and you can often negotiate about prices.
Hollywoodboulevard is even better. There are also some hostels around the area.

Public transport is horrible. Busses come once in half a hour, or dont show up at all.
Take a cab. Yellow Cab is the most reliable, this is their number: 18887293556

Another thing I used to do was often go into hotels and ask if they have their own cab service. most of the time its just someone with a gps system and not an official taxi chain, but they charge you cheaper and you can often negotiate about prices.

do you have any names of hostels. The cheaper the better. I don't care bout quality. Just location. Its just somewhere to rest my head at night after all. I've stayed in a hostel in amsterdam which was like a prison, so im sure i will be fine with watever la throws at me lol
thank you everyone for answering me!
Well, I cancelled my flight because I got too stressed about it! and like katzr said, it would be great if we all (who's thinking of going) can make arrangements together!
and be there together and support eachother
because it's so difficult to be there alone :(especially coming from another country.

I will book another flight AS SOON AS THERE'S ANYYY news about the funeral.
A friend of mine once stayed in Westside Rentals Hollywood Hotel, which was about $90 a night.

Hollywood Highland Hotel & Hostel, is also set on Hollywood Boulevard, do not know the exact prices. This is a place where lots of students stay, so I expect it not to be that expensive.

Those are the only 2 hostels I know around Hollywood, but Im sure there are plenty more. Gonna ask around a bit tommorow.
A friend of mine once stayed in Westside Rentals Hollywood Hotel, which was about $90 a night.

Hollywood Highland Hotel & Hostel, is also set on Hollywood Boulevard, do not know the exact prices. This is a place where lots of students stay, so I expect it not to be that expensive.

Those are the only 2 hostels I know around Hollywood, but Im sure there are plenty more. Gonna ask around a bit tommorow.

thank you so much for all your help
This is so sad. I want to be there. That's the least I can do for him. I will regret if I don't go. However, Im out of cash. If viagogo gives a refund, Im going to consider to buy a ticket to L.A. Though it also depends on when the funeral will take place and if it's going to be a public funeral or not. If I decide to go, then I will go alone too, so we can meet up.

This is devastating. I was planning to see him in concert. Now, Im planning to go to his funeral. Tragedy beyond words.
^^SAME feeling I have. I was gonna go to his CONCERT! not FUNERAL, wtf!!! :(
what's going on!!!!!

If you decide to go give me a PM. I know of a few who's going so we all could meet up
i can help...i live here by myself and have my own car

but i really dont understand the point of it.....michael is gone. forever.
Hi, i too am hoping to go to his funeral but am waiting to find out if it will be a public or private service or perhaps they will hold a public memorial service for the fans to attend, as the Jackson Family know how important the fans are to MJ.
I have been to LA a couple of times before but do not know it very well. I would be happy to drive a rental car. I work in NZ as a travel consultant so can book accomm also if people require it. Would make sense to form a group of people to help share costs as well as be company for one another for what is going to be a very emotional trip.

I have been a fan since 1983, seen MJ approx 15+ times in concert and have spent 3 hours inside Neverland though i am new to this Forum/blogging business!

(Maori for "BE STRONG").
Wud be good if some1 who's going 2 la and has been before cud help arrange an affordable place for us all 2 try and stay. Cos a lot of us will be going on our own.

Will have 2 be somewhere in easy travel of places, 2 make it easier to get arround.

I really don't know where 2 start

are you thinking of going katz.i would really like to go,but i would be in the same boat,
would help to just an ide ,if people knew of a place wher maybe we could camp leagally,which would save on the cost,
The best thing that you guys can do is waiting to see when will be the funeral.I think it wont be before friday.
Guys, I won't be able to go, but I wanna help you as much as I can, so I'm doing some research on what's in the area...

Here's a map of Hollywood Hotels and Motels:

Here's a site with a list of hotels in and around Hollywood, with rate estimates:

I couldn't find any campgrounds close to Hollywood, so unless you guys are willing to commute somehow, that doesn't look like an option. But if you decide to.. go to this site for the info:

And here's a site that will help you find the lowest airfare, just put in the airports involved and the dates:

I hope these sites will help you guys, I wish I could be there too, but I'm moving in three weeks and I can't afford it.:no: