Please Pray for My Grandma, Me and my Whole Family

Amanda, talk to me on Yahoo today.
So sorry about all of this and that I haven't been much around lately.

John Lucas
Update: Tomorrow she goes to have a port for the radation and a feeding tube put in. Please keep praying :flowers: :heart:
Praying on for your grandmother!!! Wish you guys lots of strength and all the best!!!
Update: Our Prayers are working, we found out today that it hasn't spread!!! All I can say is Thank You Jesus over and over. So, please keep doing what you're doing and Thank You So Much! :wub: She's the strongest person I know, So, I have no doubt that with God's and the doctor's help SHE WILL BEAT IT ALL THE WAY!!

God Bless :D :heart:

Praise Jesus. He is Lord.
Update: Tomorrow she goes to have a port for the radation and a feeding tube put in. Please keep praying :flowers: :heart:

You and your granny and family are in my prayers.Good luck and keep the faith!
On Monday My Grandma starts treatment! Keep praying guys :D :flowers:
Well, It's been 2 days with Chemo therapy and she's dong good :D :flowers:
Update: It has been rough the past few weeks, but I'm happy to report my Grandma is doing extremely well! The doctor told her on Monday that the tumor has shrunk 75%!!!! She starts chemo and radiation again on Monday. Thank you all for your continued love, support and prayers!

Happy New Year! :D :heart:
Wonderful news! I hope she continues to improve and that the treatments bring that tumor to a big fat 0! Happy New Year to you and yours!
Im so pleased that you have had some good news, I hope and pray that the treatment continues to go well and that your Grandma is soon well.
God Bless xx
Wow those are wonderful news!!!
Thanks MJPanda!
Happy new year!!! :cheers:
Update: It has been rough the past few weeks, but I'm happy to report my Grandma is doing extremely well! The doctor told her on Monday that the tumor has shrunk 75%!!!! She starts chemo and radiation again on Monday. Thank you all for your continued love, support and prayers!

Happy New Year! :D :heart:

OMG!! That's great MJsPanda!! I am going to continue to pray for your grandma's continued health!!
Wow!! good, i'll step up my prayers even more

Happy and healthy new year to ur entire family and you
I'll pray for your grandmother, your family and you, may god bless you all.