Please Pray for My Grandma, Me and my Whole Family


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi Everybody,

My Grandma was diagnosed with Cancer in her mouth last week,

I have lived with her all my life and I'm still with her. She has taken care of my 2 brothers and I for 16 years now. She has gone above and beyond the duty of a Grandmother, mother, wife and a woman to be there for anyone who needs her. She means everything to me and I can't imagine and life without her. So, I'm asking everyone to please pray for my Grandma Rose , for complete healing and strength.

Thank You All So Much and God Bless You All! :wub: :wub:

Panda :D
I'm sorry ...My prayers will be with you and,your grandma and family!
Be strong,have a faith in God.Your Grandma will be fine for sure!
God bless you!:)

I feel so bad for you right now. I know exactly how you feel and experienced all of it too. My grandma used to live with me too and took care of me and my little brother too, she was indeed more to me than a grandma. She was diagnosed with cancer one and half year ago, she died in February, it sounds really weird but the cancer was what even brought us closer to each other then ever before. me and my family took care of her the whole procedure of her cancer ourself, so everything was really emotional. I'm still really sad about her death, so I try not think about it.

I'll pray for you and hope everything is really gonna be ok! do you know if the cancer already spread ?
I feel so bad for you right now. I know exactly how you feel and experienced all of it too. My grandma used to live with me too and took care of me and my little brother too, she was indeed more to me than a grandma. She was diagnosed with cancer one and half year ago, she died in February, it sounds really weird but the cancer was what even brought us closer to each other then ever before. me and my family took care of her the whole procedure of her cancer ourself, so everything was really emotional. I'm still really sad about her death, so I try not think about it.

I'll pray for you and hope everything is really gonna be ok! do you know if the cancer already spread ?

She's going for the test tomorrow to see if it has or not.
I'm sorry to hear that Panda. You and your granda are in my prayers.

Be strong :flowers:
God Bless...Our thoughts and prayers are with you and yours...
My prayers do go out for your granny, you and all your family!
I hope and pray they caught it in time and that she recovers completely. She does sound like a wonderful lady and I love that you appreciate her so much. Best of luck to her and your family.
Update: My Grandma went for the scan today to see if the cancer has spread. She hasn't heard the results yet, but I'm praying and thanking God that it hasn't and it won't spread. I just want to ask all of you to keep praying for her complete healing and I'd like to thank you all for all your support and love.

I will keep you all informed.
God Bless us All :heart:
God bless you and your grandmother. Good luck on those test results! :praying:
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your Grandmother,
I hope and pray that she has a good prognosis
You are united in your love for each other, xx
Aw, Panda, I know how u feel about ur Grandma! I love mine too, couldnt live without her, and her is Rosa, which is Rose in English, like urs! ^_^
Have faith in Jesus, in his sacred heart and his power...everything will work out fine!
I'll pray for her and for u also, God bless! :flowers:
"...I have lived with her all my life and I'm still with her. She has taken care of my 2 brothers and I for 16 years now. She has gone above and beyond the duty of a Grandmother, mother, wife and a woman to be there for anyone who needs her. She means everything to me and I can't imagine and life without her. "...

Panda....I'm so sorry to hear this about your grandmother.I know how you feel about her because it is exactly what i feel (even today that she is gone 9 years ago).Also,the way you describe her,it's the perfect description of my granny too.
I will keep you,your family and granny in prayers.Keep the faith and you will see it was found in time so she will win this batle.
Update: Our Prayers are working, we found out today that it hasn't spread!!! All I can say is Thank You Jesus over and over. So, please keep doing what you're doing and Thank You So Much! :wub: She's the strongest person I know, So, I have no doubt that with God's and the doctor's help SHE WILL BEAT IT ALL THE WAY!!

God Bless :D :heart:
I will pray for your grandma. I hope and pray that they caught this in time...and that she gets good treatment.
MJsPanda...At least someone has a good news.
I am so happy for you.
Keep updating us ok?
Your grandmother will make it.I'll go on praying for all of you.
Update: Our Prayers are working, we found out today that it hasn't spread!!! All I can say is Thank You Jesus over and over. So, please keep doing what you're doing and Thank You So Much! :wub: She's the strongest person I know, So, I have no doubt that with God's and the doctor's help SHE WILL BEAT IT ALL THE WAY!!

God Bless :D :heart:

YAY! I will definitely continue to pray for you and hope that everything will go well :yes: