please not hate me, please not get anger

I remember from a thread in the tabloid section that this horrible idiot wanted to call the book 'Peter Pan or Pervert' at first? Right......that alone should say it all, really.

It's obvious that you haven't been very much on this forum, otherwise you'd have known what a horrible asswipe Halperin is...a true snake, a big lowlife. Not your fault if that's the case...but trust not read it. Read a quality book instead. MJ's Moonwalk for example.
I think what happened here is Ian managed to get some good and truthful interviews by various people and he filled up the rest with fiction or non-reputable sources.

And, yeah, rockstar didn't buy it herself, give her a break please. :)
DANCING IN THE DREAM should be in the bookshop windows not this!


Dancing the dreams is probably one of the most truthful books out there (and I dont mean in terms of getting an understanding of "michael the person")
but what he says in there through poetry regarding the world is soo true and so relevant to the world we live in today!!
I know that parts of this are BS, but you gotta remember that this was the same guy who predicted MJ would die in 6 months, and MJ died in 7 months.

Also when did this book get released?
I know that parts of this are BS, but you gotta remember that this was the same guy who predicted MJ would die in 6 months, and MJ died in 7 months.

Also when did this book get released?

Yep, and I bet he's jumping for joy that his guess was oh so accurate. Doesn't make him any more credible.
Can someone help to throw this guy into some mental hospital?
or maybe he shouldn't write biography, he should write sci fiction.
I know that parts of this are BS, but you gotta remember that this was the same guy who predicted MJ would die in 6 months, and MJ died in 7 months.

Also when did this book get released?

Oh please, spare me of that BS about "predicting" Michael's death. Sorry for my French, but I can't hear him boasting about it in every article how he "predicted" his death. Who does he think he is, a prophet?

He got lucky that Michael died, that's all, so his "prediction" came true and now he can boast about it. What he doesn't boast about however was that he did not predict he was going to die in drug overdose. He predicted he was dying because he needed a lung transplant and that he could barely speak and that he was totally blind on one eye and all that kind of BS. That's what he actually "predicted". A lot of BS.
I've been collecting everything I possibly can on Michael Jackson since Febuary 1983. But there are somethings I won't buy/collect even if they have good photos of Michael, and this warped moronic book The Final Years by Ian Halperin is one of the books I wouldn't even consider buying. Buying this is just as bad as buying All That Glitters by Jordan Chandlers uncle, and this book will be just as unsuccessful as All That Glitters as it's full of lies and written by a retard.
they have been saying for the last 20 years mj was gonna die. well if u keep saying it sooner or later someone is gonna get it right. i remember when mj was married and every month u had a divorce story. when they did actually get divorced the magazine claimed we were the first to tell you. well if u keep saying every month that they are gonna get divorced then when it actually happens of course u are gonna say u got it right. problems is u said 10 times they were getting divorced and they didnt. u got it right on the 11th go. great work
Oh please, spare me of that BS about "predicting" Michael's death. Sorry for my French, but I can't hear him boasting about it in every article how he "predicted" his death. Who does he think he is, a prophet?

He got lucky that Michael died, that's all, so his "prediction" came true and now he can boast about it. What he doesn't boast about however was that he did not predict he was going to die in drug overdose. He predicted he was dying because he needed a lung transplant and that he could barely speak and that he was totally blind on one eye and all that kind of BS. That's what he actually "predicted". A lot of BS.

exactly. dont forget the MRSA. i know theres alot of new fans on here. but jeez do some research get a brain cause now aint the time for stupid comments.
from TSCM

realize at this time that none of us want to hear anything about this tabloid-ridden book, and had this not happened to Michael Jackson we wouldn't have had to since it was going to be released by a very small independent firm and likely wouldn't have sold more than a few copies. However, now he has changed the title, changed the cover, and re-written a portion of the book to make it appear more positive to the unsuspecting eye. It is now being released by a mainstream publisher while also being discussed by countless media outlets. In it, he alleges an insurmountable number of salacious rumors while citing anonymous sources and unknown names; this includes claims of diseases he says Michael had (which he did not), that Michael was gay, that he couldn't sing or dance at all, and other outlandish claims.

I am deliberately creating this thread to share a response that I hope can be used, or paraphrased, by the fans in responding to this nonsense across the various blogs and news sites. The content is entirely fact-based, unlike Ian's own stories.

Unfortunately, Michael Jackson can no longer defend himself or file libel suits against people like this who are now basically free to to allege anything they want. For that reason, I feel it is still important for fans to at least make the public aware of Ian's past.

It truly disturbs me that the media continues to report on Ian Halperin's gossip and innuendo just to help line his pockets without critically questioning the validity of his claims or asking for solid proof to confirm any of it before reporting it. He is the one who insisted last December that Michael Jackson was suffering from all of the following rare and deadly diseases: Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (a genetic, hereditary disease chiefly affecting European Americans), chronic gastrointestinal bleeding, severe emphysema, 95% blind in his left eye, near mute (unable to speak), lung and liver disease(s), in dire need of a transplant, serious back and leg pain, virtually bedridden and unable to get out, amongst other outlandish illnesses which seemed to grow each week. Yet, at the same time Ian was making these claims Michael was shopping for antiques, signing autographs and chatting to fans on video, and preparing for the then unannounced concerts (which Ian was one of the very last to report about; apparently his sources didn't let him in on that little tidbit of information).

To substantiate these claims, Ian referenced gossip blogger Perez Hilton (who in turn cited a British tabloid) and also posted an 18-month old alleged quote from the now fired Fox News gossip columnist while proclaiming that it was a brand new statement for his own story. All of these illnesses were categorically denied by Michael Jackson, who had to undergo a mandatory five hour medical exam by the insurance carriers earlier this year before the O2 concerts could go on. The medical examiners and AEG officials independently confirmed that he passed all tests with flying colors and the ONLY illness he had at the time was slight hayfever (a common cold) in addition to his near life-long and enduring skin conditions Vitiligo and Lupus. Following Michael's untimely passing, his autopsy again "made no mention of an injury or trauma to the body and no mention of natural disease," thus indicating that Michael Jackson died not because of any of these non-existent diseases which would have been easy to confirm, but because of another reason still being investigated (indications point to a dangerous sleeping drug administered by a questionable doctor).

Ian is now giving the false impression that he is a supporter and fan of Michael Jackson, this change of heart only occurred after Michael Jackson's death, likely after he observed how millions around the globe were sadly mourning the loss and buying up Michael Jackson's albums in record numbers and tired of the negative. Don't be fooled, the agenda and content of this book is as grotesque and sensational as ever (the original title was: "Michael Jackson: Peter Pan or Pervert?"). One early quote from Ian's blog reads: "Michael Jackson, who is gravely ill with a rare lung disease, has his butthole cleaned every afternoon...It takes about 30 minutes. They use a machine that looks like a mini vacuum to go up his butthole to get all the dirt out." In a video blog just weeks before Michael's death, he stated that his book about "W*cko J*cko" will "shock you as to how sick a human being can actually be. How screwed up, how ****ed up, a man--if you call Michael Jackson a man--can be."

Ian compulsively uses anonymous sources to make his claims, while throwing around unrecognizable names or pseudonyms insisting that they are close friends or family of the ones he's writing about (despite no such people ever having been referenced in context of the celebrity before). For instance, he cites a man named "Dean Smith" as being a close friend of Michael Jackson who told him exclusively that Michael Jackson had an incurable disease. I challenge anyone to find a single time this "Dean Smith" has been spotted with Michael Jackson or mentioned by any reputable media outlets as Michael's close friend--there is no such friend. Ian also exaggerates his credentials, Rolling Stone had to confront him on this fact when he first started spreading the Michael Jackson stories. In truth, the only award he ever received was a college journalism award that was distributed amongst the entire student newspaper staff. In fact, while a student writer in Canada, Ian was sued for libel in a $100,000 suit which ultimately led to criminal charges filed against him for perjury after three different sources said they did not provide the information he claimed they had. Ian fled to Europe for more than two years before returning, whereby his parents had to pay to bail him out of jail. What an honorable man.

Ian's stories and absurdities extend well beyond Michael Jackson. He has also exclusively claimed that Angelina Jolie has sex with men, women, dogs, plants, and suggestively even her own children. He claimed exclusively on several occasions that David Carradine was murdered; medical examiners confirmed he died of accidental asphyxiation. He regularly outs countless celebrities as being gay without any proof behind such claims, the latest in the mix is naturally Michael Jackson. Of course, not even the prosecutors during the criminal trial (which Ian admits was unfounded and that he was innocent) made such a suggestion because there was simply no proof of this. I only wish the media would be more critical of authors promoting their unauthorized books especially now that Michael Jackson is gone and cannot defend himself nor file slander suits, so authors like Ian are basically free to say as they wish.

Pictures and videos of Michael Jackson's final rehearsals at the Staples Center in Los Angeles were released by AEG officials. They recorded more than 100 hours of HD video of Michael singing and dancing night after night, including just hours before he passed away. It is expected that they will be releasing this material on DVD, in theaters, or as a Pay-Per-View event in the future. I want everyone to take a look at those pictures, and at the video of Michael dancing and singing, and then remember that Ian proclaimed he was bedridden and "could no longer sing, for a start. On some days he could barely talk. He could no longer dance." According to concert promoters, Michael also sang live much of the time during rehearsals and sounded better than ever even though he was told to preserve his voice for the real concerts, this too will come out when more video gets released.
from TSCM

realize at this time that none of us want to hear anything about this tabloid-ridden book, and had this not happened to Michael Jackson we wouldn't have had to since it was going to be released by a very small independent firm and likely wouldn't have sold more than a few copies. However, now he has changed the title, changed the cover, and re-written a portion of the book to make it appear more positive to the unsuspecting eye. It is now being released by a mainstream publisher while also being discussed by countless media outlets. In it, he alleges an insurmountable number of salacious rumors while citing anonymous sources and unknown names; this includes claims of diseases he says Michael had (which he did not), that Michael was gay, that he couldn't sing or dance at all, and other outlandish claims.

I am deliberately creating this thread to share a response that I hope can be used, or paraphrased, by the fans in responding to this nonsense across the various blogs and news sites. The content is entirely fact-based, unlike Ian's own stories.

Unfortunately, Michael Jackson can no longer defend himself or file libel suits against people like this who are now basically free to to allege anything they want. For that reason, I feel it is still important for fans to at least make the public aware of Ian's past.

It truly disturbs me that the media continues to report on Ian Halperin's gossip and innuendo just to help line his pockets without critically questioning the validity of his claims or asking for solid proof to confirm any of it before reporting it. He is the one who insisted last December that Michael Jackson was suffering from all of the following rare and deadly diseases: Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (a genetic, hereditary disease chiefly affecting European Americans), chronic gastrointestinal bleeding, severe emphysema, 95% blind in his left eye, near mute (unable to speak), lung and liver disease(s), in dire need of a transplant, serious back and leg pain, virtually bedridden and unable to get out, amongst other outlandish illnesses which seemed to grow each week. Yet, at the same time Ian was making these claims Michael was shopping for antiques, signing autographs and chatting to fans on video, and preparing for the then unannounced concerts (which Ian was one of the very last to report about; apparently his sources didn't let him in on that little tidbit of information).

To substantiate these claims, Ian referenced gossip blogger Perez Hilton (who in turn cited a British tabloid) and also posted an 18-month old alleged quote from the now fired Fox News gossip columnist while proclaiming that it was a brand new statement for his own story. All of these illnesses were categorically denied by Michael Jackson, who had to undergo a mandatory five hour medical exam by the insurance carriers earlier this year before the O2 concerts could go on. The medical examiners and AEG officials independently confirmed that he passed all tests with flying colors and the ONLY illness he had at the time was slight hayfever (a common cold) in addition to his near life-long and enduring skin conditions Vitiligo and Lupus. Following Michael's untimely passing, his autopsy again "made no mention of an injury or trauma to the body and no mention of natural disease," thus indicating that Michael Jackson died not because of any of these non-existent diseases which would have been easy to confirm, but because of another reason still being investigated (indications point to a dangerous sleeping drug administered by a questionable doctor).

Ian is now giving the false impression that he is a supporter and fan of Michael Jackson, this change of heart only occurred after Michael Jackson's death, likely after he observed how millions around the globe were sadly mourning the loss and buying up Michael Jackson's albums in record numbers and tired of the negative. Don't be fooled, the agenda and content of this book is as grotesque and sensational as ever (the original title was: "Michael Jackson: Peter Pan or Pervert?"). One early quote from Ian's blog reads: "Michael Jackson, who is gravely ill with a rare lung disease, has his butthole cleaned every afternoon...It takes about 30 minutes. They use a machine that looks like a mini vacuum to go up his butthole to get all the dirt out." In a video blog just weeks before Michael's death, he stated that his book about "W*cko J*cko" will "shock you as to how sick a human being can actually be. How screwed up, how ****ed up, a man--if you call Michael Jackson a man--can be."

Ian compulsively uses anonymous sources to make his claims, while throwing around unrecognizable names or pseudonyms insisting that they are close friends or family of the ones he's writing about (despite no such people ever having been referenced in context of the celebrity before). For instance, he cites a man named "Dean Smith" as being a close friend of Michael Jackson who told him exclusively that Michael Jackson had an incurable disease. I challenge anyone to find a single time this "Dean Smith" has been spotted with Michael Jackson or mentioned by any reputable media outlets as Michael's close friend--there is no such friend. Ian also exaggerates his credentials, Rolling Stone had to confront him on this fact when he first started spreading the Michael Jackson stories. In truth, the only award he ever received was a college journalism award that was distributed amongst the entire student newspaper staff. In fact, while a student writer in Canada, Ian was sued for libel in a $100,000 suit which ultimately led to criminal charges filed against him for perjury after three different sources said they did not provide the information he claimed they had. Ian fled to Europe for more than two years before returning, whereby his parents had to pay to bail him out of jail. What an honorable man.

Ian's stories and absurdities extend well beyond Michael Jackson. He has also exclusively claimed that Angelina Jolie has sex with men, women, dogs, plants, and suggestively even her own children. He claimed exclusively on several occasions that David Carradine was murdered; medical examiners confirmed he died of accidental asphyxiation. He regularly outs countless celebrities as being gay without any proof behind such claims, the latest in the mix is naturally Michael Jackson. Of course, not even the prosecutors during the criminal trial (which Ian admits was unfounded and that he was innocent) made such a suggestion because there was simply no proof of this. I only wish the media would be more critical of authors promoting their unauthorized books especially now that Michael Jackson is gone and cannot defend himself nor file slander suits, so authors like Ian are basically free to say as they wish.

Pictures and videos of Michael Jackson's final rehearsals at the Staples Center in Los Angeles were released by AEG officials. They recorded more than 100 hours of HD video of Michael singing and dancing night after night, including just hours before he passed away. It is expected that they will be releasing this material on DVD, in theaters, or as a Pay-Per-View event in the future. I want everyone to take a look at those pictures, and at the video of Michael dancing and singing, and then remember that Ian proclaimed he was bedridden and "could no longer sing, for a start. On some days he could barely talk. He could no longer dance." According to concert promoters, Michael also sang live much of the time during rehearsals and sounded better than ever even though he was told to preserve his voice for the real concerts, this too will come out when more video gets released.

Thank you for that. It sums Halprein up very well.
Thanks to elusive moonwalker for originally posting that info... Ian said Angelina had sex with her kids! WTF!! The media buying into his book is another example of where they know the truth but this sensationalism will sell more papers/mags/get more readers onto their websites.

Is there any dirt on Ian we can expose I wonder? But who would listen... a dirt story on him is worth nothing or very little to the dirt stories he created from lies about Michael.
Hard-core fans or may i say...Long time fans know and able to feel which part are lies,which part are true....while public will just believe what they read

i wish we all could work together to banned or somehow control Michael's book publishing like a censorship or we all can kick Ian Halperin's butt lol...and also all those liar author
And, yeah, rockstar didn't buy it herself, give her a break please. :)[/quote]

sunnyday81 :cry: thank you thank you thank you for standing up for me thank you thank you :cry:
i :cry: my heart out all night along :yes: :cry:
sorry if my book choice upset some people
i love M.J. and just wanted to have anything that is about him.
i have learning disability so i don't alway understand what the books are truly about.
i will return the book to the store. it would be nice if people would post what are good books about M.J so us people with disability don't buy the wrong kind of books
This man is the most disgusting creature !Don't buy that shit.Lets make a "book" burning!
sorry if my book choice upset some people
i love M.J. and just wanted to have anything that is about him.
i have learning disability so i don't alway understand what the books are truly about.
i will return the book to the store. it would be nice if people would post what are good books about M.J so us people with disability don't buy the wrong kind of books

No problem, I just get irritated any time I hear that Halprein's name.

If I'd buy a book on MJ, I'd choose "In Studio with Michael Jackson" by Bruce Sweiden:

It focuses on the music, not on tabloid trash. Although, if I understand corretly it will only be released in September: Publisher: Hal Leonard (September 1, 2009)
And, yeah, rockstar didn't buy it herself, give her a break please. :)

sunnyday81 :cry: thank you thank you thank you for standing up for me thank you thank you :cry:
i :cry: my heart out all night along :yes: :cry:[/QUOTE]

I was not mad at Rockstar, just at the author. Hey we are all upset and confused at the moment and want anything to do with Michael I understand :)
Rockstar, you didn't KNOW, ok? And the book was a gift. Please don't be upset about this. Oh, please don't be upset?

And everyone, please be kind to rockstar! She DESERVES your kindness. .. . . she is grieving, too, very much . . . .
Rockstar, you didn't KNOW, ok? And the book was a gift. Please don't be upset about this. Oh, please don't be upset?

And everyone, please be kind to rockstar! She DESERVES your kindness. .. . . she is grieving, too, very much . . . .

thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you Victoria83
so look like he is not good man :no: i'm sorry that i post this :yes: :(

sorry if my book choice upset some people
i love M.J. and just wanted to have anything that is about him.
i have learning disability so i don't alway understand what the books are truly about.
i will return the book to the store. it would be nice if people would post what are good books about M.J so us people with disability don't buy the wrong kind of books
Have any of you looked at Ian H's blog? What a joke. He basically says that everyone is gay - everyone. If he blogs about a celebrity, you can bet that he will mention that they're gay. And, he really likes to say outrageous things about Angelina Jolie.

While it sounds like he did do some research in the book, I wouldn't believe anything from him that I can't verify from other sources.
i was thanking to tell this in newspaper :yes: to tell the stores to brun it :yes:

and i was thinking to tell my story in the newspaper about this guy to get him in troblem :yes:
Have any of you looked at Ian H's blog? What a joke. He basically says that everyone is gay - everyone. If he blogs about a celebrity, you can bet that he will mention that they're gay. And, he really likes to say outrageous things about Angelina Jolie.

While it sounds like he did do some research in the book, I wouldn't believe anything from him that I can't verify from other sources.

I think Ian is gay himself, that's why he likes to entertain the idea that everybody else is too. Otherwise why would he be so obsessed with homosexuality?