Playing Michael's song on America's got talent

My mom taped this for me just for this part, I just watched it earlier today, as soon as I saw a little black boy on, I knew it had to be Michael Jackson lol! He was soo good, and so adorable too! I am glad he made it! :)
Wow, that is a tearjerker. He is a sweet little boy, and that is the perfect song for them to play for him (you are not alone).
I keep trying to figure out what Piers was saying to him about Michael. I thought I heard him ask if Michael was his hero? I'm not sure...
Wow, that is a tearjerker. He is a sweet little boy, and that is the perfect song for them to play for him (you are not alone).
I keep trying to figure out what Piers was saying to him about Michael. I thought I heard him ask if Michael was his hero? I'm not sure...

I'm not sure about what he says entirely, but at the beginning it sounds like:

"That was brilliant, David. If Michael Jackson were out here...[he would be proud. / would he be proud?]"


(Crowd cheers)
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All I can say is, God is good. The stone that the builder refuses, become the chief corner stone. A little child shall lead them.

Now they speak to a little disabled 'boy' about Michael on tv. and they couldn't mock.
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i thought Piers said: Is Michael Jackson one of your heroes?

Boy replies: YES
I'm not sure about what he says entirely, but at the beginning it sounds like:

"That was brilliant, David. If Michael Jackson were out here...[he would be proud. / would he be proud?]"


(Crowd cheers)

That's what I think he said too! Michael would be proud to have heard him... I hope he did get to see it.
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Isn't it ironic that the very think that they tried so hard to stop Michael doing, ie caring for the special needs children should come right in their face on tv and speak of MJ, and they could not stop it. I hope the powers that be take note and see what they tried to stop, and for what? Now I bet they would love to arrange a meeting for that little boy and MJ, but how will they do it now when they used the very thing to destroy him?
That was soooo cute. Had me cryin' over here. Wow! I love it when little kids show their love for MJ.
One oof the major thing about autism is that children stick to routine and do not respond well to change.
I point this out because I believe that that little boy seems to respond majorly to Michael jackson and that was why they played Michael's music.

Isn't it ironic that the thing that they used to destroy Michael Jackson, ie, his love for children and his desire to help them, comes right back in their faces with this little boy, who may have been helped from his silence by Michael's music. Of course they wouldn't have made any announcement about it, cause they used the very thing to ridicule him.:yes:
:clapping:So true. the kid is adorable.
i thought Piers said: Is Michael Jackson one of your heroes?

Boy replies: YES

That's exactly what he said... I listened to it several times... :yes:
Now, Piers also says something else before that which is nearly inaudible. It sounds something like: "aaa that was a pretty, little thing. Is Michael Jackson one of your heroes?..."

I think Piers attempted to make a reference to PYT... you know it sounds like he called David's performance a "pretty, little thing"... which is reminiscent of "pretty, young thing" in the lyrics of PYT! :D
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That was so cute, his voice has so much emotion in it when he sings, I'm glad this little boy has an outlet for his emotions which he can't express fully well due to his Autism.
yeaah i here michael everywhere thats a good thing! im really hyped about the new album:D
Okay, I'm gonna bawl!

That was just the cutest thing! such an adorable little boy and he can sing too!