Playing Michael's song on America's got talent


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
OMG, on America's got talent, they are playing "You are not alone"!!! I thought it was it when I first heard the music and now Michael is singing!!!
I keep hearing him all the time now. Ellen just played a song of his yesterday, I've heard his songs at the mall over the weekend and on the radio too. He's been everywhere lately, and I love it!!!
Now the boy who is singing said his favorite singer of all time was Jackson Five, and he's singing "Ben"
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America Got Talent goodness gracious...

The Program America Got Talent just had an absolutely beautiful 9 year old named David who sang Mr.Jackson's song "Ben"...his favorite muscians Jackson 5 and the program played "You Are Not Alone" by Michael Jackson while narrating this young mans story....

Words can not describe how touching this performance was...

This is what its all about Mr.Jackson...

Keep Healing The World~~~"Education Is The Key"
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Re: America Got Talent goodness gracious...

The Program America Got Talent just had an absolutly beautiful 9 year old namd David who sang Mr.Jackson's song "Ben"...his favorite muscians Jackson 5 and the program played "You Are Not Alone" by Michael Jackson while narrating this young mans story....

Words can not describe how touching this performance was...

This is what its all about Mr.Jackson...

Keep Healing The World~~~"Education Is The Key"
Thanks for the reporting back. I would very much like to see that. If only the cursed media would stop for a moment and think of all the thousands of young children who look up to Michael for inspiration and how heart rending it must be to hear their idol mocked anf vilified in the press, they may just stop it.
wow...that...i'm speechless...that little boy has just become my hero. i really really hope and pray that he gets to meet michael someday soon. i can't even imagine how proud his parents are. what and angel.
aaaww that is so sweet :) he is such a cute little boy!

i havent seen AGT yet but its great to hear Michael's music has been playing!!
:yes: :kickass2:

America's Got Talent has used MJ's music in EVERY episode so far this season. Montages of funny performances were played to "Beat It" and "Bad" during the first two shows, and the opening episode started with Can You Feel It. Good stuff.
I saw the episode with my mom, it was very sweet, aw. :wub:
He's was so cute, I couldn't stop yelling "awwww" LMFAO.
Man when I watched that performance I started crying :LOL:
that was so beautiful .. and such a tribute to Michael. I just get
so exited and emotional whenever I hear his music being played
on these shows. It is very positive promotion for Michael -
:yes: :kickass2:

America's Got Talent has used MJ's music in EVERY episode so far this season. Montages of funny performances were played to "Beat It" and "Bad" during the first two shows, and the opening episode started with Can You Feel It. Good stuff.

wow, really? I've got to start watching this show!!

That performance of Ben was so sweet. I almost started crying when I was watching it. :wub: :wub:
WOOOOWWWWW it´s Amazing!!!!! I can´t believe how sweet this boy is!!!
I Thnik there is n little Michael in him! Great Performance!!!! Unbelievible
I caught the end of that kids performance and noticed they were playing You Are Not Alone. Every week I watch that show and they are playing some MJ song! Ive been hearing so much MJ in the past few weeks from TV shows to Commercials both on the internet and television plus at the mall! Go MJ!
That was Beautiful!!! did u gys. hear the judges ask about MIchael, while Jerry S. was talking to the parents. I think they asked if He liked Michael Jackson, and David said "YEEEEAAAA" From 4:52-5:01!!! listen hard!!!
One oof the major thing about autism is that children stick to routine and do not respond well to change.
I point this out because I believe that that little boy seems to respond majorly to Michael jackson and that was why they played Michael's music.

Isn't it ironic that the thing that they used to destroy Michael Jackson, ie, his love for children and his desire to help them, comes right back in their faces with this little boy, who may have been helped from his silence by Michael's music. Of course they wouldn't have made any announcement about it, cause they used the very thing to ridicule him.:yes:
Re: 9 yr old David Militello - sings - 2008 America's Got Talent

i know made me cry alot :cry:

know what can i tell you something raisa i didn't talk til i was 4 years old :yes: is true my mom just told me that :yes: :)
Ohh what a wonderful little boy, he is so cute.:wub:
That gave me goosebumps. It would be so lovely if he could meet Michael.
"Little David, a boy whose autism left him mute for the first 3 years of his life, is now singing. He is 9 years old and sings "Ben" and it is another really cute act."

Dear David, Mom & Dad,

"I wish they would try to too..!"

My son Kevin & I know exactly what your going through...feel your pain...

Sweetheart...Keep going after your many hopes and dreams...and one day...they will see...

I will be there for you every step of the way...

Love Always
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