Planet Earth ♥

We still have a beautiful planet and beautiful creatures
Flowers for Michael.I think the lyrics are beautiful too

You are the finest I know, you're the most beautiful in the world.
You are like the stars, as winds, as the waves,
as the birds, the flowers on the ground.

You are my guiding light and friend, you are my faith, my hope, my love.
You are my blood and my lungs, my eyes, my shoulders,
my hands and my heart.

Freedom is your beautiful name, the friendship is your proud mother,
justice is your brother, peace is your sister,
the fight is your father the future your responsibility.

Yes you are the finest I know, you're the most expensive in the world.
You are like the stars, as winds, as the waves,
as the birds, the flowers on the ground.
Some of the beautiful Canadian Rocky Mountains - Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada



Just some pictures of beautiful forests, I am fascinated with could camp out and live in them forever :lol:




In Sweden it`s autumn now.
This morning it was a beautiful sunrise,but this video is from another part of the world

Thank you so much for sharing! :) those videos are really amazing!
When I look at those images, it makes me forget about all the sadness for a while and it makes me feel humble... Makes me fully realise that Michael is so right! Planet Earth is so amazing & beautiful! Now it's up to us to save it!
That is so true! sometimes people just forget how beauiful this earth is...
i once heard this quote: "periodical appearing miracleswe call natural phenomena" which I think matchs in this context..

.. and I still know about this video:
Magic(Dancing the dream)

My idea of magic doesn't have much to do with stage tricks and illusions. The whole world abounds in magic. When a whale plunges out of the sea like a newborn mountain, you gasp in unexpected delight. What magic! But a toddler who sees his first tadpole flashing in a mud puddle feels the same thrill. Wonder fills his heart, because he has glimpsed for an instant the playfulness of life.

When I see the clouds whisked away from a snow-capped peak, I feel like shouting, "Bravo!" Nature, the best of all magicians, has delivered another thrill. She has exposed the real illusion, our inability to be amazed by her wonders. Every time the sun rises, Nature is repeating one command: "Behold!" Her magic is infinitely lavish, and in return all we have to do is appreciate it.

What delight Nature must feel when she makes stars out of swirling gas and empty space. She flings them like spangles from a velvet cape, a billion reasons for us to awaken in pure joy. When we open our hearts and appreciate all she has given us, Nature finds her reward. The sound of applause rolls across the universe, and she bows.
Michael Jackson

In sweden we consider bullfinches as christmas birds.
They use to live in the forest but when the winter comes and it´s harder to find food, they come to the gardens looking for food.
They love sunflower seeds
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Amazing! Monkey orchids!

These are rare and found only in high elevations in Ecuador and Peru :)



Stunning video! Thank you for sharing, Hocus.
Yes, it's up to us to save our beautiful planet.