Pictures of TII Outfits From O2 Exhibition!

I was there yesterday something not right about all the stuff i saw.I don't even think some of it was Michaels.And me and a friend got badly spoken to when we were told to delete our pics..I wasn't very pleased by it.

Im curious what things did you see that you didnt think was Michael's
just a few examples ? _ Thanks :)
I think its all Michael's, you could see some of the clothes looked used, especially the Bad tour silver shirt. They wouldn't fool the public, its is the OFFICIAL Exhibition after all.
I think its all Michael's, you could see some of the clothes looked used, especially the Bad tour silver shirt. They wouldn't fool the public, its is the OFFICIAL Exhibition after all.

Thats why I was questioning why they thought is wasnt Michaels.
what would make them think the items in the exhibit were not Mjs ?
its a strange comment
The exhibition is fantastic, if you can get there you should! It's REALLY worth it...

I got emotional seeing the beautiful intricate outfits Michael would have been wearing for the upcoming concerts... :cry:

There's even a container that he used to bring to rehearsals, it had snacks that his children had prepared for him. Heartbreaking...

Neverland gates are there too, and Michael's car, and loads of his most well known outfits. It's heaven. I will definatley be going back..
Guilty of not reading the entire thread - BUT, is there a schedule for the exhibition ?
hello guys for those who are wondering what is in there and want pictures go to this link and browse through the HIGH detailed pictures. almost all of this stuff is at O2 with the addition of This is It stuff (not present in these catalouges)

Garden Statuary and Outdoor furniture from Neverland

Furniture and Decorative arts

Antiques Fine Paintings and Decorative Arts

Amusement Arcade games and Entertainment (it is amazing to see how many games MJ owned Lol!)

Memoriablia from the Life and Career of King of Pop (The best one in my opnion)

This last one has all the wardrobe pieces that are iconic and make up of what 95% of people preceive as being MJ's style. The other 4 are more about the private world of Michael Jackson in Neverland.

I am surprised no one mentioned this so far. 98% iof these pieces are what is at O2 now.
If you want an incredible MJ book buy the catalouges from Julien and you will not be disappointed.

God Bless the man! Rest in peace MJ
You know I was thinking.... if there is one possible (infinetely tiny) good thing about those concerts not happening it is MJ never got to wear that atrocious stuff by Zaldy. I mean what the hell was he trying to do? make mj into Liberace?

You can tell stuff from Michael Bush / dennis Thompkin a mile apart from anything by Zaldy.

MJ's other stuff... obviously iconic and great.

booo zaldy!

Thanks for these. We can see a bit more of the TII costumes at those links. I'll post 'em here. I wonder if there's footage of MJ trying them on or being fitted for them...





Wonder what song the one on the far left was supposed to be for.



So far I've only seen Zaldy stuff. What were Bush & Thompkson (sp?) supposed to be designing (other than the Billie Jean jacket)?
From those who went to the these pictures pretty much cover everything that was at the Exhibition regarding "This is It"?
Thanks for posting Krshna28! I like the Beat It jacket and the grey suit is interesting. Are there any HQ's of the Thriller jacket (other than the OP's pic)?
OMG! :happy:

Those outfits just scream MJ to me... I looovvveee it!

The sparkles, the colour, the crystals, the sequins!!!!
It is so uniquely MJ....

The man just know how to dress from the J5 days till now! :wub: