Pictures of TII Outfits From O2 Exhibition!

This Is It

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Some TII outfits will be among the 150 items at the official exhibition.


Here are Thriller and the one for WATW, HTW and WYBT!

Below's another photo of other items...

That colorful one reminds me of the outfit he wore in the 'going back to indiana' concerts with the J5!

What did he perform wearing that one?

As I wrote above, it was was made for We Are The World/Heal The World/Will You Be There.
Items from his "private" estate. Well not really private if they are being flown across the world for people to pay for a look thanks.
Is this only going to be in London? It would be nice if the States got to see the Exhibit as well
he was going to do WYBT for TII? geez how big was the set list exactly?
N.Y and toyko according to reports. and michael bush went off on one on his F.B said those outifts were never gonna be used for the tour.
I was there yesterday something not right about all the stuff i saw.I don't even think some of it was Michaels.And me and a friend got badly spoken to when we were told to delete our pics..I wasn't very pleased by it.
And me and a friend got badly spoken to when we were told to delete our pics..I wasn't very pleased by it.
rules are rules
I want to see it:) But I'm not living in UK, I just can see it in my dream:boohoo:
i bought back then the catalogue with all the julien's auction.. it's 5 big books with everything from neverland (cars, statues, paintings, etcc...)
Hmm...but there are fan pics from the previous cancelled auction. So Julien isn't letting people take pics anymore I guess...

this doesnt have anything to do with juliens now i presume. they gave everything back to mj. this is being run by the estate and AEG. they obviously dont want ppl taking pics as they want ppl to go instead of just looking at pics of the stuff on the net
didn't the estate try to stop this from happening? a couple of months back i'm sure they tried to contest it hmmm
didn't the estate try to stop this from happening? a couple of months back i'm sure they tried to contest it hmmm

they wanted to involve some company from the middle east said they could get a better deal. the judge said no as this company wasnt legit. he approved AEG as the company that should run the thing. the family didnt object to the actual exibition just who was running it