(pictures) i made handmade cards alot of them

OMG!!! :punk:They are amazing!!! Cooool stuff!:clapping:

Thanks for the close up pictures! That's exactly what I meant!

I'm quite sure Ágnes will love them as well! :wink:
OMG!!! :punk:They are amazing!!! Cooool stuff!:clapping:

Thanks for the close up pictures! That's exactly what I meant!

I'm quite sure Ágnes will love them as well! :wink:

i'm happy that you like them alot your walcome that is closer and you like the pictures :) i brought more stickers :yes: to make more cards but i forgot to buy paper :lol: so this weekend i'm going out :) so i'll buy paper to make more cards :yes: cause i brought alot of stickers cause valentine is coming :yes: the store i go to every tuesday and thursday i go to cause i have worker i go out with the store call dollarma :yes: everything is $1.00 :yes: so is very easy for me :yes: so i buy alot of stickers there alot and i buy some pretty paper there but this week they just have white paper i :cool: with that :yes: i just let you know :) :yes:
thank you for the close up pictures, rockstar!:punk:
Just like Kinga, i like them a lot! :)

Wow, it mus be a big work to make them...you choose really nice colors, you are creative and talented:cheeky:
Keep making them:clapping:
thank you for the close up pictures, rockstar!:punk:
Just like Kinga, i like them a lot! :)

Wow, it mus be a big work to make them...you choose really nice colors, you are creative and talented:cheeky:
Keep making them:clapping:

thank you :flowers: i know i'm talent i try telling people that they just laught at me :yes: :cry:
hey i'm going shoppying tomorrow that's saturday :yes: :jump: so i'm going to buy alots of paper to make more cards :yes: cause i'm broed :yes: :eek: so that's what i'm going to do :yes: and i'll see to you all :yes:
Those are so pretty. The Ape one is especially cute ;) !

Oh, the first ones remind me of something I saw and did as well. You might want to try this. In the summer, and spring when there are flowers out, pick some pretty flowers (ones you are allowed to pick, in your garden, or in the wilderness.. some are endangered so that's why I say to make sure you're allowed) then put them in a big thick book like a big Bible, so they get squished, and they dry out over time. Don't put them in thick, just a few in one page, you can put tissue paper around them too to soak up the moisture. You can leave it a few months, or even forget about them till next year, and then you can make cards with the dried pressed flowers. They are so pretty and make extra special cards for people. You can glue them on, then get that sticky tack stuff that is see through, and you put it over the flowers, and it holds them on perfectly.

Just another idea for you if you want to try. You can also use photographs. When I first got married years ago...so many years ago... my husband (back then) and I made Valentines Day cards by doing paintings, then getting them colour photo-copied and pasting the copy onto cardstock to make a nice card. We sold them at a local coffee shop. People really liked them. I think we sold them for about 3$ each or so. Competitive with store bought, but with that special homemade touch. I think I may still have some actually.
hey thank you so much for all the ideas :flowers: :yes:

maybe i'll try also too on firday i watch Martha Stewart :yes: she was making some cards idea too sound very cool idea :yes:

Emilia, those are FANTASTIC! I am so proud of you :)

Keep up the good work, they are really REALLY beautiful!!!
tomorrow i'm going out with my worker that's tuesday so i'll buy more stuff to make cards but i have to room :yes: :toofunny: but i'm broed :yes: :yawn: so i'm making spring cards :yes:
hey Agnes :waving: :)

i go to stores call Michael's store :yes: and Dallarma store :yes:

sometimes walmart has sells or zellers his sells and i found stuff and i get them but the problem is that my mother buy it for me just happen on saturday she brought me a white scarpbook :yes: i call it "Fashion" :yes: so i can't can't to take pictures of me dressing up all my fasion stayle clothes :yes: o.k go back on what you're sayying i go to a store call Dallarma cause everything is dollar :yes: so i buy my stuff there alot i go there sometimes on weekends but we forgot last weekend but i'm going tomorrow with my worker maggie and thuresday too :yes: i'm going to start on making spring cards :yes: :jump: :clap:

hey i forgot this to tell you this :) i brought a black puse it was on sell for $10 :yes: i'm was thinking to make it out of MJ puse so i just asking what i should put on the front and the back any i deas :yes: :pray:
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hey i startin making my spring cards today :yes: :D they look great :yes: :D i'm not done yet i'm going out on thuesday that's tomorrow :yes: :eek: so i'm going to buy some butterfulies stickers :yes: :eek: and more flowers sickers too :yes: :D

my spring cards looks amazing :D
good luck with your spring cards;)
it is nice idea to put butterflies stickers on them:)

:D :)

thanks Agnes :flowers:

i have been making alots of spring cards :yes: :clap:

i make sure maybe by this weekend i'll post them or by nexy week or so :yes: :D
Those cards are cool!!! way better than any of the trash you buy at the supermarkets anyday
Those cards are cool!!! way better than any of the trash you buy at the supermarkets anyday

hi Screamin :waving:

:yes: that is true that's how i startin to make my own handmade cards cause i don't look how much there are and how they look and how the way the words say on the cards so that's how i startin to make them :yes: :D

so i maybe tomorrow i'll take some pictures of my cards just in pens on how i feel cause i'm felling well all week cause my panceces and my ibs giving me hard times but i'll post them :yes: :D
hi i upload more cards i did :yes: :D so here is pictures of them i take them closer so i hope all of you can see them o.k :)

here is pictures:
























beautiful spring cards! Wow, you just did them recently? that must have been a lot of work :)
beautiful spring cards! Wow thank you :flowers:

you just did them recently? :yes: i did recently :yes:D

that must have been a lot of work :) :yes: it was but i'm very fast at it :yes:

all morrowing along i was doing the inside of the cards :yes: they look great :D

i'm going to make more cause valentine's is this friday :yes: so thursday i have to get them righting :yes: :D

i'm happy that you like them :)
They are very pretty, You must spend a lot of time making them :)
:yes: i did take along time :yes: :)

i don't like buying cards in stores :no: so that's why i make them :D

i got alots of stickers i have over the years so i'm still making more cards :yes: