(pictures) i made handmade cards alot of them


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i made handmade cards cause i don't like buying them in stores so i made my only cards

soon i'll post pictures of my cards i made there's alot to let you know

alot of people say that i should have my only business :yes: :no: i say no alot cause i have learning disablility :yes: :cry: so my dream will be broken

but soon i'll post alot of my cards i made see what you think :) later :) o.k
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Re: i made handmade cards alot of them

great, post them pls i would like to see them! :)

i also like making cards..and always do (with Michael.lol)
Re: i made handmade cards alot of them

just let you know there that there is alot alot i mean more then alot like 100 to 200 of home made cards :yes: :giggle:

i'll post them later o.k :)

cause everybody is coming for sunday dinner that we do everyday so everybody will be here soon :)
Re: i made handmade cards alot of them

:yes: is that many :toofunny: :lol:

soon i'll post some pictures o.k
yeah..thats a lot :D well considering that i just made 1-2..lol

okay, i will check the topic later to see ur cards ;)
Re: i made handmade cards alot of them

:sun: :) i'll post pictures soon :yes:

my mom busy right know :yes: soon i'll post them there is alot of them in one pictures :yes:
here is my pictures of handmade cards :) :yes: enjoy them :)

here are the pictures:

just cause cards:

thank you cards:



Friendship cards:


Birthday cards:

Valentine's cards:


Christmar cards:

Wow, nice ones! There are really many :D
but the pictures are too small, maybe can you post them also bigger?:)
Wow, nice ones! There are really many :D
but the pictures are too small, maybe can you post them also bigger?:)

hey i try to make them bigger but there're so many of them :yes: is hard but i'll try to make them bigger :yes:

thanks that you like them i have been making cards for years :yes: i got so many of them :yes:
okay, some bigger pictures would be great to see them better!
or make closers photos of them...of a few:)
and you send them to friends etc sometimes?
what do you mean that i send them to friends etc sometimes what do you mean in that i just asking Agnes :)
i mean you collect these..or send also out to friends for different ocassions..like Birthday, Xmas, Easter and so on
i mean you collect these..or send also out to friends for different ocassions..like Birthday, Xmas, Easter and so on

ooh am i'm stupid this morrowing :giggle:

know i know whats you mean i just make them cause i don't like buying cards

:yes: i give cards out to peoples birthdays and xmas and to my firends :yes: and they love it
when i give them i make sure that at the back of the card i write made bt Queen of pop :yes: :giggle:

my files cabin is so full that i can't put no more cards at all :giggle: :lol:

my mom say she ssure got me too but that's o.k i'm saving my money to get this at IKEA :yes:

here is link:http://www.ikea.com/ca/en/catalog/products/30104322

here is picture what i mean :yes:
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wow! So many cards!!!! I would like to see some of them in bigger size! :)
hey Kinga i found out how to make the pictures biggger :yes: :) :jump:

but the pictures willnot be in order o.k cause is very hard to know o.k :)

so here you go

ooh i try but i try but i don't how :yes: :cry:
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rockstar: i cant see them:( But i mean you can make close up pictures of the cards,(take new photos) and not these biggers, coz if we just resize these they will get pixellated and will not see them closer:(
rockstar: i cant see them:( But i mean you can make close up pictures of the cards,(take new photos) and not these biggers, coz if we just resize these they will get pixellated and will not see them closer:(

hey why do you need the pictures closer your eyes aren't good just asking i don't being mean i just asking :)

i try to make it closer on photobucket :yes: :cry: i'll keep on tryying o.k :)
^^It's simple. We cannot see the cards close enough because you put 20-30-40 on the bed and they are tiny in that way. We only can see the colors and some spots. We can't see the pictures you put/draw on them. If you could choose some of them you find really nice then take photos of those cards separate. :)

You were the one who offered that you would show them and we are curious. :cheeky:
^^It's simple. We cannot see the cards close enough because you put 20-30-40 on the bed and they are tiny in that way. We only can see the colors and some spots. We can't see the pictures you put/draw on them. If you could choose some of them you find really nice then take photos of those cards separate. :)

You were the one who offered that you would show them and we are curious. :cheeky:

thanks :)

no problem :yes: :)
well tbh this pic is almost the same like the previous ones you posted..i mean i can`t really see them better :(
when asking for a close up pic i (we) thought of a pic like this:
(i have just googled this randomly now)

ooh i'm so stpid :yes: maybe i'll pick some cards are my fav and i'll post them closer o.k :) :yes: that is good idea :jump:
wow you have a talent

just becoz u have a learning disability doesnt stop you having your own business hun u proved ur good at it what more do ppl need to know huh i say if u want to run a business
you go for it take no notice of ppl around here and offline

some ppl dont understand and humans are cruel but if u take no notice they will get tired of being ignored and u will prove them all wrong
wow you have a talent

just becoz u have a learning disability doesnt stop you having your own business hun u proved ur good at it what more do ppl need to know huh i say if u want to run a business
you go for it take no notice of ppl around here and offline

some ppl dont understand and humans are cruel but if u take no notice they will get tired of being ignored and u will prove them all wrong

ooh MissyLedger you're so sweet and kind person :hug: how can i thank you :) :hug: