Photoshop thread

Well, here's my creation haha

Well, here's my creation haha

0261.png i still in 2009 or hva i ende up in 1989?? ehhh....?? oh michael is still the same as ten! hihihihih aaand a tip:next tim try to change ONLY his hair annd see hwat happens!^^// :love: :love: from me..anja
^heeyy very nice artwork!! but I can only see the small pics! :( I keep clicking over the images and only the small one opens up!! How can I see it in the normal size??
Actually it has happened to me many times already!

Thanks for sharing!!! :cheeky:
I wanted to see how Michael will look with blonde hair so I did a montage with Matthew McConaughey.

If you want me to make a montage for you just tell me who do you want to see Michael as.