

My National Geographic moment :lol: My 4 baby finches born on my porch


My babies sleeping


This little one came right up to me at the San Diego Zoo and started talking to me :D This woman and her grandson that were next to me couldn't believe it. She told me I have never seen that happen before :D
wow Pua. What is the last thing? It's cute and funny. How did it sound while talking?
^I have no idea the name of the animal. I was talking to it and then it started moving it's snout talking to me back and just staring at me:huh: so I stopped for a few minutes and kept talking to it and that's when the lady said to me I have never seen that happen before:) So cute. I have a picture of a jaguar that did the same thing to me when I was at it's cage but I have to find that one.
Love all the photos! I too love the music sheet one, Expressions - it's amazing! And the guy with the camera! Do you have mooore??? :D

Thank you everyone for the comments on my photos :D Hearing good things makes me want to take more photos!!
*Lives in this thread*
Wonderful you all are talented! :eek:!
Haha I love photography
when I go back to college, I am majoring in it :wild:
Soon I'll be able to contribute ;:)
A few I took while away...

I liked how this came out, Mind you I wasn't even using a camera all of my pictures were taken with my phone LOL..

I took this on negative setting.



A view of the mountians from the ballon. :wub:




One of the Temples... :)


Nothing spectacular but I like them. :)
They look spectacular to me Lorr!. The first one I really like.
You did good girl! lol!

So tell were actually up in that balloon? :huh:
That makes me dizzy.

So now anytime anyone ever doubts you Lorraine, you pick up that certificate and throw it in their face. See how much they doubt then!

Love your work, especially that balloon one. It's purdeh!
^ :lol: It's nothing much.. wasn't scary at all. :) I loved it!

And thanks... :flowers:
Thanks.. YW :) Mind you, That's just a small portion... you'll get the whole album. i'll bore you with it rofl! :rofl:
A few I took while away...

I liked how this came out, Mind you I wasn't even using a camera all of my pictures were taken with my phone LOL..

I took this on negative setting.



A view of the mountians from the ballon. :wub:




One of the Temples... :)


Nothing spectacular but I like them. :)

Awesome pics! :girl_sigh: Thanks for sharing, Lorraine! :flowers:
Lorraine, you need to get yourself a real camera. Those photos are beautiful. The first looked like it was a photoshop till I read your explanation about it, because of the phone camera quality and it being negative. That last one especially deserves to be taken with a higher pixel count. Though they are beautiful how they are too.
Thank you :)

The phone is a 5 mega pixel camera so it's not too bad :lol: I do have one.. and forgot it.. stupid me :doh:
oh wow, yeah that's not bad at all. Though you can see that it's not as smooth as if taken with a camera I think. So you went to Egypt just recently? That is so awesome. We should make a thread called "Lorraine's vacations" and you can fill it with your photos and experiences. :D I'd read it!
Yeah, I just got back last night :) haha! yeah I have been going away a lot recently LOL!
Aww I know you didn't doubt me :p Um.. I wasn't scared before hand though lol I love anything like that I love the adrenaline rush :lol:
wow, Egypt :wub: Cool photos Lorraine! I've been before, as well. Loved it. There should be a vacation thread actually lol where we can talk about our travels!!