
Jul 25, 2011
I love photography, so I thought I'd make a thread so people can share some photos they've taken, or some photos they have seen that they like :D

I'll go first with some photos I have taken... I hope you like them!

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I've got loads more, but I will post them later :)
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I'm not great at photography so if a picture comes out good it's usually just luck :lol:

Something I like about these ones I took in Devon :)



PS Lovely pictures you took Instrument :flowers:
@ an_instrument_of_nature: I love your pictures, especially the doe a deer one. :p

@ mjsladyinhislife: I really like that second one. I can't stop looking at it for some reason. :)

I really enjoy looking at pictures of animals and scenary (mainly countryside stuff) but I'm not talented at taking pictures at all lol. I just like looking.
Thank you :D I'm just about to upload more!

OH MY GOSH - YOUR PICS, THE FIRST ONE!!!! That is AMAZING! Did the colours come out like that? WOW :wild:
@ mjsladyinhislife: I really like that second one. I can't stop looking at it for some reason. :)

Thank you :flowers: Yeah there is something about it that makes me look at it too, I don't know what it is though :lol: all I remember I was so high up, Higher than it looks anyways :mello:

OH MY GOSH - YOUR PICS, THE FIRST ONE!!!! That is AMAZING! Did the colours come out like that? WOW :wild:

Yeah they did, Told you it's just luck :lol: I was like wow myself about the colours when I looked back on it. Thank you :flowers:
Thank you lil_miss! :D

mjsladyinhislife, I love the second one too. The first one could almost be a painting! I'd love to see some more photos you have taken. I bet you have more good ones! :D
Woah some talent in here you lot! an_instrument: I love that bridge one! :D
Edit: On second thoughts I better not post it :bugeyed
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why????I am really enjoying looking at these photographs. Lorraine that first one is especially captivating to me. To the starter of this thread, sorry I know I'm going to get your name wrong. Seems the three of you came about the same time so I'm having troubles sorting online people, What is the third photo down that you have taken of? What animal is that? I love the photo. That and the bridge.

In the last few years, every camera I buy gets stolen...I thought I was being so careful after the first anyways, I only have photos I took with my laptop webcam (and now that laptop is toast) but I can try to find those photos and put them up. The ones I really liked anyways.





self portrait, see my halo? :D What a good girl am I...


I know this isn't in focus and all that, but I love it anyways. I adore them and this photo really shows their relationship so well.

I need a real camera someday. Maybe I'll get myself a Christmas gift this year.
Thank you poe and usagi :D do you guys have any??

LOL mjsladyinhislife.. what were you gonna post? :lol:

Thank you ape! :wub: wow, you definately have a good eye - your photos are great! Oooh, yes, treat yourself :D look forward to seeing more of your photos! I love the first one, and LOL about the halo LOL!! The photo of the baby and the child is SO CUTE! :D

Here are some more photos I took... hope you like them :p

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^ They are awesome! :eek:

Ok.. I posted a pic I really like that I took of my son before then took it off thinking he wouldn't like me to do it, But actually I don't think he'll mind so i'll put it back up :mello:

We were at a theme park and he was just watching one of the rides when I took this and he didn't know.. I love how you can change colour affects with the camera's :)

^ i like that a lot :eek:

and ape, i love the mood of your photos, and the one of your children is beautiful :wub:

instrument, lovelyyyy photos! i love animal pics :wub:
Thank you guys for complimenting. I really enjoy looking at old abandoned buildings and photographing them like a passage of time sort of thing. Beauty in the imperfections type thing... if they can be looked at as imperfections. How what man(or woman)kind does destroyed over time and then goes back to nature. It's interesting to me.

Anyways, instrument of nature every single photo as I was going down the list looking at them, I'd say "wow" then I started laughing to myself because it sounded funny, though they were sincere reactions, each wow. Very beautiful and impressive. I didn't realize you'd taken the one from your signature. I LOVE the monkey ones. So cute.

I forgot to mention yours of your son Lorraine. I love that when we can get photos of our kids unaware we're photographing them. A very real moment. Handsome young man. It make me think wow.. my son will be a man someday...yikes.. Though when it happens I guess I'll be ready. It's fascinating and scary all at once to me to see my kids becoming older and more mature, especially my oldest right now. I love seeing who she is becoming, but it's shocking sometimes to see how grown up she is already.
Not very good by who's standards exactly??? (not mine for I love some of them and like ALL of them)