Photo of Mike and his kids + 3 other ppl. Taken 2008.

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way to be funny...really how HIGHlarious mj was dead at his own memorial

this PICTURE was taken while he was ALIVE. the BAN was upheld THEN and it is NOW. and he didn't cover them up the last part of his life? um....remember the ed hardy visit? remember the last visit to the dr where blanke thad a mask?

if u want to exploit the kids, u have to do it on another board. u don't like it, sorry. it's called a RULE for a reason.

anyone who posts a pic will be deleted and warned...infractions after that. it's for a reason

just b/c the man is dead doesn't mean the rules have to die w/ him. the memorial was a family approved appearance.

Soso I do respect the rules, even though I may not agree on them. I have always, and will forever, respect MJJC's rules. THAT does not, however, mean I agree on them! 'Cause I don't!

MJ wanted his children to be hidden, their faces unknown to the world! BUT - now MJ is no more, and surely his family wanted the children to be shown. MJ has on many occasions walked around without the childrens faces been masked.!

ALL I say is! -- The ban can not, and must not last forever! Even MJ knew that some day he could not, should not, hide his children anymore!! - AND that day has come! The children are now youngsters, not adults, not children! - BUT they can not, and should not, be hidden anymore.
wow ok well i just came upon some pics of the kids swimming. obviously w/ their cousins and it was taken from a camera in a helicopter. shall i post those intrusions here?

this was a place where mj's privacy was upheld. we've seen MANY people turn on him in death, in a race to sell these kids out and post photos and videos and to sell out their father as well.

should we do the same? allow them to violate their privacy? well he's dead, he can't complain but does it make the problem any less of an issue?

ask urselves this and honestly, if it's that big of a damn deal, u can find it w/ a simple google search.
The nerve of these newcomers...Jesus...:no:

Excuse me? The nerve of YOU and your ignorant comment. Does being a 'newcomer' to THIS forum (NOT Michael) make us any less of a fan or make us any less of a person with an opinion? What a rude post.

Michael always said that the day their children decide to stop wearing masks, will be the day they stop wearing masks. So I'm wondering if the ban will ever be put to rest. Just curious, is all.
The nerve of these newcomers...Jesus...:no:

I've been here for many years, been an MJ fan for more than 18 years. I have always respected the ban, AND I still will, BUT I see no reason for it anymore.!
Michael's children are not celebrities. I realize ya'll are curious.. That's normal, yeah we know what they look like? So. I wouldn't post a photo of ANYBODIES children without the permission of the family..
I'm Pretty Sure It's Mohamed Hadid with his two children and Michael Jackson with his three children at Thanksgiving. Michael's children are Paris Michael Katherine, Michael Joseph Jr. and Prince Michael II.

Real estate developer and close friend of Michael Jackson, Mohamed Hadid built Michael's rented Carolwood home in Holmby Hills.

“Michael and his kids were just over for dinner three weeks ago. Our families got together regularly as our kids are about the same age, and we even spent last Thanksgiving together. He was healthy and strong and very excited about starting his new tour in London,” says Hadid.
wow ok well i just came upon some pics of the kids swimming. obviously w/ their cousins and it was taken from a camera in a helicopter. shall i post those intrusions here?

this was a place where mj's privacy was upheld. we've seen MANY people turn on him in death, in a race to sell these kids out and post photos and videos and to sell out their father as well.

should we do the same? allow them to violate their privacy? well he's dead, he can't complain but does it make the problem any less of an issue?

ask urselves this and honestly, if it's that big of a damn deal, u can find it w/ a simple google search.

Your point about the pap shots is valid. I just think there is a level of judgment to everything in life. There was nothing exploiting about the OP's picture is all.

Long lens pictures from a helicopter of the kids swimming is a different and easy call all together.
ALL I say is! -- The ban can not, and must not last forever! Even MJ knew that some day he could not, should not, hide his children anymore!! - AND that day has come! The children are now youngsters, not adults, not children! - BUT they can not, and should not, be hidden anymore.
i dig u perfectly but these kids are MOURNING right now.

their personal and private moments, be it w/ their cousins at the pool in their grandmother's backyard or their last thanksgiving w/ their father should've remained private.

b/c people found a way to exploit it, it is now in the media. doesn't mean we have to help them.

IF and WHEN the family changes their view, or once it starts to sink in for some, maybe policy will be changed but for god's sake, it hasn't even been a month. the man isn't even laid to rest yet and u have fans bitching. i understand czu u've been around for awhile....but the nerve of some.

there are other BOARDS that show this *hinthint* b ut for now, not here. give the kids what they cant get elsewhere right now and what they father NEVER got....PEACE
Newcomer here to this particular board? Perhaps. To the Michael Jackson fan scene in general? Not so much.

If having an opinion means I have nerve then expect a whole lot more nerve!

I agree.

MJ never kept quiet, if he wanted something changed he stood up and made the change!

Why can't we do the same? MJ loved his children more than anything, and he would never want his most loyal fans to not being able to see the thing he was the most proud of, his children! He wanted his fans to love his children as much as we loved, and still love, him! They are his legacy! They are what he is the most proud of! - He wanted us, the fans to see them, and love them! -He knew we would never harm them or anything like that!
aight, we get it. You think the rule is stupid... thanks for the feedback everyone. Now move on :zformation:
Michael always said that the day their children decide to stop wearing masks, will be the day they stop wearing masks. So I'm wondering if the ban will ever be put to rest. Just curious, is all.
WELL I DOUBT GRANDMOTHER WOULD'VE ALLOWED MASKS AT A MEMORIAL. the excuse or the defense isn't really sound on this one.

this wasn't them going to a movie premire. they were saying goodbye to their father so the context is very biased. of course they were uncovered.

u think mj thought the one day he'd get peace and love and have his kids unmasked was at his damn memorial? the last time he had those kids out they were covered. so we'll go w/ that. they were fine w/ the masks then, and since they're still grieving, we need to give them privacy.

amber is right. they are NOT celebs. do u guys fawn over jermajesty and jafaar?

and u wanna make a change? how about recycling? something that'll do good. don't compare what mj said about teh WORLD as a way to exploit his kids.:doh:
i dig u perfectly but these kids are MOURNING right now.

their personal and private moments, be it w/ their cousins at the pool in their grandmother's backyard or their last thanksgiving w/ their father should've remained private.

b/c people found a way to exploit it, it is now in the media. doesn't mean we have to help them.

IF and WHEN the family changes their view, or once it starts to sink in for some, maybe policy will be changed but for god's sake, it hasn't even been a month. the man isn't even laid to rest yet and u have fans bitching. i understand czu u've been around for awhile....but the nerve of some.

there are other BOARDS that show this *hinthint* b ut for now, not here. give the kids what they cant get elsewhere right now and what they father NEVER got....PEACE

Perhaps you're right.

I personally don't think it's really necessary anymore in CERTAIN pics but this isn't a time for any of us fans to be arguing about trivial rules anyway so I will of course respect the decisions made here.
i dig u perfectly but these kids are MOURNING right now.

their personal and private moments, be it w/ their cousins at the pool in their grandmother's backyard or their last thanksgiving w/ their father should've remained private.

b/c people found a way to exploit it, it is now in the media. doesn't mean we have to help them.

IF and WHEN the family changes their view, or once it starts to sink in for some, maybe policy will be changed but for god's sake, it hasn't even been a month. the man isn't even laid to rest yet and u have fans bitching. i understand czu u've been around for awhile....but the nerve of some.

there are other BOARDS that show this *hinthint* b ut for now, not here. give the kids what they cant get elsewhere right now and what they father NEVER got....PEACE

I totally agree. and this should never ever be changed!

When they are at home, at scholl or some private place ALL pictures should forever be banned!! - BUT when they are in puplic, photos should be allowed!

I really hjope they can get the privacy that MJ never had, but whan they are at puplic places photos should be allowed. - WHEN they know they are puplic figures.
I agree.

MJ never kept quiet, if he wanted something changed he stood up and made the change!

Why can't we do the same? MJ loved his children more than anything, and he would never want his most loyal fans to not being able to see the thing he was the most proud of, his children! He wanted his fans to love his children as much as we loved, and still love, him! They are his legacy! They are what he is the most proud of! - He wanted us, the fans to see them, and love them! -He knew we would never harm them or anything like that!
if there was a way WE could see them and no one else, then great. but if WE can see them, EVERYONE can and exploit that, analyze their features or their expressoins. break down their body language and how they're grieving.

it's TOO SOON they are TOO YOUNG and this topic is TOO LONG....someone clarified who it was. thread closed. it's going nowhere:doh:
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