Photo of Mike and his kids + 3 other ppl. Taken 2008.

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Planet earth
Ive never seen this picture before, I came across it after some google searches. Does anybody known who that man is standing next to Michael? This photo was taken just 8 months ago.. I blurred Michaels childrens faces.

Do their faces really need to be blocked? We all know what they look like.
Yeah, it's a bit stupid covering up their faces. The world saw their faces at the memorial anyway..
Its againts the forum rules to post any photos of the kids faces showing, aside from the ones from the memorial I think... I dont wanna take a risk of being banned from here because of one mistake. Thats why I blurred them out.
This picture has been posted before, and blocking their faces is unnecessary at this late stage.
Yeah, it's a bit stupid covering up their faces. The world saw their faces at the memorial anyway..

As well as in other pap photos. I just don't see a point in calling this thread 'photo of mike and his kids' if you can't even see them all.
Its againts the forum rules to post any photos of the kids faces showing, aside from the ones from the memorial I think... I dont wanna take a risk of being banned from here because of one mistake. Thats why I blurred them out.

If the rules here are that harsh, then I see your point. Not your fault.
So is it OK to post their photos of their face showing now or?.. Can anyone confirm? Sorry if its been posted before..
The rules need a update!!

After the memorial everyone know their faces!! - AND they will never ever wear masks again! - SO PLEASE allow photos of the children! - The ban is stupid at this point!
That's a pic I've never seen before. Don't recognize the man next to Michael, but does seem vaguely familiar. Going by the date stamped on the pic, around November of last year (2008), guess one could search out where Michael was at that time on the board if there were threads/posts talking about it. I think Mark Lester's kids are older than the what the boys appear to be, can't recall if Mark even has sons, but a possibility.
The rules need a update!!

After the memorial everyone know their faces!! - AND they will never ever wear masks again! - SO PLEASE allow photos of the children! - The ban is stupid at this point!

Yes, you're right.
I saw this photo on a page on Facebook too, which a lot of people saw. I dunno who the guy is, but must of been a friend of Michael's, well duh, but yeah. :lol:
Has memorial footage been banned here? The kids faces aren't covered there.
Has memorial footage been banned here? The kids faces aren't covered there.

I dont think the memorial footage applies to the forum rules because it has been authorized/approved by the Jackson family. All other photographs/videos are not allowed... I think... :scratch:
wow try to read the UPDATE of the rules. sorry but the MEMORIAL was a FAMILY approved appearance. this was taken while mj was still alive and didn't want his kids to be seen.

so unless it's approved by the family, it's not allowed

this was during thanksgiving. it's a businessman and his kids.
The rules are strange, is all I can say...
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Very nice, thank you Soso_Deaf. I love what the kids are wearing.. At first I thought it was someones birthday or something. Looked like a nice event.
wow try to read the UPDATE of the rules. sorry but the MEMORIAL was a FAMILY approved appearance. this was taken while mj was still alive and didn't want his kids to be seen.

so unless it's approved by the family, it's not allowed

this was during thanksgiving. it's a businessman and his kids.

Are you saying that Michael Jacksons Memorial was taken while he was still alive ?? :lol:

I am pretty sure he was dead by then!!! And his children was not masked, nor will they ever be in the future so the ban i very stupid!

EVEN Michael himself did not cover them up the last period in his life!

Come on people, be serious! They are NOT secrets anymore! - Their faces
are well known! So the ban is dump!
Did Lisa Marie attend the private or the public memorial service?


Edit: WTF, I replied to the wrong thread, I wondered where this reply took off!!! *laughs my ass off, I really need to go to sleep* (Move this reply to the Lisa Marie topic..) LOL..
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If blocking children's faces is the norm you should have blocked out the other kid's faces as well- they certainly aren't public figures and their parents may not want their photo's published on the internet.
All the other fanclubs have lifted their ban on the kids' faces, so if you want to see them then you can go there. This photo was posted weeks ago.

But yes, even I think the updated MJJC rules are a bit strange. They are what they are I guess...
I saw this photo on the CNN website. It's out there if you want to see it. Prince has the cutest, goofy grin on his face.
Are you saying that Michael Jacksons Memorial was taken while he was still alive ?? :lol:

I am pretty sure he was dead by then!!! And his children was not masked, nor will they ever be in the future so the ban i very stupid!

EVEN Michael himself did not cover them up the last period in his life!

Come on people, be serious! They are NOT secrets anymore! - Their faces
are well known! So the ban is dump!
way to be funny...really how HIGHlarious mj was dead at his own memorial

this PICTURE was taken while he was ALIVE. the BAN was upheld THEN and it is NOW. and he didn't cover them up the last part of his life? um....remember the ed hardy visit? remember the last visit to the dr where blanke thad a mask?

if u want to exploit the kids, u have to do it on another board. u don't like it, sorry. it's called a RULE for a reason.

anyone who posts a pic will be deleted and warned...infractions after that. it's for a reason

just b/c the man is dead doesn't mean the rules have to die w/ him. the memorial was a family approved appearance.
LOL. Blocking the kids faces now is ridiculous. Michael didn't want his kids faces seen for one reason and one reason only. Now the world has seen them anyway that reason no longer applies and is redundant.

Not that hard to fathom really.
LOL. Blocking the kids faces now is ridiculous. Michael didn't want his kids faces seen for one reason and one reason only. Now the world has seen them anyway that reason no longer applies and is redundant.

Not that hard to fathom really.

That's true. His plan is out the window now.

The whole idea of the masks was so that no one knew what they looked like and they can walk around unmasked without being noticed. And it worked perfectly, I have to say.

But everyone's seen them now. But whatever, there are other ways for me to see new pics of the children if I choose to..
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