Phone Call Between Michael Jackson & Ryan White (June 26,1989)

wow thts so sweet thnx for posting!
batman tht was so cute!
R.I.P to both of them :(
sorry if i sound stupid but who was ryan?

He was a boy who was given contaminated blood and contracted AIDS. He became a poster boy for AIDS/HIV after he was expelled from school. This was during a time people didn't know much about aids. It was mainly associated with sexually transmitted diseases in the gay community. He died in 1990.

He is in the video for Gone Too Soon which Michael dedicated to him

He's there at the end of In The Closet video too but I'm not sure if that's part of the official video or not

(Correct me if any of this info is wrong)

Rest in peace Ryan :angel:
The last half of that video is actually the first half of "Gone to soon"

:doh: That makes more sense. I watched the Dangerous DVD the other day and I didn't even notice they were in that order. Thanks
He was a boy who was given contaminated blood and contracted AIDS. He became a poster boy for AIDS/HIV after he was expelled from school. This was during a time people didn't know much about aids. It was mainly associated with sexually transmitted diseases in the gay community. He died in 1990.

Yes. AIDS was not given attention that time and that's why poor Ryan innocently got contracted with AIDS. People didn't really test the blood did they last time ? Anyway, It wasnt as bad as people thought now,AIDS. A lot of people are reaching out to help the AIDS and HIV patients and help others prevent the disease. Thank god for that. I hope the same goes for vitiligo. Not a lot of people know this disease and I am so sick to hear people still saying Michael intentionally bleached his skin to become white. All they know is plastic surgery :no:

Rest in Peace, Ryan.
Rest in Peace, Michael( I hate to say this because I still cant take the fact Michael is gone for almost a year now. It feels like yesterday :()
Even though this felt VERY strange to listen too, and in a way intrusive, it brought tears to my eyes, it's so sad and yet it epitomizes why I and so many others love and will continue to love Michael.

As others have said I know that wherever they are, both Ryan and Michael are goofing off, having water balloon fights and being free, both enveloped by the Light. :)
aww thats so sweet, but how on earth did it end up on youtube?
anyone know if he went to the batman premiere haha?
I remember when Ryan White passed away, it was all over the news. Ryan was expelled from his school and people called him names but yet he just held his head up high and lived his life to the fullest. All he wanted to do was go to school and be a normal kid. What's so touching about his story was that, with all the name callings he got from people, he never once did condemn them. All he said was that he could never be mad at those people because AIDS was something they didn't understand. I'm glad that him and Michael became really good friends. Elton John also loved Ryan very much.
Phonecall between Mike and Ryan White, is this new?

New as in....never before heard? I never heard about it, and i wonder who recorded it as well.

Re: Phonecall between Mike and Ryan White, is this new?

I have heard this many times is quite sad if you think about the outcome. But this little boy was so happy to talk to Michael...I think they were good for each other.
Re: Phonecall between Mike and Ryan White, is this new?

Yeah, I've heard it before....They seemed like such good friends :heart:
Re: Phonecall between Mike and Ryan White, is this new?

i heard that a few months ago!! bless him!!
Re: Phonecall between Mike and Ryan White, is this new?

I have heard this many times is quite sad if you think about the outcome. But this little boy was so happy to talk to Michael...I think they were good for each other.

Ryan's mom had said she recorded the tapes of her son and MJ and MJ knew that she was doing that and ask him if it was okay and he said yes! She wanted them for memories because she knew her son would die!

Now I don't know who leaked it publicly though? But, it only shows how nice and caring MJ was to everyone and maybe that was the point of the leak! :cheeky: :D
Wow, I hadn't heard this before. Michael was so sweet and caring, I just love how he laughs and how he says "you're kidding, you're kidding!" :wub:
The thing I noticed when listening to this is that MJ´s telling Ryan at one point that he´s been very busy because he is putting his album together, and he had just done the cover pictures. But... This is two years before Dangerous. How could it be that it sounded that he was i the last stages? Could it be that he is talking about the shelved "Decade" album and not the Dangerous album??