Phone Call Between Michael Jackson & Ryan White (June 26,1989)

26th June.. omg
RIP :cry:
Michael is so sweet to him.
"Can't wait to get together and goof off again." Aww Michael. :cry:

RIP to both Michael and Ryan. They can finally "goof off" together again. :( Michael is such a sweetheart to him and you can tell that Ryan adores him. It's so cute how he wanted Michael to go see Batman with him.

Awwww this is so sweet. Michael's such a sweetheart. Well I'm sure they're goofing off up there together somewhere now. God I miss him :cry:
Exactly 20 years before...............

I'd like to know who recorded the phone call..............FBI maybe?????????
And how many phone calls were recorded??????
awh :no:
he was so good with children.. so caring and understanding!
I love when Michael says "You're kidding" and when they talk about the movie premiere of "Batman".
I kinda felt bad for listening to this, its invading their privacy in a way. But it sure is nice to hear Michaels voice.

This is how I felt about it too..:cry:.....There are no words to describe how much Michael is missed.
MY two favorite people :) I'm naming my first son after Ryan he's been my inspirational since I was a little girl. He was on the front page of the Indianapolis star yesterday, a great article.. I miss them both.
They're both so sweet and loving. I hope they're having a happy time together now. :cry:
Thanks for sharing the video.
OMG I love him! How sweet is he? I am sure that they are goofing off in heaven together having a good time.
I kinda felt bad for listening to this, its invading their privacy in a way. But it sure is nice to hear Michaels voice.

Yeah, there is always two sides in everything. The tape was nice to hear though - thanks. :) Precious memories.
I keep wanting to listen to this but can't bring myself to do it...
how sweet to hear those two angels talking :),
its nice to know they are both resting in heaven, at peace and im sure they're always together playing and stuff,

RIP Ryan
RIP Michael
but its sad the same way... :(