Personal Message To All of You...[vid] UPDATED

that poem makes so much sense.
which was read perfectly by you, thankyou strawberrypie999 and keep them comming :)
Absolutely Stunning...Mr.Jackson would be very proud~~~

:angel:We Are The World...Heal The World...Education IS The Key~~~
thank you once again for posting these videos. the poems you read are beautiful, and i really liked the second one you talked about in your 2nd video, how michaels soul is in all of us, and all around us, beacuse that is how i see it too. i feel him everywhere, i know he's watching over me. thank you again!
bump, thanks guys.

i found more, but i have had family here all weekend and no time to do anything...expect something soon though =]
I've just viewed this, beautiful poem and beautiful gesture. Thankyou!!
Thank you for sharing that, strawberrypie. It's a beautiful poem and very true!
*hugs* to you :huggy:
Strawberry Pie, that was beautiful. Michael would love what you're doing to reach out to help other fans. Thank you hon. xxx
Re: Personal Message To All of You...[vid]

Thank you so much strawberrypie999, that was such a beautiful poem and your message was great, this really help me a lot to get through the tough times, i feel so warm after reading your message :hug:
aw thank you guys! i'm glad you bumped this thread back up :D there are 2 new videos now. one for michaels birthday and another poem :)