

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael is the King of entertainment and dance but my question is will he mime most of his next tour. I understand that he is 50 and its all about the dance but just finished watching the History concert 1996 and he mimed most of it but loved Bille Jean as always. I also went to the Wembley Concert 1992 & 1997 and noticed the difference, I know he can sing but felt a little cheap in the end and robbed. Will the trend continue cause nearly all bands sing live now???
He Wont Tour Again.
But If He Did He Would Proberly Mime Most Of It.
But i Dont Really Mind It When People Mime At Least Your Like Seeing Like Your idol.

But Yeh im Pretty Sure He Wont Do A World Tour Again.
Maybe you should wait until the tour starts and see if you want to go before you buy a ticket, or take it for granted that he is going to mine and then decide on that whether you want to go or not.
if he were to mime i think it would be much better if he mimed to a live recording from a different tour. like miming to the vocals laid down on the bad and dangerous tours, just to help the realism a bit more. or if not that then miming to a cappella vocals over a live band.
Although Michael always has had this style of attracting a many people as possible at his concerts, I think he should do some more intimate-styled- shows, for smaller audiences. You know like Prince did, or the George Michael MTV unplugged session. When he should consider to do some kind of unplugged/acoustic styled show, he can show best what his voice is capable of. Miming wouldn't seem to be option in this case. Even when these shows wouldn't include much dancing, they could prove Michael still has 'it', in many other ways. He should not mime, if it means he has to do less shows to sing live, so be it. But I'd like to see a dvd-release in case I won't be able to buy my tickets!
i dont care as long as there is a tour of some type. it not like you can tell when you are there as u are caught up in it all. personally i hope for him to move away and do something different ala unplugged style.of course then he would have to sing live
i hope he doesn't mime most of his next tour, cause I think it spoils the performance if its mimed, but either way I would still go to his concert.
No one knows what Michael plans are. But mine or non-mime
it will be amazing as always and the fans will leave satisfied
but still wanting more as always :)

What ever he does will be awesome ... his aim is to please
Well like I learned recently, the reason Michael lip-synced largely during "Dangerous" and "History" is because he had laryngitis and was really suffering. One also has to realize that it is Michael's stage command, his expression as a performer and his ability to make the audience feel the emotion of what he's doing that makes him so great a performer. If you go to see Michael, you're going to be mesmerized, whether he's singing live or not.
i see where this thread is gonna go *gets popcorn,sits and waits*
Well like I learned recently, the reason Michael lip-synced largely during "Dangerous" and "History" is because he had laryngitis and was really suffering. One also has to realize that it is Michael's stage command, his expression as a performer and his ability to make the audience feel the emotion of what he's doing that makes him so great a performer. If you go to see Michael, you're going to be mesmerized, whether he's singing live or not.

i agree. wanna i swear we r like the same lol
if he were to mime i think it would be much better if he mimed to a live recording from a different tour. like miming to the vocals laid down on the bad and dangerous tours, just to help the realism a bit more. or if not that then miming to a cappella vocals over a live band.

that wud be awkward and unreal lol. why wud he mime a track from the bad tour in this era lol. he shud use PRE-RECORDED TRACKS if he mimes some songs. basically re-record the songs in a live format and mime to them like he did scream. every1 does it lol. but mike does it best
Michael is the King of entertainment and dance but my question is will he mime most of his next tour. I understand that he is 50 and its all about the dance but just finished watching the History concert 1996 and he mimed most of it but loved Bille Jean as always. I also went to the Wembley Concert 1992 & 1997 and noticed the difference, I know he can sing but felt a little cheap in the end and robbed. Will the trend continue cause nearly all bands sing live now???

If Michael will mime... that's what only he could answer.
I don't care if he will or not... if he'll appear with a whole tour or if he'll only do some concerts.
But one thing I know for sure if I'll ever get the chance again to see him live I will!!! I've been there a few times before from BAD to HiStory and each time friends and me had a blast.
So if he'll do whatever out there live on stage again know... I'll be there! lol
when MJ tours he tours the world, more shows, more strain, more pressure.

if he mimes he can get more shows in and more people can see him, if he doesn't people would complain that his tours would be too short.

people disappointed either way, I personally would like him to stand and sing but others want the opposite.

Oh well that's the problem when your the greatest song and dance man ever.
how are WE supposed to know this?

God, if I see another thread like "can Michael still sing" "can Michael still dance" , "what will Michael do for next tour" "will Michael tour" etc. I'll kick myself in the head!
how are WE supposed to know this?

God, if I see another thread like "can Michael still sing" "can Michael still dance" , "what will Michael do for next tour" "will Michael tour" etc. I'll kick myself in the head!

i feel u!!!!!!
Well like I learned recently, the reason Michael lip-synced largely during "Dangerous" and "History" is because he had laryngitis and was really suffering.

Are you telling me he had laryngitis during both tours, all these months? Come on, I don't believe it.

I went to a lot of concerts, especially on the HIStory tour and actually, it did bother me, and a lot of other people. Even hardcore fans who went to see dozens of concerts were commenting on how irritating it was that MJ lip synched all the time. During the Bad tour, he sang everything live, during Dangerous, I'd say it was 50/50, during HIStoy, everything was playback. Many people found it annoying. While I understand that it's hard for him to dance AND sing at the same time, I say that he could have sung the ballads live at least. It wasn't that he had a complicated choreography with You Are Not Alone.
If MJ ever does tour again i don't care if he lip syncs every single song. As long as i can get the chance to see him perform i'll be happy

I do like the idea of him miming to pre-recorded live tracks though. That way then it won't look so obvious that he his lip syncing lol
Well like I learned recently, the reason Michael lip-synced largely during "Dangerous" and "History" is because he had laryngitis and was really suffering. One also has to realize that it is Michael's stage command, his expression as a performer and his ability to make the audience feel the emotion of what he's doing that makes him so great a performer. If you go to see Michael, you're going to be mesmerized, whether he's singing live or not.

You are soooo right!
Are you telling me he had laryngitis during both tours, all these months? Come on, I don't believe it.

I went to a lot of concerts, especially on the HIStory tour and actually, it did bother me, and a lot of other people. Even hardcore fans who went to see dozens of concerts were commenting on how irritating it was that MJ lip synched all the time. During the Bad tour, he sang everything live, during Dangerous, I'd say it was 50/50, during HIStoy, everything was playback. Many people found it annoying. While I understand that it's hard for him to dance AND sing at the same time, I say that he could have sung the ballads live at least. It wasn't that he had a complicated choreography with You Are Not Alone.

Well he got laryngitis starting towards the end of the "Bad" tour and you could hear it in his voice. He was straining a lot. He was on the road for 16 months, remember. And he, from what I've been told, had it again during "Dangerous", around late 92 and all through 93 and his voice took a hell of a beating. From what I've been told, he had to start taking pain killers just to go on stage during that time. It supposedly nearly ruined his voice. And then when "History" came around, his doctors adviced him not to go on tour because it would be too much of a physical strain, but he did anyway, and he most definitly was suffering from laryngitis during that tour, you can hear it in how hoarse and rough his voice is on the few songs he did sing live with. It's not fair to Michael to expect that much of him. He's been doing live shows since he was 6. On top of which, the ability to sing and dance live is rare and it's HARD. Michael does it better then anyone. If he doesn't dance, people will complain. Just like they complain now about him not singing live. He's no doubt under the impression that people want to see him dance seeing as he's considered one of the greatest dancers in history.

And that's fine that you and many other hard core fans were dissapointed that Michael didn't sing live during "History", but it doesn't change the fact that he's still brilliant on stage, with or without live vocals, and I bet you I could find just as many fans who think so. His expression, the way he controls the stage, the way he connects with the audience, is all unparalleled and he's the absolute best at it. His charisma and presence alone is worth more then any other performer out there, and that's why "History" broke all his previous concert attendence records. He's got an array of talents on stage, not just as a vocalist. Of course I would love for Michael to just sit on a stool and sing live, because I think he has the best voice ever, but I understand also why he doesn't and I'm not going to get angry or annoyed with him over it. I would go to see him just dance, seriously. That means just as much to me.
He should sing live. The tour (if there is one) ain't gonna be as big as it used to nor will he dance as much as he used to, so he should focus on the singing now.
So do you think he had larygitis during MSG or American bandstand 2002? I've always thought the larygitis was a fan myth to protect Michael. Where did you guys hear this larygitis thing? Anyhow I am crazy about Michael's voice but Id choose the dance over live singing any day, infact I love the history tour however I do agree that a pre-recorded back track would be nice instead of something as blatently obvious as Heal the world or Blood on the dance floor live.