People talking about his 'many' surgeries, should check this.

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If the brown pigment was back in MJ's skin he really looks the same. The facial structure is still there. I never believed he had eyes widened all that bull. He has always had big beautiful eyes. The press is full of mess.
^ He didnt have his eyebrows tattooed on? It was his eyeliner that got done in about 1980ish

Anyways what was done was his nose and his chin.

This thread is BS lol

He did have some tattooing on his eyebrows not his full eyebrow. This is old news. He had that done in the late 80's or early 90's. So what.
^ He didnt have his eyebrows tattooed on? It was his eyeliner that got done in about 1980ish

Anyways what was done was his nose and his chin.

This thread is BS lol

Yes, in the beginning he did just use eyeliner, or stuff to fill in eyebrows.

But later on he got them tatooed on, that's what the autopsy report said. Good thing he did though. Karen Fake kept messin' up his makeup.
He did have some tattooing on his eyebrows not his full eyebrow. This is old news. He had that done in the late 80's or early 90's. So what.

No need to be like that is there now. Clearly when you couldnt understand the tone of what I was sayin. :) lawl
Now that i saw that video, i notice that the lip's definitely seem a bit wider or whatever. But he has always had those eyes, big eyes. What i simply was getting at was how some people in general and the media always talk about MJ as if he was the only person to use plastic surgery, and they always exeggerate about the amount of changes. Nobody knows, but neither does it really matter.

Personally i'll say....he should've quit after Bad, but who am i to judge on that? But that video clearly shows that he hasn't had insane surgeries performed, not like the media always tries to say that he's barely unrecognizeable, they don't say it in those words, but they do mean it like that.
Surgeries or not, why the hell do we care? Michael was Michael, a body is just a vessel.
I think he looks great in every era to be honest, I really don't understand the media...
And I agree, the straight hair versus the curls definitely make him look different.


whitening the thriller era photo, Michael looked the same as his middle age except the nose.

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I don´t understand why so many MJ Fans try to talk this thing nice.
It wasn´t nice and for sure it was not pretty how MJ looked the last almost 15 years
or at least not the last 10 years.

Sure the hairstyles, the skin colour and losing weight because of the trial would change anybody and are facts but in total the many
surgerys he had changed him badly. MJ is one of the best examples how dangerous face surgery can be or where it can
lead to. It might be that with the first one something went wrong and they where never able to fix (the nose) again.

I want to make it clear, I don´t judge Michael for this, I feel sorry for him that he was so
unhappy with his original look, for sure he was not ugly or anything like it.
I can understand that he didn´t liked his nose because it was very broad, and the afro wasn´t very great too.
It is always sad when someone looks as good as Michael did and when this person says he don´t like to look in the
mirror, he didn´t like what it reflects.

The changes for his new look in the 70s or 80s where a big part of the hole MJ thing, he looked great and more superstarlike
To me in the BAD Era he was at his high (not natural but great) and maybe till 90-92 it was still OK but then he went to far.
The nose was getting smaller again and I don´t know how to say but something happend with his upper libs
and the part between his nose. I had the feeling that this part got more and more inflexible.
I heard this effect from someone (Sandra Bullog?) who said that after some face liftings it got
more and more difficult to stay flexible within the face and exactly this effect I always saw
on MJ, his mouth, his libs... seamed so stiff.

Again, I don´t want to put judge on MJ, it was his decision and we all have to respect that.
To me it was more important who MJ really was and what he did and what a good person he was, not how he looked like but I have to
say I prefered "The total MJ package" like in BAD, Come together or Dirty Diana, at this time Michael was perfect,
he sounds perfect, he danced perfect, he dressed perfect and he looked perfect.
He was as cool as it gets.

Nice pics but I would prefer in the first row a pic from 89 because after that he look again a bit changed, this was exactly the point where he was gone to far to me.


whitening the thriller era photo, Michael looked the same as his middle age except the nose.


mhmmm the only major change he did was his nose. I'm tellin ya, Michael and his momma Katherine are lyin' about their ages. :rofl: they both look a lot younger. The only time I couldn't stand his hair is when it was really short and it kind of looked like a mushroom/applehead. xD That's what I call it anyways. Other than that, I think he got more beautiful with age. His jaw line is :dribble: hahaha

A quote from MJ :I'm happy with my lips."
I don't really care about the surgeries. Micheal was the same Micheal. I know he had work on his nose and chin thats all. Still the same micheal jackson for me. Just a bit sad, everyone thought what the media said, thinking it was all true.

I think MJ looked great all the years from the 80s till today.
When Michael was alive he was beautiful from the day he was born to the day he died.
The one main thing that changed his face was not plastic surgery but vitiligo.
But what makes a better story for the media?
well to most people the nose being done more than twice is alot. and he did do something different to his lips in his later years and of course chin. i think its worse when we as fans wont admit certian things, we all have opinions, but he did do more than only a little tweek surgery wise. i dont want to insult michael by saying 'oh no he didnt get that done' when he was into surgery. and im fine with that, if thats what made him feel good at the end of the day for him.
i also think michael kept alot private and i felt he was insecure on his looks and wouldnt say much in interviews on surgery. Plus, not everone wants to talk about their surgeries, and won't say all they had done.....but the public and people feel its their right of passage, and its not! although i do think the media shouldn't go on and talk about random things they assumed he had done, without proof. only the obvious stuff. the media does this with many people, like assuming women got boob jobs when sometimes its only a bra lifting them up! seriously, media? they talk about mickey rouke, kenny rogers, and that one socialite girl too. sadly if they got your before and after pictures they will talk. but i wont deny what michael had done, only ask that the media and others would stop being mean to people who decide to get plastic surgery! why mess with peoples self essteem about them getting surgery, but then making it worse and making celebs want to get more. people are evil.
When Michael was alive he was beautiful from the day he was born to the day he died.
The one main thing that changed his face was not plastic surgery but vitiligo.
But what makes a better story for the media?

I know people with vitiligo. It's not a nice thing and it surely won't change your face.

Don't get me wrong, but I'm kinda getting tired of all the "it's the media! the media! the media!" comments when we talk about MJ.
Michael had surgery. So what? Is it so hard to admit? Does it change the great person he was?
When Michael was alive he was beautiful from the day he was born to the day he died.
The one main thing that changed his face was not plastic surgery but vitiligo.
But what makes a better story for the media?

I know the vitiligo is what changed his appearence the most IMO. And then I still continue to hear people and of course the media say that Mike "claimed" to have suffered from vitiligo. I'm like wtf!! read the autopsy report people! It just really pisses me off.

I also agree Michael was beautiful his whole life. :wub:
guys what are life masks?and what do they prove?i don't get it.I think the first pictures where from Thriller,from the process of making the werewolf?
errr so were 'fans'. how does this give us the right to nitpick at somebodys appearance?!
i am disgusted at some of the comments on here. how would it feel to have somebody calling you ugly or 'not pretty'?
I know people with vitiligo. It's not a nice thing and it surely won't change your face.

Don't get me wrong, but I'm kinda getting tired of all the "it's the media! the media! the media!" comments when we talk about MJ.
Michael had surgery. So what? Is it so hard to admit? Does it change the great person he was?

Read my messages again, nowhere do i claim that MJ hasn't had anything done. BUT...the way the media talks about it and some as ridiculous as it gets. As if HE is the first person to use plastic surgery. That's really all i was getting at. And the photos of MJ ,the person previously posted..only prove my point more and more.


Some people in here started about Michael and why he decided to have those changes. He has said a few times that his own father...used to tease him in very bad ways, he used to call him names, awhile ago there was a thread here, about a call MJ made to a friend , and he was being real honest about his feelings for his father and he told about things that happened to him, things Joe said to him. What do you think this does to your...self-confidence and things like that? A huge blow i bet.

Also...that MJ said that he looked in the mirror and saw his father...him especially at that time not being real fond of his father (to say the least) looking like his father...if you think about that. Those decisions weren't that strange.
In my opinion; It is sad he felt so badly about himself because I thought and still do think he is beatiful but it was his body he could have done whatever he wanted to it.
Ok this thread is closed. Some of the posts in this thread have been disrespectful to Michael.

Michael had surgery, but dissecting or speculating on how much is not something that will be tolerated or debated.

I have my own personal feelings/opinions on the subject and I wont share them here.

Out of respect to Michael this thread is closed.
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