People magazine MJ cover

Marilyn Monroe

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
sorry if already posted but besides Time, Tv guide and Newsweek
another iconic magazine has him on the cover. speical double issue. im assuming by tomorrow or fri.
Can someone let us know if its a good tribute or if its full of junk?
Can someone let us know if its a good tribute or if its full of junk?

its a mixed bag. I bought it today mainly because of the cover.. ( I love that photo)
They talk about everthing really but I say the good outweighs the bad in this magazine.
I won't buy it, they always have to add "tragedy". He had his tribulations and issues as we all do. They have concentrated on the "tragedy" for YEARS now. They should celebrate his music and accomplishments.

I was taking that to mean the tragedy of him dying like he did...
its a mixed bag. I bought it today mainly because of the cover.. ( I love that photo)
They talk about everthing really but I say the good outweighs the bad in this magazine.

Ok, thanks!
Features 40+ pages of rare photos spanning an extraordinary life.

Just 40 pages??? so what's the rest about? or it's the exactly People's number of pages?
Don't buy it People magazine have been really unkind to Mike in the past calling him the biggest loser in 2001 when he broke his leg and claimed that Invincible was a flop.
The picture's awesome but the title put me off. By "tragedy", they're clearly referring to the "tragic life" of Michael Jackson.

According to MSNBC The Ed Show, Micahel Jackson just surpassed Elvis in sells, so he is The KING!!!!!!!!!! and this is just the beginning.:punk:

Glad to see someone admitting this.
l will buy only his cds not this stupid magazine they just won't leave him alone.

they tell stupid story ....
I am sorry but I do not want no book saying 1958-2009. That bothers me and hurt to much.
Can someone let us know if its a good tribute or if its full of junk?

Well, it's owned by Time Warner. The same publisher of Time Magazine.

In my opinion, you should NOT support them.

They are an abomination.

There's a reason why they left "King" off their covers.

F*** them!
u know what? i'm not goin for this. even in his passing they are painting him as shady, personally. i know that's what they mean by 'tragedy', without even looking.
The only title I've seen that captures Michael best, is not 'The King of Pop' or 'The King'.
For me, it's 'THE GLOVED ONE' with the crossed out "G".
u know what? i'm not goin for this. even in his passing they are painting him as shady, personally. i know that's what they mean by 'tragedy', without even looking.

The Time Magazine focuses much more on the negative than People. I don't think painted him as shady at all.
I'm still mixed on if I should get People Magazine. I only went on ahead a got the Time issue because everyone said the pics balances out the not so great article. I'm also waiting to see what fans think about the Rolling Stone and TV Guide tributes.