Peas star brought prince and jackson together

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Dangerous Incorporated

BLACK EYED PEAS star has revealed he achieved the near-impossib le - he brought pop superstar rivals MICHAEL JACKSON and PRINCE together backstage at a show in Las Vegas.
Details of the 2008 summit meeting have remained top secret - until now ..
In the upcoming issue of Rolling Stone, the I Gotta Feeling hitmaker ad mits he arranged for his pals to meet up in the hope they could finally p ut a misunderstanding at a 1983 James Brown concert behind them.
The singer/songwriter explains Prince was performing in Sin City and as ked to join him onstage. The Black Eyed Peas star jumped at the chance and asked if he could bring his friend Michael. recalls, "I told Quincy (Jones), and he was like, 'I can't be lieve you got Mike to go there'.
"Prince and Michael Jackson? Come on, dude. That's connecting worlds."
This has been posted before...there's a long interview with where he says Michael didn't know he rapped LOL. I'll try and find it...

83 was where Michael got James Brown to call Prince up on stage. I'll get the video.

Prince and MJ weren't rivals. The press just made up the rivalry to sell stories and kept the lie going for years.
I have never seen all of that before. I only saw the part where MJ was there. That was hilarious, riveting and exciting. MJ :)shifty:) Hmmm!

Prince was awesome as well. They were just so different. Did Prince jump off the stage at the end?

LOL at James B walking over to Prince to give him his jacket.

I like a lot!

What was the misunderstanding? And they are right. It is like connecting two different worlds.
we all heard about this years ago, but thanks for the story again
Prince and MJ weren't rivals. The press just made up the rivalry to sell stories and kept the lie going for years.


There was no "misunderstanding" between them ever, again stories being made up for profit.
So I hear that there was no rivalry between MJ and Prince and that they hung out..I wanna know why didn't anyone snap a picture while they hung out?? If I were to see them two together, I would've took a picture so quick..
So I hear that there was no rivalry between MJ and Prince and that they hung out..I wanna know why didn't anyone snap a picture while they hung out?? If I were to see them two together, I would've took a picture so quick..

There probably is pictures of them, I am pretty confident that there would be. Maybe even some video footage, but they were hidden away by Michael+Prince. I mean, they have had dinner together, played table tennis, discussed projects.

There is even more reports that they shot some hoops together occasionally at Princes studio. Michael also went to one of Prince's shows in 2005/06 I think...But yeah..sadly without Michael around anymore, only Prince knows the true friendship between them :)
There probably is pictures of them, I am pretty confident that there would be. Maybe even some video footage, but they were hidden away by Michael+Prince. I mean, they have had dinner together, played table tennis, discussed projects.

There is even more reports that they shot some hoops together occasionally at Princes studio. Michael also went to one of Prince's shows in 2005/06 I think...But yeah..sadly without Michael around anymore, only Prince knows the true friendship between them :)

Prince needs to leak some photos, if he has them, and reveal something about his "friendship" with Mike.. Acquiring minds wanna know..
Kenny said MJ admired Prince, I have never really given Prince a chance but have heard so many good things. May give Purple Rain a go.
Lol, now I can understand why there may have been bit of a rift on Prince's part from this. Prince never danced, and wasn't that exceptionally great of a singer, all he could do at that time was go onstage and get naked, lol. I'm a Prince fan, but after Michael did his thing, it all seemed so weak.
It was told that Michael wanted to duet with Prince on "Bad" - Prince came at the studio to listen the demo and then he declined the invitation telling that it was not his "cup of tea"- It seems that Michael was very vexed and was very angry after Prince - was it real story or one more legend ?
MJ and Prince were never rivals. Their rival was a friendly rivalry. The story is that Quincey had MJ and Prince over to dinner and MJ pitched that Bad be a duet. Prince objected to the line 'your butt is mine' and declined.
Also, just to clear up some confusion about that video ^^ above...

The reason why Prince got hot about it is because he was obviously trashed and in no condition to perform! When Mike went up, he whispered to James that Prince was in the audience too, knowing that he was wasted and would probably embarrass himself!

There's no way Prince could have declined to go up there either, especially after Mike did. MJ set him up perfectly!!!
Haha, that James Brown concert in '83. If ever someone wanted to see the genius of Michael Jackson, there is a good example. Gets called on stage, and sends the whole crowd into raptures. Prince comes on, and everyone is like wtf
it was already said in 2009 in an interview with Fred Topel from Craveonline...

It's a real nice interview, and the way he talks about being late for his show with Prince is so funny!
I got the chance to meet Will I Am several times and had nice talks with him about Michael, he's so humble and sweet. I'm glad Michael got to know such a nice person...

Here the part where he talks about that Prince show and the way he asked Michael : I don't know but I know that one time I was in Vegas and he’s like, “Oh, I heard you’re in Vegas.” I was like, “Yeah, we have a show tonight. Can you come?” “What time you guys go on?” We go on at 9 o’clock. I swear to God, “Oh, rats.” He said rats. “Oh, rats, I can’t. I’ve got to put the kids to sleep.” All right, well after we perform with the Peas, I’m performing with Prince. You should come to the show. So Prince invited me to perform with him at the Palms. Maybe you can come see me perform with Prince. So Michael Jackson says, “Oh really? I’d love to. Call Prince and see if it’s cool.” I call Prince’s assistant. She’s like sure. So I’m like, “Yo, Mike, it’s great.” Come on, dude. This sh*t ain’t real. To me, that that happened, it sounds like a big ass lie, right? Yeah, I’ll just call Prince and then bring Michael Jackson but it’s the realest sh*t. So, I’m late. I’m late. I’m in the cab, like aw, man, what a time to be f*ckin’ late. I’m always late and I’m late for Michael Jackson to see me perform with Prince. So I hop off the cab and I’m running in Las Vegas. I’m running and people are like, “Wyclef!” I’m like f*ck you, right? Then I run and I get to the place and I perform for Prince and I walk off stage and Michael’s there. He’s like, “That was awesome.” Mind you, we were already in Ireland. He’s like, “That was awesome. I didn’t know you rapped.” I was like, “What? You don’t know I rap? I’m in the Black Eyed Peas.” “I didn’t think it was you that was the rapper. I thought it was the other guy.” I was like, “No, that’s me, dude.” “You’re awesome, that was awesome. We need to do something like that on my record where you rap and I sing.” Yeah, but that was a great experience to have Mike see me perform with Prince. It was nuts. That’s great, cool.
thanks Sloride !! I think a duet with them would be so amazing !! Maybe not on Bad but something like "Give in to me" or "Black and White" with guitars parts for Prince. what a pity ...
Michael and Prince met in 1986 in a meeting set up by Quincy Jones, to talk about recording the song Bad which Michael had originally written as a duet with Prince. This meeting was confirmed by Quincy Jones in the Bad (Special Edition) CD released in 2001 where Quincy Jones talks about the recording of the Bad album.

I don't think Michael and Prince were ever friends, but they were associates who were on good terms with a huge amount of respect for each others as people and geniuses.
I don't think Michael and Prince were ever friends, but they were associates who were on good terms with a huge amount of respect for each others as people and geniuses.

yes this is VERY true. The only 2 people MJ ever saw as his competition were Madonna and Prince and that says a lot.
Gosh. has sure had some great experiences in the past few years. Ringing up Michael Jackson to ask him to come and watch him perform with Prince!? Then ringing up Prince to check if it was ok. haha He makes it sound so casual.
MJ must have had some respect for Prince, after all he named his son after him!
MJ must have had some respect for Prince, after all he named his son after him!
He did not. He named his first son after himself and nicknamed him after his own grandfather Prince Screws.
I wouldn't be surprised if one day I will read comments like ''Michael was a enormous fan of Paris hilton after all he named his daughter after her.. :rolleyes: anything is possible .. lol
What I meant was that if Michael had truly hated Prince or had a rivalry with him or whatever he would not have named his son Prince.
My bad for not clarifying properly.
I wouldn't be surprised if one day I will read comments like ''Michael was a enormous fan of Paris hilton after all he named his daughter after her.. :rolleyes: anything is possible .. lol
What I meant was that if Michael had truly hated Prince or had a rivalry with him or whatever he would not have named his son Prince.
My bad for not clarifying properly.
Never mind. Someone brought a good joke on that, we can always get confused or be not clear enough :yes:

Cheers!! :cheers:
As others have said Prince's real name is Michael Joseph Jackson Jr. Prince is a nickname. I'm pretty sure Paris Hilton has already claimed that Mike named his daughter Paris as he's friend's with her mum and apparently liked Paris' name so much!
It's true. She said MJ named his daughter after her and asked her mother if it would be ok to use thename first.