paul mccartney on michael jackson

he said i was a "hit variety maker" when mentioning mike

I think he doesnt have self confient bcause mike made so success when he went solo that he couldn't make.
He was respectful I think considering what happened with he & MJ. I mean as MJ fans of course we love Michael, but he had faults too and it wasn't nice that he bought Paul's catalogue especially when he considered him a friend. If one of your friends did that to you, i'm sure you'd be resentful too, but MJ was smart in doing that lol. Sneaky, but smart. Anyhow, I think it was alright wat Paul said, at least he ended on a good note about Michael. Nice interview.
I think he should stop complaining because he was asked twice if he wanted to buy it and said no, in 1980 and 85. If it was the other way around and it was Paul who had bought some Jackson music and MJ complained about that 24 years later then I think the media would just have been laughing at him. It is a big difference depening on what person it is about.
i think paul was being respectful during the story. i dont think what he said deserves so much critisism. its probably something he never really got closure from, so it slips out.
seriously, he said really nice things about michael during that interview. there's no need to focus on the bad things in people all the time