Patrick Swayze Update: has been admitted to hospital with pneumonia

Re: i thought it was tabloid, but Patrick Swayze does have cancer..

How awful must that be to know you're gonna die in few years..
Re: i thought it was tabloid, but Patrick Swayze does have cancer..

How awful must that be to know you're gonna die in few years..
Well I think fighting cancer and getting to know that... if you've gone through it but also if you've experienced it with someone close... it makes you aware that you could be dead or even close to death tomorrow. You just do not know today.
Many ppl will die tomorrow. Many ppl will not live as long as Patrick Swayze anymore and do not know.
Maybe that's easier not to know... but one should be always aware.

When fighting cancer or any other death bringing disease one certainly learns through fighting it to value life and its good simple and happy moments different than before. To just feel well and not to feel weak it feels like a wonderful gift and sometimes like a true miracle. To not be in pain or a stomach acting up becomes another miracle.
One is certainly more thankfull for everything one can enjoy and also one can do without the help of someone else.
The love one feels does also feel more intense and much deeper if that is possible but ppl do say so.
It's an awful thought to have... but then again, nobody knows when...
Re: i thought it was tabloid, but Patrick Swayze does have cancer..

Well I think fighting cancer and getting to know that... if you've gone through it but also if you've experienced it with someone close... it makes you aware that you could be dead or even close to death tomorrow. You just do not know today.
Many ppl will die tomorrow. Many ppl will not live as long as Patrick Swayze anymore and do not know.
Maybe that's easier not to know... but one should be always aware.

When fighting cancer or any other death bringing disease one certainly learns through fighting it to value life and its good simple and happy moments different than before. To just feel well and not to feel weak it feels like a wonderful gift and sometimes like a true miracle. To not be in pain or a stomach acting up becomes another miracle.
One is certainly more thankfull for everything one can enjoy and also one can do without the help of someone else.
The love one feels does also feel more intense and much deeper if that is possible but ppl do say so.
It's an awful thought to have... but then again, nobody knows when...

Wow, well said!! I think he is going to be on TV here in the USA with Barbara Walters (might be tonight) with his first interview since he announced he had cancer.
Re: Patrick Swayze

wow he told barbara walters he smoked all his life and thats what caused this form of cancer. but he still smokes? i guess theres no point in stopping now. that was a shock for me. i applaud him for being honest. great interview. im sure he doesnt want anyone to feel sorry for him. hes living his life to the fullest anyway and wont stop. thats something to look up to. of the worst cancers. he was so honest about what happens even in the bathroom. rather than simply saying the word chemo. he seemed very informative to us. very honest guy. a normal sounding guy. love him. wish him the best there is. planning on watching his new show. i love everything he does!
i also feel bad for other fans who are maybe even more hardcore fans maybe than i am.. espeically when he says hes not sure he'll make it past two years. it would kill me if michael said something like that. very sad story. to find out you have cancer to begin with is tough and then finding out it is the worst or one of the worst. mind blowing. he seems like such a cool guy to meet too. i hope he beats all odds. :no:
Breaking News: Pactrick Swayze In Hospital with Pnuemonia

:no: :cry:

Patrick Swayze checks into hospital with pneumonia

Fri Jan 9, 1:05 PM PST
Patrick Swayze has checked himself into the hospital for observation after contracting pneumonia, A&E President Abbe Raven announced Friday at a meeting of the Television Critics Association.
Swayze was scheduled to appear to discuss his upcoming drama "The Beast."
Robert DeBitetto, A&E's programming senior vice president, explained his absence.

"Patrick has asked that I tell you that this morning he checked himself into the hospital for observation," said DeBitetto. "Chemotherapy can take its toll on the immune system, and illnesses are a part of that. Patrick wishes me to tell you that he's very sorry he cannot attend, but plans to get back to promoting `The Beast' soon."
Earlier this week, Swayze told ABC's Barbara Walters that his yearlong battle with pancreatic cancer put him "through hell" while he pushed ahead on his new TV series.
The 56-year-old actor also owned up to his fear: "Yeah, I'm scared. Yeah, I'm angry. Yeah, I'm (asking), 'Why me?'"
Re: Breaking News: Pactrick Swayze In Hospital with Pnuemonia

I hope he is going to be alright.. I watched his interview.. So, sad to see him so sick but he has a really good and positive attitude. I hope he is going to be alright. He is a fighter..
Re: Breaking News: Pactrick Swayze In Hospital with Pnuemonia

I'll keep him in my prayers.
Hope they care well for him... sadly it's pretty common while in chemo to get such illnesses. I hope he'll recover from it soon.
Re: Breaking News: Pactrick Swayze In Hospital with Pnuemonia

Oh God! Wasn't expecting this news. Will keep him in my prayers too.
I truly hope hes okay
I will have him in my thoughts and prayers
plus shooting his scenes in the outside of chicago..your asking for pneumonia in that windy city when your already sick. so sad he has to have such luck like this.