Neala Radhe
Proud Member
I just read that Patrick Swayze's cancer has spread to his liver, and he doesn't have long to live. I also read that he has started to say his "goodbyes." Is this true? I don't know whether or not to believe it because I thought his cancer treatment was coming along really well, and that the prognosis was good for him. I also don't know whether or not it's true because it came from the National Enquirer, but read online through yahoo. If it's true...omg, it's so sad! I'm really hoping it's just a tabloid lie. If it is a lie, that's kind of cruel and inappropriate to joke and lie about something as personal and morbid as that, but then again, I, like all of us other Michael Jackson fans, understand that those tabloids are bloodsuckers that don't care about anyone else except their wallets. Has anyone heard of any news regarding Patrick Swayze that hasn't come from the National Enquirer?