Patrick Swayze Update: has been admitted to hospital with pneumonia

Neala Radhe

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Miami, Florida
I just read that Patrick Swayze's cancer has spread to his liver, and he doesn't have long to live. I also read that he has started to say his "goodbyes." Is this true? I don't know whether or not to believe it because I thought his cancer treatment was coming along really well, and that the prognosis was good for him. I also don't know whether or not it's true because it came from the National Enquirer, but read online through yahoo. If it's true...omg, it's so sad! I'm really hoping it's just a tabloid lie. If it is a lie, that's kind of cruel and inappropriate to joke and lie about something as personal and morbid as that, but then again, I, like all of us other Michael Jackson fans, understand that those tabloids are bloodsuckers that don't care about anyone else except their wallets. Has anyone heard of any news regarding Patrick Swayze that hasn't come from the National Enquirer?
Re: Patrick Swayze

If this is true, that is such sad news. The last I heard was that he was given the all clear and he felt blessed that he was able to carry on living his life. Just did a Google search and it appears that this story is true. I feel so bad for him and his family, my thoughts are with them, great actor.
Re: Patrick Swayze

OMG :( Nooooo :( He is a great actor! I keep hoping that it's not true...he's so young! I'll have to keep him in my prayers. Maybe the cancer is operable? I think that some people have had portions of their liver removed for that reason before, and it regenerates, but that depends how much is affected I guess. I really hope for a miracle for him!
Re: Patrick Swayze

If you google Patrick Swayze you find multiple articles about this, but all the ones I checked out cited the National Enquirer for the story.

As for pancreatic cancer in general, one of the most lethal sites for cancer unfortunately. High mortality rate, and liver/pancreatic cancer can go hand in hand. Hope the NE story is untrue, but in this case the article may be prophetic in the long run.

Remember all the denials we heard about Paul Newman's cancer/near death condition just months before he actually did pass away.
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Re: Patrick Swayze

Yes, I remember those stories :( I hope this isn't prophetic in Patrick's case. I googled it as well, and everything seems to cite the National Enquirer. I saw another article that said he responded really well to treatment and was given the "all clear", and that he had a very limited amount of the cancer to begin with. I also read that there were apparently rumors at the time that he had bad side effects etc. to the treatment, etc., but the rumors were untrue. I even found Patrick's official fan site, and supposedly he keeps it updated with news, himself...or passing the news along. There's nothing on the page under the news section that says anything about the cancer spreading. I swear, the National Enquirer knows no limits :(
Re: Patrick Swayze

Yeah...he was incredible in Ghost and Dirty Dancing. He just finished working on a new TV show it looks like. Despite the cancer, he only missed one and a quarter or half days of work. He sounds strong, enduring, determined, and courageous! He sounds like he tries to keep a positive attitude and doesn't sit around feeling sorry for himself.
Re: Patrick Swayze

i loved the movie ghost that was one of his best i even bought the dvd sigh

another great movie star down

as if the death of heath ledger aint hit me hard enough

That's a little premature don't you think? He's not dead yet.

National Enquirer aren't all that, but pancreatic cancer is so I wish him all the best. (I'm sure we already have a Patrick Swayze thread somewhere too).
Re: Patrick Swayze

That's a little premature don't you think? He's not dead yet.

National Enquirer aren't all that, but pancreatic cancer is so I wish him all the best. (I'm sure we already have a Patrick Swayze thread somewhere too).

i never said he was dead i just said he was ill thats all another great movie star whos young still and is ill
Re: Patrick Swayze

I heard a long time ago that he had cancer but had beaten it and now i hear this?? thats so sad, im praying for him :(
Re: Patrick Swayze

aww i love Patrick Swayze..i pray he will be okay.

People magazine is usually the magazine source i go to to hear about him but i dont see any new articles saying the worst. the last was Oct.
Re: Patrick Swayze

It came from a tabloid's not true.

These are the same papers that claim Elvis is alive and well, working at a Burger King in Miami....or was it it was Boston....or was it Detroit?
Re: Patrick Swayze

Pancreatic cancer is one of the worst types of cancer you can get. The survival rate is very is a rare, deadly and particularly aggressive cancer that spreads rapidly....and by the time you feel symptoms, it's already too late..
Re: Patrick Swayze

my father had pancreatic cancer too it's true it's one of the worsts types of cancer because you discover it when it's too late but Patrick said a few months ago that his cancer was discovered in an earlier stage so I don't know why the media is saying that now. These tabloid papers they make me sick I mean the man has cancer are they going to exploit people who struggle for their life now?
Re: Patrick Swayze

GOOD NEWS EVERYONE!!!!!! I just saw this article on yahoo! news, and Patrick Swayze has released a statement regarding his current condition!!! I'll post the article and the link below!! I'm SOOOOOOOOOOO happy for him!!!

Swayze says he's winning fight against cancer

NEW YORK – Patrick Swayze is angry about tabloid reports that say he doesn't have long to live.

The actor, who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer earlier this year, issued a statement Tuesday affirming that so far he is winning his fight against the disease and responding well to treatment.

Says Swayze: "They're reporting that I'm on my last legs and saying goodbye to my tearful family! ... It's upsetting that the shoddy and reckless reporting from these publications cast a negative shadow on the positive and good fight I'm fighting."

Swayze, who stars in the upcoming A&E series "The Beast," says such coverage is tantamount to "emotional cruelty," and angers him "when hope is so precious."

Re: Patrick Swayze

:closedeyes:... Incredible that the tabloids stoop to such lows just to sell a story. This is the same as all the times Ms. Taylor has to put out statements to declassify the frequent tabloid reports that she's on her "death bed". Such a sick society.
Re: Patrick Swayze

I knew the rumors were hurting him...
I hope he's winning the fight it's not his time to go
Re: Patrick Swayze

I's REALLY sick how low the tabloids can be. It's not just about gossip, but really being morbid about a VERY potentially fatal medical condition. This wasn't the kind of story where the celebrity was caught cheating, on drugs, partying, DUI, etc....this was his life, and they were saying he was dying. The situation was already to serious and sad...why make fun of such a thing? It's nothing new to us though...all us Michael fans are very aware the levels the tabloids can go to, unfortunately. It's like there's not a human bone in any of the bodies of the paparazzi. They're just greedy sociopathic, idiotic imbeciles with no heart for anything or anyone that breathes, and don't know where to draw the line.
Re: Patrick Swayze

OMG!! I am so happy. Patrick Swayze has to be one of my favorite actors. I hope he fights this and his cancer - and that he wins both. May you live a long and healthy life Patrick....

Tabloids suck.
Re: Patrick Swayze

^^^Absolutely agree!!!! :) I'm so happy for Patrick! :) I like him! I wish him a long and healthy life!!!! :yes:
Re: Patrick Swayze

Patrick Swayze is one of my favorite actors. And I hope he beats this. I'm rooting for him 100%.
Re: Patrick Swayze

I think it's disgustung the way the media said that..they should be ashamed of them selves!
I mean how would patrick's family & friends would have felt reading that :(
It sad how low the media r willing to go just to get their story out.
Re: Patrick Swayze

This is a case in point as to why peeps should not be quoting tabloid stories as the main source. Swayze had given an interview recently saying that he was doing welll and going back to work.
Re: i thought it was tabloid, but Patrick Swayze does have cancer..

Isn't this news like half a year old? If not older.
Re: i thought it was tabloid, but Patrick Swayze does have cancer..

like i said, i heard it more than a year ago...from the national enquirer..a tabloid