part of me so wishes this was all some sick p.r stunt!!

Michael Jackson’s Doctor Key Player in Death Hoax Plot

Why is it that Michael Jackson’s personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, fled the scene moments after Michael Jackson is said to have collapsed?

Police were unaware of Dr Murray’s location for several hours before they were able to establish contact, prompting speculation he had fled. They have already interviewed him once and plan to do so again.

Perhaps it was a classic case of ’Misdirection’ – a popular technique used in performing magic tricks. ‘Misdirection takes advantage of the limits of the human mind in order to give the wrong picture and memory. The mind can concentrate on only one thing at a time.’ (sourced from Wikipedia).
if this was a P.R stunt, i think even Michael has taken this tooooo far.
michael wouldn't do that to his fans.

otherwise us fans would be in on the stunt as well. its all against the media.

i love you Michael! :cry:
I agree. And he would not hurt his children and family like this.
I've been thinking the same thing. I guess it's part of being in denial. I keep thinking what if??? Like maybe a few people in his family and his children knew it wasn't true, but everyone else thought it was. He would be witnessing everyone's reactions to his "death", but he wouldn't be gone. I know he wouldn't do that though because he knows how much all of us love him and would be devastated by his passing. *sigh* If only...
OK, as awesome as it would be if all of this really was fake, I KNOW Michael would not do this to us just for the benefit of his comeback. He's gone and that's it. Besides, if he did fake his death and then come back, he wouldn't be going on tour, he'd be going to jail.
Michael Jackson’s body was transported to the Los Angeles County Morge via Helicopter. This shows footage of his body ’sitting up’ in the helipcopter as it moves away.

Skeptics will say that his body was being ‘moved’ by someone out of shot, however, if he is dead and strapped down on a stretcher, then why would he need to be moved?

This footage just confirms what we here at MJHD already believed from the start. Take a look for yourself and see what you believe.

What?? Where??
that is weird........maybe it was something to do with his nervous system

Michael Jackson's doctor -- the one who didn't call 911 for 30 minutes after finding MJ unconscious -- won't be attending his funeral, this according to the doc's rep.

We're told Dr. Conrad Murray hasn't been watching the media coverage and has been "isolating himself" from the public. Also, Murray hasn't spoken with the Jackson family since he saw them at the hospital on the day Michael died.

Murray's rep said he's skipping the funeral to "mourn privately for the death of his friend."
^ lol i love it (video? hm)

ok let's try this

did you know that one person MJ admired tremendously was P.T. Barnum? You know how MJ is like BIG BIGGER BIGGEST ?? RIGHT?

And if ... if he has assets of over a billion like they keep saying then do you think he'd be able to 'rent' the city for a time a season and a purpose? lol get his family to do the best acting in the world (Jan's an actor anyway right? did a jam up job in the Tyler Perry movie) Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson in on it because they're all VERY old friends ... his other friends, Brando, Mark Lester, Lou Ferrigno ...all GOOD friends ... Liza, Liz ...they're all in on it ... doesn't that sound good? Hey, who saw the body? The hospital, coronor's office ...hay he "rented" them all ... the kids are just at Hayvenhurst like they normally would be ...the media...he don't care anything about duping them ...hay if this is what it would take to get them to act right, right?

ok , the only problem with this is ... MJ has enough insight to know that if he did something like this, I mean make the entire world mourn, this would be one hell of a tough act to follow ...and even he might have trouble coming up with something to explain it to a world he has sent through a whole lot of grief ...

...but it was starting to sound good

*sigh* sounds wonderful.
BTW the helicopter footage is blatantly obvious that because the camera was moving, and the helicopter was moving, the white of the bag became more and more out of the shot and appears like it's moving upwards but its not really.

Thats freakin creepy though.
Until Jermaine came out and made his speech I thought it was a stunut :(
I keep waiting for a breaking news and thats somehow someway michael is still alive.
I don't think michael would ever fake his death. That's not in him. However I wouldn't care if he did. I just want him back so bad.
I know that people are hurting all over the world and some people have killed themselves but if it was a stunt and he came back, i will forgive him and not hold any resentment for him because I LOVE HIM SO DAMN MUCH.

I would do ANYTHING if it meant we could have Michael back.
this is REAL and absolutely TRAGIC...I never thought his life would end in such a tragic way
when he died I kept on hoping until the following morning that it was an intentional mistake from a news agency and they were going to apologize later...his life has always revolved around sensationalism, I thought he was sick in hospital but still alive
funny you mention this a friend called me Friday and was running theory about how he could be pulling a Tu-Pac. I'm all like now is not the time to be pulling stunts, especially on the scale like this. I'm still in denial, it just hasn't sunken in yet even though it's been five or six days now. TBH I don't know what I would do if this was all fake. Firstly I'd be mighty relieved and all but someone would have to get a serious beat down for pulling such a thing.